Work Worship
Lessons from Luke 10

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Sermon Transcript
Work WorshipSun, May 07, 2023 SUMMARY KEYWORDSchurch, Jesus, ministry, people, god, lord, worship, talking, Martha, good, disciples, pastor, point, rejoice, bible, started, give, names, week, story
Good morning. Welcome. If you're new here among us, my name is Gene. And I serve here at C3 church as your pastor. This morning, I want to begin by sharing a short story with you a story about a church not quite like this one, you'd look at it and say, well, that's a traditional church, because there wasn't a lot of the bells and whistles and stuff, none of the screens or the lights or the production or any of that stuff. And it wasn't traditional for the sake of being traditional, keeping up with the traditions. This was an older pastor. And he really was all about the word of God. He was about the Bible. And he saw like pretty much everything else, aside from the people in the church as a distraction to the Bible. So he just really wanted to preach the Bible. This is what the Word says, We want people here who are for the Word of God, and that's it. No extras. That's the way you're in his church. Well, one day, a couple came into his church. And they really love this sermon. They're blown away, like, wow, this is so much Scripture. This is great. We're learning here. But you know what, there's a but and that's everything else the person wanted to say, after the word, but we went around town, we tried some other churches. And you know, it seems like the bigger ones have all the bells and whistles, right? So they have the band, and they have some have smoke machines. It's crazy. That's a real thing. And so, you know, all this different stuff. If you had that you'd have more people coming to your church, more people would hear the Word of God. The other thing too, if you want younger people, you got to have a Saturday night service. Why? Anyway, so you should do all these things? Well, he's like, I don't know. It's a lot of money. We could feed the poor with that money. Come on, you know, well, no, you got to do it. Now. his congregation is listening some of the people and they start talking about it. And so now they're persuading him to do all this stuff. And he reminds me he's like, Well, look, there's not a lot of great musicians among us. So we're going to have to hire man, we're going to have to do all this is expensive. You sure? Yes. Yes. Yes. Finally, he's like, okay. We'll give it a try. We're going to try this out. starts the Saturday night service, hires the band, does not get the smoke machine. So you guys can burn some incense. If you want that that's fine. Does it doesn't do everything but does it and sure enough, it begins to grow. A lot of people are there. But the pastor notices some things about the people coming to the Saturday service versus the Sunday service. The Saturday people are generally really not as involved. It seems like they just kind of show up for the service, and then leave. That's it. They don't show up to the Bible studies. They're not interested in really being the body of Christ, for the most part. This concerns them a little bit, but he keeps going on, they don't want to serve, they're not really interested in serving very much. And he starts to get a little worried. Am I enabling a group of consumers? Is that what is happening in my church? So one week, he goes, alright, here's what we're going to do. We're just going to preach the Word of God today. None of this stuff, just turn all the lights on. None of the reduction. That's it. We're just going to preach the Word of God. So he does. No excuses. Really? The next week? He notices that half the crowd is there. What does he do? Does it again, just preaches the word of God, nothing else tone down service. Next week. Half the people there just keeps cutting in half. And finally he's like, Okay, this is clear why these people are here. So I'm shutting it down. That's it. No more Saturday service. You want to come? Come on Sunday. Okay, Sunday comes as expected. Nobody comes from the Saturday service except one. Now. We're going to call her Sally. Because I just figured, like, there's probably nobody named Sally here that I'm going to offend. Right. But if your name is Sally, and Sally, maybe this is for you. I don't know. For the story, let's call her Sally. Right. So she shows up from the Saturday night service. And she was on the worship team. She sang and played guitar. So the pastor talks to her afterwards, when she says, I want to serve. And he's like, Well, you know, we're not doing the big worship band anymore. We're not doing that. No, no, no, no, it doesn't have to be the band. Oh, where do you want to serve? In the kids ministry. Now. He's like, a truly repentant person. Because you know, if you're, if you served in a kid's ministry, that's hard. Like, I don't even do that or I don't know. Torture. I'll clean the bathrooms all week. So anyway, so he's figured this is great. He's repented. He's kind of awesome, right? So at least we got one All right. So the signs are the next Sunday but his granddaughters in the kids ministry. And so he has a spy in there. So how How's God's ministry doing starts out we start out slow as fast as one question at a time. Right? So how is it I love it. It's great. She says he's like, wonderful. This is really cool. She likes going to kids church. Next week, how his kids church. Great. Little more information now. What do you do? Well, we had activities, your hairy crabs, and we had snacks. We eat animal crackers. Do people do that anymore? I don't know. animal crackers and juice when I was a kid. So you know, loves it. Okay. Next week. What do you do? Same thing loves it has crafts activities. Next week, crafts activity. Well, wait a minute. Did you do any teaching? Like What lesson did you learn from the Bible? That's what you're kind of supposed to be doing. There wasn't a lesson. What do you mean, there was no lesson? Well, he figures let's ask you forgotten. The next week, same thing. No lesson. And he's like, Well, okay. The Sally do the craps with you or activities with what's going on here? Yeah. Well, no. What is Sally doing? Sally plays guitar and sings for us the whole time.
You got that? All right. It took a second for you guys. You talk. Listen, there's coffee right there. He's, you know, it's very, very strong. From what I hear clearly, I don't need any, so I don't have the coffee. Otherwise, you guys would be like watching a tennis match here. So we're not going to do that, too. Alright. So I want to thank Heather, I want to thank Wayne, Kentucky Wayne, also Tony, for facilitating that testimony, good testimonies. Last week, we kind of took a pause in our series, just to talk about how this church is changing lives, what we're really doing in people's lives and what people are doing here at the church. So if you didn't see that very application heavy but good to do once in a while. You can watch it online, watch the previous sermon, but great testimonies. Thank you. We are continuing in our series, the rest of the story, where we're looking at the entire Bible, it's taking a long time, big, big book. So the Bible is not in chronological order. And so I've been making these charts for you to kind of put it together, we're doing it in chronological order four gospels, and they kind of jump around a little bit in some places this week, no chart. And we're just in Luke chapter 10. So if you're following along, that's all you got to do. Open your Bible, Luke chapter 10. It's pretty much unique to Luke here, what we're going to look at, but there's going to be some repeat material, as we'll see. So when we left off, Jesus was answering the question, who is Jesus? Who is this guy? You know, they speculate about all kinds of things. Jesus is very clear. Now there are some out there who will say Jesus never said he was God. They will say that because they don't know how to read the Bible. They don't understand it, and what it says, But we saw being educated about it that he did. He used the personal name for God, I am and they want to kill him for ultimately, this is what gets him killed. The high priests asked him Are You the Son of the Blessed One I am. So they recognize that as him saying, I am God. We leave off there. They do not stone him to death at this point here. Before Abraham was, I am is what he says. Then we hop into Luke if we're doing it chronologically, ish to the best of my ability. Luke 10 One, the Lord now chose 72 other disciples and sent them ahead in pairs to all the towns and places he planned to visit. These were his instructions through them, the harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest, ask him to send more workers into his fields. Now go and remember that I am sending you out as lambs among wolves. Don't take any money with you, nor traveler's bag, nor an extra pair of sandals. And don't stop to greet anyone on the road now. Might sound familiar. You're like, Wait a minute. Think I've heard this before. It sounds like Matthew 10. Similar instructions. So before what's different, he sent the 12 apostles out. Now there are 70 or 72 we can nerd out on the whole Septuagint thing. There's probably a little bit of connection here at Bible study. We're not going to get into that. What did he say? I don't know. So, anyway, we'll get into that deep Bible study. But there's some deep meaning in here probably. But as we keep moving along, it's very similar. He's going to give them similar instructions as to last time so I'm just going to kind of go over that fairly quickly. So when you enter a home may God's peace beyond this home, right so if they receive you, Hey, let that blessing stand. If not, take it back. Don't hesitate to take, you know, provisions from them, because a worker deserves his pay. So basically, hey, look, if they receive you, good, let them take care of you. Right? The LORD Will Provide through this process and provide the people to help you out. If not, basically shake the dust off your feet, as a testimony against them. That's it just leave. They had their chance, then judgments, it'll be worse for them than it was for Sodom and Gomorrah. So he goes through these different towns that said, all these different places, Woe to you kind of thing, right? So if you don't accept this, that's it. Anyone who accepts your message accepts me, anyone who is rejecting you is rejecting me and God who sent me. That's the main thing on our theme today. This is important. Luke 1017. When the 72 disciples returned, they joyfully reported to Him, Lord, even the demons obey us when we use your name. Yes, he told them, I saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning. Look, I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy, and you can walk among snakes and scorpions and crush them, nothing will injure you. But don't rejoice because evil spirits obey You rejoice because your names are registered in heaven. Very important. So we hear another prayer Jesus gives not it makes me chuckle. But it's not really funny. But oh Father, Lord of heaven and earth, thank you for hiding these things, from those who think themselves wise and clever, and revealing them to the child like Yes, Father, you chose to do it that way. So those who think they're real smart are actually blind to all of this. But blessing are the eyes that see what you have seen. Now, again, this is similar to some other teachings, the most important commandment, but it's asked by a religious leader. So one day, an expert in religious law stood up, Teacher, what should I do to inherit eternal life? Well, what is the law of Moses say? How do you read it? You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself. Right? Jesus said, Do this, and you will live. But he wants to justify his actions. It's kind of like the Peter thing. Who's my neighbor? Love your neighbor as yourself. Who is that? Right? How many times should I forgive like Peter, like a seven? You know, like, Peter. Okay, so Jesus tells a very famous story. Luke 1030, Jesus replied with a story a Jewish man was traveling from Jerusalem down to Jericho, and he was attacked by bandits. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him up and left him half dead beside the road. By chance, a priest came along. But when he saw the man lying there, he crossed over to the other side of the road and passed him by the temple assistant, walked over and looked at him lying there. But he also passed by on the other side. But then a despised Samaritan came along, and when he does, he helps him out. And you say, oil and wine, that kind of thing. bandaged his wounds, takes him to an inn, puts him up there says, hey, if he's got to stay longer, essentially, I'll cover it. All right. Which of these three Jesus says do you suppose was the good neighbor, right? What would you say is the one, the one who showed him mercy? Says the expert in religious law. Here's a point of interest. Jesus says, Yes, you go and do the same. The one who showed him mercy. Notice he didn't say the Samaritan. Why? So in the rest of the story, we've looked at this before the Samaritans and the Jews, they do not like each other. There's like these ethno religious divides. They're going all the way back to King Maria if you were with us in that portion of the story, but Jesus uses this despised person to be the good neighbor in the face of this religious expert. And interesting. We continue Luke 1038, as Jesus and the disciples continued on their way to Jerusalem. They came to a certain village where a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home. Her sister, Mary sat at the Lord's feet listening to what He taught. But Martha was distracted by the big dinner, she was preparing all the serving. She came to Jesus and said, Lord, doesn't it seem unfair to you? That my sister just sits here while I do all the work? Tell her to come help me. But the Lord said to her, my dear Martha, Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset. over all these details, there is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her. So we have a theme here rejoicing in the word rejoicing in Jesus, not the work. So whether it be the 70 or 72 disciples coming back, look at all the stuff we did. rejoice that your names are in heaven. Martha, look at your sister, Mary. She gets it. Right. So we're going to take a look at a couple of verses three verses here that we've looked at before. But I want to look at both sides of the coin today. Ephesians, two, eight, God saved you by His grace when you believed, and you can't take credit for this, it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done. So none of us can boast about it. For we are God's masterpiece, and he has created us a new in Christ Jesus so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. So normally, what you have in Christianity
is like, what some call it greasy Grace Christians, right? So I'm saying like, I don't have to do anything at all. I'm saved by the grace of God through my faith. And so I could do whatever I want. So normally I go, but verse 10, normally only like a look carefully. For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us a new yes, we're born again in Christ Jesus. Why? So we can do the good things he planned for us long go. Heat that verse. It's a normally that's where I'm going. I'm like, okay, but there's a point to this. You're right. Yes. Yes, correct. Christian doc, we are saved by grace through our faith. It's not based on anything we did in everything that Jesus did. Yes, yes, yes. But look, we're supposed to go out there and be disciple making. That's also a command. Really, really important. So we had to remember that. But today, it's both sides of the coin, I want to look at the other side of the coin. Now, the grace side of the coin. So let's take a look at that. But a slightly different angle here. Because where the works come from, is really, really important. So something to remember here, where these works come from, is really, really important. The heart motive is everything. So again, today's text, Jesus sends out the disciples, we have Martha and Mary, they're rejoicing in the work, she's taking pride in her works in her part of it. Now, in between there, you get the good Samaritan. And that's a work, right? But who does he choose to do it? The despise Samaritan, someone who's going to the Jews aren't going to like, but the end caps, to this story to the accounts today are what? Rejoicing in the Lord the relationship behind the works. So you have a theme here. rejoice that your names are registered in heaven. Mary has all she needs right here. It's about that relationship. That's very, very important. We're not going to lose the works part. But we're just going to go heavy on the relationship side today. But as much as we know this, this comes up a lot. There's a tons of different accounts about this. It seems that there in the church today are an awful lot of Martha's out there are an awful lot of bragging disciples out there, drawing attention to themselves. Look what we do. And in my time in the church, I've seen I've said this before. It seems to me that the Devil loves busy work, loves busy work, because it really ignites our pride. And I just think the devil likes that he likes when running around, we're just doing a bunch of busy work for the sake of being busy, or for the sake of bragging about it or being seen doing it. He likes that, in my opinion. It leads to pride. And oftentimes, we worship the ministry. Lot of people worship the ministry, they worship the worship, to the point where it becomes an idol. And so today, this is a very touchy, touchy subject. We're going to do it from a personal application, as well as a church. We'll start with the church. So what I'm going to do is throw myself under the bus. I'll tell you how I did this. So I'll make it about me and then if anyone here can relate to Fine. So I started in church, I started in the worship ministry. That's what I served it. So I had played I was in the martial arts business. But I had been a professional musician. I grew up in musician my whole life. And so I played guitar and they found out Oh, you can sing harmonies, and they throw me right up on the worship stage before I was ready. So if you know anything about music, that's good. Like so good. You play well, you don't make a lot of mistakes. And you can sing harmonies you're in, right. So every week I was I was up. Alright, so that was me. But it was way I was very young in the Lord. Right, and to be there. And so. So what happened was, I started to get really into it. But I hadn't really developed a relationship with the Lord. So there's a lot of dynamics on words, if you don't know anything about a worship team, we don't have the big band here. And it's a whole other thing. I'm not even going to get into that today. But if you have the full thing and the production out, there is a lot that goes into that a lot of moving parts, it's a lot. If you're a guitar player, it's a lot a lot. And because nowadays, like you know, you got to sound like you have the sounds that the guitars make and everything. So first of all, you got to have the best guitar. So that cost like $3,000, the best amp, that's another $3,000, then your sound. That's what guitar players are addicted to their sound, right. And so if you ever look on the floor, and they have all these pedals, they're all really expensive, too. And if you touch any of the knobs, they will kill you. Because it's like it takes forever to get them dialed in. Right, right. And that's your sound. That's your thing. Some people have been on a worship team because they're nodding. And that's it. That's your sacred pedal board. So if anyone touched it, I would kill them. So I go hide the pedal board during the weekend, we can't offer the service and we'd lock the room. So no one can touch my gear is all about my gear, my stuff. And because I have a sound, that's what people are coming here to the church to hear my guitar sound, it's all about me. Right? And so I practice now. So if you're a musician, you totally understand what I'm saying. I practice six hours a day, because that's what you do. That's like the bare minimum. As a professional musician. You're always practicing. If you're an athlete, that's what you do. You're practicing all the time. So I apply this now to the church. And I got to practice six hours a day. Probably nothing wrong with that if I was also in the words six hours a day. Yeah. So this is what happens. And I have a guy on the stage who knows an awful lot about playing the guitar, and keeping his gear safe and doing his sound and being awesome at what he does. Who knows nothing about the Word of God. What doesn't make any sense, does it? No, no, it doesn't. And what I was doing, I will tell you, honestly, as a confession, I was worshipping the worship. It was not about Jesus. I was worshiping the worship. I got brought up. I became a VA worship leader. At the time, that's how I started in the ministry. And yep, I built my relationship and it got better. And it got to the point where I could just shut things down once in a while. You know what, guys, we're just going to do this acapella today, or, here's this girl, she came in, she wants to sing, come on up and sing, give my pastor a heart attack. But I started to develop a little bit. But there was a season where I was really worshiping the worship. That's all I was thinking about. It was about me, and how good I sounded. When the worship is about us, it is no longer worship. It's like going to someone else's birthday party with a present for yourself. Doesn't make sense. But it happens in other ministries, as well. So much so that in some of them, it becomes so much about them that they go and name the whole ministry after themselves. Now, this isn't something that you think about very much. Don't think about this, but you really need to think about it. Think about all these people fall away. It's so funny makes me laugh. It's not funny, but it makes me like did you hear this big controversy about this guy? Because they found out he's sleeping all these women do so? I'm like, I knew that because he named the whole ministry after himself. Everything was about him. Or her. You definitely got a Martha on your hands. It assumed and it's a crazy thing. Just think about it. Think it assumes that no one else will surpass them in that ministry. This is my prayer. I'll be honest, this is a true prayer that I buy pray this prayer several times a week. Lord, please send me my Timothy. Lord, please send me my Timothy. Please. I tried to hire one that doesn't work your way on the Lord. Send me my meaning. If you don't know I'm talking about Timothy Paul's disciple. First and second. He was one of the people that Paul was pouring himself into the Apollo 13 books of the Bible pouring himself into to bring him up because Paul knows he's going to die actually says he kind of wants to die and be with the Lord. That's the right attitude if you believe this, so he knows he's got to leave his stuff with somebody else, build them up. Now, my prayer is that my Timothy is smarter than me is better than me, will surpass me so that each generation is getting better and better and better. Not that it's a contest, but you get what I'm saying. Right? Like Elijah to Elijah, give me a double portion of your spirit. Well, that's going to be hard, but he does double the miracles. That's what I want. I will not live forever. I named the ministry after myself. It's kind of stupid, prideful to when you really think about it. But it goes against the grain of so much that's out there. It is a worldly attempt at immortality. That's all it is. Now, here's a disclaimer. Some might say what about honoring the person? Well, first of all, doesn't count when they honor themself.
We're not talking about that. Right? So in the Bible, it's all over the place. I don't want here. But why that point about check your heart. Stop with the but what about it? We're not talking about acknowledging someone. I've written books, right? Yes, I write that I wrote the book that's not talking about that. Not at all. Not talking about acknowledging or other plenty of ways to honor someone not talking about that. What I'm talking about, is when someone makes the whole ministry all about them all about them. But think, right? Well, because they started this ministry, so they need to get some credit, right? Jesus Christ started all ministries. He's the only one who should be getting credit. And if you read your Bible, that's what it says, All Glory to him. It's important, honor Jesus, no one will super seed him. The greatest honor for any Christian with a servant heart, a heart for Jesus is that your name is registered in heaven. That's it, not here. You're not worried about your name being registered here. registered in heaven, that should be more than enough. overjoyed at that. This is what Jesus says to His disciples. Now, a lot of people will say this, and I want to just take a moment to kind of explain this because a lot of people just simply don't understand. But when you read your Bible a lot, you'll get it. You'll say, Yeah, but you know, okay, we're talking about church. But that's a ministry. Right? That's an outside ministry. You do whatever we want, right? Well, here's the problem. biblically speaking, there are no ministries outside the church. seven sons of Skiba tried that. No. Ministry is outside the church. And there's a very good reason for this. When you read First Timothy, read Titus, you have elder Titus is there in Crete to appoint elders? What? appoint elders? So it's like this passing of the torch like, like, I could trace my lineage back through pastors all the way to Jesus. Right? So we lay hands on what, there's a proper process. There's a qualification, there's an ordination, there's training, there's a lot that goes behind it. To get the office of elders really what it's called pastor, we just misuse all the words Office of Elder, that's what it is. It takes a lot, and it should, and then that person, anointed appoints people, right into their positions. And it's done with accountability and structure of the church. What is the church? Christ is the head of the church, the Body of Christ is the church. So it's about Jesus, right? And that's how we keep everything about Jesus. And not you know, if you want to start a business, great, that's fine. But all ministries come through the church through that process through that leadership structure, and there's a lot to it, you read x 13. You see how Paul is sent out, like, they fast, they lay hands on him, they pray, it's like a clipboard, and they're like, I'll sign up for whatever ministry I want to do. Never the way it's done. They boil it down to the most qualified people and ultimately, the Holy Spirit is deciding where they don't go and where they do go. It's all guided by God. All of it. That is ministry. That's what that is. But despite the biblical mandate, despite the process, people will want to go out on their own and I will tell you how this happens. Here's a real thing. I see this ally, right? So you get certain people come in the church. And they're just almost no one once asked me like, how do you choose your leadership? Right? How do you how do you choose the leadership? I actually the ones that are humble, the ones that don't give me the resume, the minute they walk in the door, the ones that like, where do you need me? Because they know about church? Where do you need? Where are your holes, and they take out the garbage, no one knows what they did. No one knows who they are, or whatever how much money they have none of it. One of our board members, I knew nothing about what he did. for like three years he was coming to church. Turns out like, his resume makes mine look like a joke. A joke, a joke. Told you, I'm like, Really, he's cleaning the bathrooms. You're on the board. That's how that's how. But here's what happens on the other end of things. People come into the church. And they're like, you know, Hi, I have a great sermon, and then immediately, like, it's okay to tell me about yourself. And that's not what I'm talking about. They immediately give me the resume, get the whole thing. And this is what your church really needs. This is what you need to do. And I'm just thinking automatically, like, Do you ever go on a job interview and then tell the company what they need to change? Yeah, like, you know, you know, how they hear that a CEO hears that or whatever hears that, like you're doing it wrong. I'm going to come in here and take your job, right? So I'm just staying there sometimes like, like, am I oblivious? Like, do I not know the community? Do I not know my members? Do I not talk to the people? Like, I just sit around all day? And I don't know. I mean, like, it's insulting, but I'm, that's not. I'm not worried about that, that you got to be good at that to be a pastor, you let all that stuff go. But here's the thing, this is what we can do. This is what we want to do. Right now, in your church. We're assuming you need it. What? I'll pray about that, you know, and so I'll go and talk to my leadership. And I'll say, Hey, this is what somebody said, You pray to, and let's come up with a consensus. We all get back together. We're like, Yeah, not so much. Right? So that's what happened. And we tell the person that they don't get what they want here. And they go to another church. And they try it again. And they'll keep doing it. Until they go, You know what, let's just start our own ministry because all the churches are wrong.
What? Not saying that some churches do bad things, clearly they do. Read the news. But really, really interesting. That's how it happens. Now, here's a look at these other ministries, if they have those things put in place, you know, they're connected, perhaps to a church. Fine. I'm not talking about all
ministries out there. But you get what I'm saying. And talking about people who pridefully evade that accountability, right, that structure that ordination, the work, the good work that it takes that you have to put in the parachurch has what it's often called, and it's built on Pride. Pride. Now, here's the thing. You may be saying, I don't care. Because I'm just going to go and it's Naples. There's like a million nice places to eat. So whatever. We have great Indian food today, upstairs, by the way, it's going to be starting to smell it. So I'm getting distracted. You like Indian food? Do you want a cultural experience after the service, stay around, we feed you. But here's the thing. Whatever the church, we do this also in our personal lives. So here's some personal application for you if you don't care about the church business. Again, I'm going to show you from my own experience how I did this, too. I learned this from my dad, how to do this. My dad, and here here's the thing, if anybody here is doing this, it's fine. I did it. guilty of it a little here and there. But most of it's worked out. This is why you do this or perhaps why he does why I did this poverty. My dad grew up in the Bronx with like, like a one bedroom apartment with five other four other kids like so five kids in the house poor. And what you do sometimes when you grew up like that is you run from poverty, to overcompensate. It's not fun being that poor. Now, my dad got to the point where he didn't stop. It's called a workaholic. He worked five jobs and they weren't $2 An hour jobs. Now let me dad would tell you is that he was providing. That's the thing. That's the buzzword I am providing for my family. So, I'm doing providing Yup, good provider, really good. But he also provided himself with a boat and a bunch of fancy cars. That I didn't care about providing. That's what that is, then I did it. And so no, I was raised middle class household but didn't get along with my dad out on my own homeless, but built myself up, but my business up ran from that. I provide it for my family. My wife did a lot we provided, but we both ran from poverty. And we provided ourselves with a whole lot of nice stuff that had nothing to do with our daughter. Except for the really cool vacation she got to go on. That was a lot of fun. But I did it too. And so, once we're provided for the rest of it is about pride or providing then after that we are priding doing a lot of that. And so that's how we do it. That's how I did it. Now, disclaimer real quick, because it's Naples, and I'm going to hear about it. Listen, again, oh, you fell asleep a little bit. Listen, it's okay. To have nice things. Yeah, gave us a brief, it's okay. But not at the expense of the relationships that should be most important to us. That includes Jesus, and includes our families. I know a lot of guys that make a lot of money, I made a lot of money. One thing we did, right, we took a lot of ek we did a lot of family time, we took a day off, we buy C guys not doing that. And the person and they have Lambos they have the one house guy invited me to a state it wasn't a house never has a hotel. I couldn't find him half the time. And that's how he was, you know, crazy, like all kinds of nice cars. So whatever. But the relationship with this individual is family is non existent. I know what he's up to on the back end, it's not good. That's when it's too much. So balance, guys. Okay, balance, when we can balance it out. When I say earlier, both sides of the coin, you're only doing one side of the coin, you don't have a whole coin. That's problem. So got to find that balance. It's a little bit different for everyone. And here's the thing we have to watch out for we can make ourselves God in the process, here's a couple of things. Two more, you're not going to like, and then I'll be done. Alright, so in this is something and now I'm going to smack you in the face with this right? So a lot of people because this is counterintuitive to what we learn our culture. The other thing we say, I need to provide. Hold on. Okay, Mattamy yet, they need me. My family needs me. Now when I first understood how wrong this was, it was painful. It was painful. They need me. All right, like the ministry, it assumes that you're the best person for the job out there ever in the whole world. And you're the only one. Really, I'm going to tell you something. Jesus taught me this. Because I could never have taught myself this. I am not the best husband in the world. Did you hear me? Jesus taught me this. I am not the best husband in the world and not the best father? Nope. If you're looking for that, you're not going to find it. And this guy. They need me early. So here's the thing. When you get that, like world's best dad mug, don't, because he might believe it. Right? Don't do that it's alive. Like you know who the world's best father is? God. And we all have them. He's your kid's dad to stop trying to be better than him or replace him or getting in the way of him. You need the Lord. And don't you believe that the Lord will provide as he has for you. Do you think you got that job on your own? Do you think you have that stuff? Because you did it? Sure you put in some of the work but you're a tool that God is using. That's it. That's all we are. And our children. Our wives have the same fun speaking of the guys now because I speak to the women I'm going to get a lot of trouble. Just the guys. I try to keep it like a little funny because it's tough, right? I am just trying by the leading of the Holy Spirit to be a better husband and the misery Well, I
want I was last week. That said, and that process is only done by surrendering. Getting Rid that pride helped me to be a better servant to this woman. And to now she's a woman that's crazy.
Those are no, it's like, what? That's it. That's my job. Introduce them to a better father than I'll ever be.
The funny thing about this, just try and decide what for Bible study. The funny thing about these relationships, and the work that we put into them, whether it's Jesus, whether it's our spouses, just to be real with you guys, give him a lot of notes. Is that in a horrible, tragic irony? The stuff that we're saying we're supposed to be doing for them is actually distracting us from them. Why are we doing it? I wanted to provide for my family. Okay. But you see, I didn't want my dad's boat. I wanted his presence. Right? That's important. So that's the tragic, Martha, you're distracted from me what's important. That's the tragic irony here. They distract us from Jesus's presence. As far as the work, guys. The good work that's not based on our pride, the good work will come out of us as a natural outpouring from that presence. That's it. You'll do it and you won't even though you did it. And that's the point. It's not about you. That's good work. Just be in his presence, the rest. It'll happen. There'll be opportunities. But that irony is there and it has been so I want to share a couple Scriptures with you and will, will close. In Revelation, Jesus is talking to episodes, seven letters to churches before we have the prophecies, right. So it's more like that time, then Jesus is writing letters to the churches what they're doing right and wrong, mostly wrong. Revelation two, two, I know all the things you do, and he could be speaking to Naples Church of Naples, see three, I know all the things you do. I've seen your hard work, and your patient endurance. I know you don't tolerate evil people, you have examined the claims of those who say they're apostles, but they're not. You have discovered they're liars. You have patiently suffered for me without quitting. But I have this complaint against you. You don't love me or each other, as you did it first. Literally, you lost your first love working. But they lost their first love. This is the irony. The busy work can draw us away from Jesus, the busy work can draw us away from our families. That's a problem. And when we do that, we miss the whole point. If we continue churches, Sardis, Revelation three, and all the things you do, that you have a reputation for being alive, but you're dead. Wake up, strengthen what little remains for even what is left is almost dead. I find that your actions do not meet the requirements. Oh my god. Go back to what you heard and believed at first. Hold to it firmly repent, turn to me again. If you don't wake up, I will come to you suddenly and as unexpected as a thief. Yet there are some of the church in Sardis, perhaps Naples, who have not sold their clothes with evil, they will walk with me in white, for they're worthy. All who are victorious will be clothed and white. I will never erase their names from the book of life. But I will announce before my Father and His angels that they are mine. Light like the disciples, rejoice that your names are registered in heaven. That here through our relationship with Jesus, we're in the book of life. That's the only credit we should need. Our works should be the fruit produced from his presence. In this time as temporary residents here, aliens sojourners some versions say our joy should come from the fact that our names are registered in the book of life. Amen. Pray for your Lord. Thank you for everyone who took the time to come to church today made that a priority. Lord bless them. Fill us with your Holy Spirit. Most of all, so that we can go out as vehicles of Your grace, your mercy, your love, your peace, all for your glory. Lord, I ask these things in Jesus's name. Amen.
Good morning. Welcome. If you're new here among us, my name is Gene. And I serve here at C3 church as your pastor. This morning, I want to begin by sharing a short story with you a story about a church not quite like this one, you'd look at it and say, well, that's a traditional church, because there wasn't a lot of the bells and whistles and stuff, none of the screens or the lights or the production or any of that stuff. And it wasn't traditional for the sake of being traditional, keeping up with the traditions. This was an older pastor. And he really was all about the word of God. He was about the Bible. And he saw like pretty much everything else, aside from the people in the church as a distraction to the Bible. So he just really wanted to preach the Bible. This is what the Word says, We want people here who are for the Word of God, and that's it. No extras. That's the way you're in his church. Well, one day, a couple came into his church. And they really love this sermon. They're blown away, like, wow, this is so much Scripture. This is great. We're learning here. But you know what, there's a but and that's everything else the person wanted to say, after the word, but we went around town, we tried some other churches. And you know, it seems like the bigger ones have all the bells and whistles, right? So they have the band, and they have some have smoke machines. It's crazy. That's a real thing. And so, you know, all this different stuff. If you had that you'd have more people coming to your church, more people would hear the Word of God. The other thing too, if you want younger people, you got to have a Saturday night service. Why? Anyway, so you should do all these things? Well, he's like, I don't know. It's a lot of money. We could feed the poor with that money. Come on, you know, well, no, you got to do it. Now. his congregation is listening some of the people and they start talking about it. And so now they're persuading him to do all this stuff. And he reminds me he's like, Well, look, there's not a lot of great musicians among us. So we're going to have to hire man, we're going to have to do all this is expensive. You sure? Yes. Yes. Yes. Finally, he's like, okay. We'll give it a try. We're going to try this out. starts the Saturday night service, hires the band, does not get the smoke machine. So you guys can burn some incense. If you want that that's fine. Does it doesn't do everything but does it and sure enough, it begins to grow. A lot of people are there. But the pastor notices some things about the people coming to the Saturday service versus the Sunday service. The Saturday people are generally really not as involved. It seems like they just kind of show up for the service, and then leave. That's it. They don't show up to the Bible studies. They're not interested in really being the body of Christ, for the most part. This concerns them a little bit, but he keeps going on, they don't want to serve, they're not really interested in serving very much. And he starts to get a little worried. Am I enabling a group of consumers? Is that what is happening in my church? So one week, he goes, alright, here's what we're going to do. We're just going to preach the Word of God today. None of this stuff, just turn all the lights on. None of the reduction. That's it. We're just going to preach the Word of God. So he does. No excuses. Really? The next week? He notices that half the crowd is there. What does he do? Does it again, just preaches the word of God, nothing else tone down service. Next week. Half the people there just keeps cutting in half. And finally he's like, Okay, this is clear why these people are here. So I'm shutting it down. That's it. No more Saturday service. You want to come? Come on Sunday. Okay, Sunday comes as expected. Nobody comes from the Saturday service except one. Now. We're going to call her Sally. Because I just figured, like, there's probably nobody named Sally here that I'm going to offend. Right. But if your name is Sally, and Sally, maybe this is for you. I don't know. For the story, let's call her Sally. Right. So she shows up from the Saturday night service. And she was on the worship team. She sang and played guitar. So the pastor talks to her afterwards, when she says, I want to serve. And he's like, Well, you know, we're not doing the big worship band anymore. We're not doing that. No, no, no, no, it doesn't have to be the band. Oh, where do you want to serve? In the kids ministry. Now. He's like, a truly repentant person. Because you know, if you're, if you served in a kid's ministry, that's hard. Like, I don't even do that or I don't know. Torture. I'll clean the bathrooms all week. So anyway, so he's figured this is great. He's repented. He's kind of awesome, right? So at least we got one All right. So the signs are the next Sunday but his granddaughters in the kids ministry. And so he has a spy in there. So how How's God's ministry doing starts out we start out slow as fast as one question at a time. Right? So how is it I love it. It's great. She says he's like, wonderful. This is really cool. She likes going to kids church. Next week, how his kids church. Great. Little more information now. What do you do? Well, we had activities, your hairy crabs, and we had snacks. We eat animal crackers. Do people do that anymore? I don't know. animal crackers and juice when I was a kid. So you know, loves it. Okay. Next week. What do you do? Same thing loves it has crafts activities. Next week, crafts activity. Well, wait a minute. Did you do any teaching? Like What lesson did you learn from the Bible? That's what you're kind of supposed to be doing. There wasn't a lesson. What do you mean, there was no lesson? Well, he figures let's ask you forgotten. The next week, same thing. No lesson. And he's like, Well, okay. The Sally do the craps with you or activities with what's going on here? Yeah. Well, no. What is Sally doing? Sally plays guitar and sings for us the whole time.
You got that? All right. It took a second for you guys. You talk. Listen, there's coffee right there. He's, you know, it's very, very strong. From what I hear clearly, I don't need any, so I don't have the coffee. Otherwise, you guys would be like watching a tennis match here. So we're not going to do that, too. Alright. So I want to thank Heather, I want to thank Wayne, Kentucky Wayne, also Tony, for facilitating that testimony, good testimonies. Last week, we kind of took a pause in our series, just to talk about how this church is changing lives, what we're really doing in people's lives and what people are doing here at the church. So if you didn't see that very application heavy but good to do once in a while. You can watch it online, watch the previous sermon, but great testimonies. Thank you. We are continuing in our series, the rest of the story, where we're looking at the entire Bible, it's taking a long time, big, big book. So the Bible is not in chronological order. And so I've been making these charts for you to kind of put it together, we're doing it in chronological order four gospels, and they kind of jump around a little bit in some places this week, no chart. And we're just in Luke chapter 10. So if you're following along, that's all you got to do. Open your Bible, Luke chapter 10. It's pretty much unique to Luke here, what we're going to look at, but there's going to be some repeat material, as we'll see. So when we left off, Jesus was answering the question, who is Jesus? Who is this guy? You know, they speculate about all kinds of things. Jesus is very clear. Now there are some out there who will say Jesus never said he was God. They will say that because they don't know how to read the Bible. They don't understand it, and what it says, But we saw being educated about it that he did. He used the personal name for God, I am and they want to kill him for ultimately, this is what gets him killed. The high priests asked him Are You the Son of the Blessed One I am. So they recognize that as him saying, I am God. We leave off there. They do not stone him to death at this point here. Before Abraham was, I am is what he says. Then we hop into Luke if we're doing it chronologically, ish to the best of my ability. Luke 10 One, the Lord now chose 72 other disciples and sent them ahead in pairs to all the towns and places he planned to visit. These were his instructions through them, the harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest, ask him to send more workers into his fields. Now go and remember that I am sending you out as lambs among wolves. Don't take any money with you, nor traveler's bag, nor an extra pair of sandals. And don't stop to greet anyone on the road now. Might sound familiar. You're like, Wait a minute. Think I've heard this before. It sounds like Matthew 10. Similar instructions. So before what's different, he sent the 12 apostles out. Now there are 70 or 72 we can nerd out on the whole Septuagint thing. There's probably a little bit of connection here at Bible study. We're not going to get into that. What did he say? I don't know. So, anyway, we'll get into that deep Bible study. But there's some deep meaning in here probably. But as we keep moving along, it's very similar. He's going to give them similar instructions as to last time so I'm just going to kind of go over that fairly quickly. So when you enter a home may God's peace beyond this home, right so if they receive you, Hey, let that blessing stand. If not, take it back. Don't hesitate to take, you know, provisions from them, because a worker deserves his pay. So basically, hey, look, if they receive you, good, let them take care of you. Right? The LORD Will Provide through this process and provide the people to help you out. If not, basically shake the dust off your feet, as a testimony against them. That's it just leave. They had their chance, then judgments, it'll be worse for them than it was for Sodom and Gomorrah. So he goes through these different towns that said, all these different places, Woe to you kind of thing, right? So if you don't accept this, that's it. Anyone who accepts your message accepts me, anyone who is rejecting you is rejecting me and God who sent me. That's the main thing on our theme today. This is important. Luke 1017. When the 72 disciples returned, they joyfully reported to Him, Lord, even the demons obey us when we use your name. Yes, he told them, I saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning. Look, I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy, and you can walk among snakes and scorpions and crush them, nothing will injure you. But don't rejoice because evil spirits obey You rejoice because your names are registered in heaven. Very important. So we hear another prayer Jesus gives not it makes me chuckle. But it's not really funny. But oh Father, Lord of heaven and earth, thank you for hiding these things, from those who think themselves wise and clever, and revealing them to the child like Yes, Father, you chose to do it that way. So those who think they're real smart are actually blind to all of this. But blessing are the eyes that see what you have seen. Now, again, this is similar to some other teachings, the most important commandment, but it's asked by a religious leader. So one day, an expert in religious law stood up, Teacher, what should I do to inherit eternal life? Well, what is the law of Moses say? How do you read it? You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself. Right? Jesus said, Do this, and you will live. But he wants to justify his actions. It's kind of like the Peter thing. Who's my neighbor? Love your neighbor as yourself. Who is that? Right? How many times should I forgive like Peter, like a seven? You know, like, Peter. Okay, so Jesus tells a very famous story. Luke 1030, Jesus replied with a story a Jewish man was traveling from Jerusalem down to Jericho, and he was attacked by bandits. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him up and left him half dead beside the road. By chance, a priest came along. But when he saw the man lying there, he crossed over to the other side of the road and passed him by the temple assistant, walked over and looked at him lying there. But he also passed by on the other side. But then a despised Samaritan came along, and when he does, he helps him out. And you say, oil and wine, that kind of thing. bandaged his wounds, takes him to an inn, puts him up there says, hey, if he's got to stay longer, essentially, I'll cover it. All right. Which of these three Jesus says do you suppose was the good neighbor, right? What would you say is the one, the one who showed him mercy? Says the expert in religious law. Here's a point of interest. Jesus says, Yes, you go and do the same. The one who showed him mercy. Notice he didn't say the Samaritan. Why? So in the rest of the story, we've looked at this before the Samaritans and the Jews, they do not like each other. There's like these ethno religious divides. They're going all the way back to King Maria if you were with us in that portion of the story, but Jesus uses this despised person to be the good neighbor in the face of this religious expert. And interesting. We continue Luke 1038, as Jesus and the disciples continued on their way to Jerusalem. They came to a certain village where a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home. Her sister, Mary sat at the Lord's feet listening to what He taught. But Martha was distracted by the big dinner, she was preparing all the serving. She came to Jesus and said, Lord, doesn't it seem unfair to you? That my sister just sits here while I do all the work? Tell her to come help me. But the Lord said to her, my dear Martha, Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset. over all these details, there is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her. So we have a theme here rejoicing in the word rejoicing in Jesus, not the work. So whether it be the 70 or 72 disciples coming back, look at all the stuff we did. rejoice that your names are in heaven. Martha, look at your sister, Mary. She gets it. Right. So we're going to take a look at a couple of verses three verses here that we've looked at before. But I want to look at both sides of the coin today. Ephesians, two, eight, God saved you by His grace when you believed, and you can't take credit for this, it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done. So none of us can boast about it. For we are God's masterpiece, and he has created us a new in Christ Jesus so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. So normally, what you have in Christianity
is like, what some call it greasy Grace Christians, right? So I'm saying like, I don't have to do anything at all. I'm saved by the grace of God through my faith. And so I could do whatever I want. So normally I go, but verse 10, normally only like a look carefully. For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us a new yes, we're born again in Christ Jesus. Why? So we can do the good things he planned for us long go. Heat that verse. It's a normally that's where I'm going. I'm like, okay, but there's a point to this. You're right. Yes. Yes, correct. Christian doc, we are saved by grace through our faith. It's not based on anything we did in everything that Jesus did. Yes, yes, yes. But look, we're supposed to go out there and be disciple making. That's also a command. Really, really important. So we had to remember that. But today, it's both sides of the coin, I want to look at the other side of the coin. Now, the grace side of the coin. So let's take a look at that. But a slightly different angle here. Because where the works come from, is really, really important. So something to remember here, where these works come from, is really, really important. The heart motive is everything. So again, today's text, Jesus sends out the disciples, we have Martha and Mary, they're rejoicing in the work, she's taking pride in her works in her part of it. Now, in between there, you get the good Samaritan. And that's a work, right? But who does he choose to do it? The despise Samaritan, someone who's going to the Jews aren't going to like, but the end caps, to this story to the accounts today are what? Rejoicing in the Lord the relationship behind the works. So you have a theme here. rejoice that your names are registered in heaven. Mary has all she needs right here. It's about that relationship. That's very, very important. We're not going to lose the works part. But we're just going to go heavy on the relationship side today. But as much as we know this, this comes up a lot. There's a tons of different accounts about this. It seems that there in the church today are an awful lot of Martha's out there are an awful lot of bragging disciples out there, drawing attention to themselves. Look what we do. And in my time in the church, I've seen I've said this before. It seems to me that the Devil loves busy work, loves busy work, because it really ignites our pride. And I just think the devil likes that he likes when running around, we're just doing a bunch of busy work for the sake of being busy, or for the sake of bragging about it or being seen doing it. He likes that, in my opinion. It leads to pride. And oftentimes, we worship the ministry. Lot of people worship the ministry, they worship the worship, to the point where it becomes an idol. And so today, this is a very touchy, touchy subject. We're going to do it from a personal application, as well as a church. We'll start with the church. So what I'm going to do is throw myself under the bus. I'll tell you how I did this. So I'll make it about me and then if anyone here can relate to Fine. So I started in church, I started in the worship ministry. That's what I served it. So I had played I was in the martial arts business. But I had been a professional musician. I grew up in musician my whole life. And so I played guitar and they found out Oh, you can sing harmonies, and they throw me right up on the worship stage before I was ready. So if you know anything about music, that's good. Like so good. You play well, you don't make a lot of mistakes. And you can sing harmonies you're in, right. So every week I was I was up. Alright, so that was me. But it was way I was very young in the Lord. Right, and to be there. And so. So what happened was, I started to get really into it. But I hadn't really developed a relationship with the Lord. So there's a lot of dynamics on words, if you don't know anything about a worship team, we don't have the big band here. And it's a whole other thing. I'm not even going to get into that today. But if you have the full thing and the production out, there is a lot that goes into that a lot of moving parts, it's a lot. If you're a guitar player, it's a lot a lot. And because nowadays, like you know, you got to sound like you have the sounds that the guitars make and everything. So first of all, you got to have the best guitar. So that cost like $3,000, the best amp, that's another $3,000, then your sound. That's what guitar players are addicted to their sound, right. And so if you ever look on the floor, and they have all these pedals, they're all really expensive, too. And if you touch any of the knobs, they will kill you. Because it's like it takes forever to get them dialed in. Right, right. And that's your sound. That's your thing. Some people have been on a worship team because they're nodding. And that's it. That's your sacred pedal board. So if anyone touched it, I would kill them. So I go hide the pedal board during the weekend, we can't offer the service and we'd lock the room. So no one can touch my gear is all about my gear, my stuff. And because I have a sound, that's what people are coming here to the church to hear my guitar sound, it's all about me. Right? And so I practice now. So if you're a musician, you totally understand what I'm saying. I practice six hours a day, because that's what you do. That's like the bare minimum. As a professional musician. You're always practicing. If you're an athlete, that's what you do. You're practicing all the time. So I apply this now to the church. And I got to practice six hours a day. Probably nothing wrong with that if I was also in the words six hours a day. Yeah. So this is what happens. And I have a guy on the stage who knows an awful lot about playing the guitar, and keeping his gear safe and doing his sound and being awesome at what he does. Who knows nothing about the Word of God. What doesn't make any sense, does it? No, no, it doesn't. And what I was doing, I will tell you, honestly, as a confession, I was worshipping the worship. It was not about Jesus. I was worshiping the worship. I got brought up. I became a VA worship leader. At the time, that's how I started in the ministry. And yep, I built my relationship and it got better. And it got to the point where I could just shut things down once in a while. You know what, guys, we're just going to do this acapella today, or, here's this girl, she came in, she wants to sing, come on up and sing, give my pastor a heart attack. But I started to develop a little bit. But there was a season where I was really worshiping the worship. That's all I was thinking about. It was about me, and how good I sounded. When the worship is about us, it is no longer worship. It's like going to someone else's birthday party with a present for yourself. Doesn't make sense. But it happens in other ministries, as well. So much so that in some of them, it becomes so much about them that they go and name the whole ministry after themselves. Now, this isn't something that you think about very much. Don't think about this, but you really need to think about it. Think about all these people fall away. It's so funny makes me laugh. It's not funny, but it makes me like did you hear this big controversy about this guy? Because they found out he's sleeping all these women do so? I'm like, I knew that because he named the whole ministry after himself. Everything was about him. Or her. You definitely got a Martha on your hands. It assumed and it's a crazy thing. Just think about it. Think it assumes that no one else will surpass them in that ministry. This is my prayer. I'll be honest, this is a true prayer that I buy pray this prayer several times a week. Lord, please send me my Timothy. Lord, please send me my Timothy. Please. I tried to hire one that doesn't work your way on the Lord. Send me my meaning. If you don't know I'm talking about Timothy Paul's disciple. First and second. He was one of the people that Paul was pouring himself into the Apollo 13 books of the Bible pouring himself into to bring him up because Paul knows he's going to die actually says he kind of wants to die and be with the Lord. That's the right attitude if you believe this, so he knows he's got to leave his stuff with somebody else, build them up. Now, my prayer is that my Timothy is smarter than me is better than me, will surpass me so that each generation is getting better and better and better. Not that it's a contest, but you get what I'm saying. Right? Like Elijah to Elijah, give me a double portion of your spirit. Well, that's going to be hard, but he does double the miracles. That's what I want. I will not live forever. I named the ministry after myself. It's kind of stupid, prideful to when you really think about it. But it goes against the grain of so much that's out there. It is a worldly attempt at immortality. That's all it is. Now, here's a disclaimer. Some might say what about honoring the person? Well, first of all, doesn't count when they honor themself.
We're not talking about that. Right? So in the Bible, it's all over the place. I don't want here. But why that point about check your heart. Stop with the but what about it? We're not talking about acknowledging someone. I've written books, right? Yes, I write that I wrote the book that's not talking about that. Not at all. Not talking about acknowledging or other plenty of ways to honor someone not talking about that. What I'm talking about, is when someone makes the whole ministry all about them all about them. But think, right? Well, because they started this ministry, so they need to get some credit, right? Jesus Christ started all ministries. He's the only one who should be getting credit. And if you read your Bible, that's what it says, All Glory to him. It's important, honor Jesus, no one will super seed him. The greatest honor for any Christian with a servant heart, a heart for Jesus is that your name is registered in heaven. That's it, not here. You're not worried about your name being registered here. registered in heaven, that should be more than enough. overjoyed at that. This is what Jesus says to His disciples. Now, a lot of people will say this, and I want to just take a moment to kind of explain this because a lot of people just simply don't understand. But when you read your Bible a lot, you'll get it. You'll say, Yeah, but you know, okay, we're talking about church. But that's a ministry. Right? That's an outside ministry. You do whatever we want, right? Well, here's the problem. biblically speaking, there are no ministries outside the church. seven sons of Skiba tried that. No. Ministry is outside the church. And there's a very good reason for this. When you read First Timothy, read Titus, you have elder Titus is there in Crete to appoint elders? What? appoint elders? So it's like this passing of the torch like, like, I could trace my lineage back through pastors all the way to Jesus. Right? So we lay hands on what, there's a proper process. There's a qualification, there's an ordination, there's training, there's a lot that goes behind it. To get the office of elders really what it's called pastor, we just misuse all the words Office of Elder, that's what it is. It takes a lot, and it should, and then that person, anointed appoints people, right into their positions. And it's done with accountability and structure of the church. What is the church? Christ is the head of the church, the Body of Christ is the church. So it's about Jesus, right? And that's how we keep everything about Jesus. And not you know, if you want to start a business, great, that's fine. But all ministries come through the church through that process through that leadership structure, and there's a lot to it, you read x 13. You see how Paul is sent out, like, they fast, they lay hands on him, they pray, it's like a clipboard, and they're like, I'll sign up for whatever ministry I want to do. Never the way it's done. They boil it down to the most qualified people and ultimately, the Holy Spirit is deciding where they don't go and where they do go. It's all guided by God. All of it. That is ministry. That's what that is. But despite the biblical mandate, despite the process, people will want to go out on their own and I will tell you how this happens. Here's a real thing. I see this ally, right? So you get certain people come in the church. And they're just almost no one once asked me like, how do you choose your leadership? Right? How do you how do you choose the leadership? I actually the ones that are humble, the ones that don't give me the resume, the minute they walk in the door, the ones that like, where do you need me? Because they know about church? Where do you need? Where are your holes, and they take out the garbage, no one knows what they did. No one knows who they are, or whatever how much money they have none of it. One of our board members, I knew nothing about what he did. for like three years he was coming to church. Turns out like, his resume makes mine look like a joke. A joke, a joke. Told you, I'm like, Really, he's cleaning the bathrooms. You're on the board. That's how that's how. But here's what happens on the other end of things. People come into the church. And they're like, you know, Hi, I have a great sermon, and then immediately, like, it's okay to tell me about yourself. And that's not what I'm talking about. They immediately give me the resume, get the whole thing. And this is what your church really needs. This is what you need to do. And I'm just thinking automatically, like, Do you ever go on a job interview and then tell the company what they need to change? Yeah, like, you know, you know, how they hear that a CEO hears that or whatever hears that, like you're doing it wrong. I'm going to come in here and take your job, right? So I'm just staying there sometimes like, like, am I oblivious? Like, do I not know the community? Do I not know my members? Do I not talk to the people? Like, I just sit around all day? And I don't know. I mean, like, it's insulting, but I'm, that's not. I'm not worried about that, that you got to be good at that to be a pastor, you let all that stuff go. But here's the thing, this is what we can do. This is what we want to do. Right now, in your church. We're assuming you need it. What? I'll pray about that, you know, and so I'll go and talk to my leadership. And I'll say, Hey, this is what somebody said, You pray to, and let's come up with a consensus. We all get back together. We're like, Yeah, not so much. Right? So that's what happened. And we tell the person that they don't get what they want here. And they go to another church. And they try it again. And they'll keep doing it. Until they go, You know what, let's just start our own ministry because all the churches are wrong.
What? Not saying that some churches do bad things, clearly they do. Read the news. But really, really interesting. That's how it happens. Now, here's a look at these other ministries, if they have those things put in place, you know, they're connected, perhaps to a church. Fine. I'm not talking about all
ministries out there. But you get what I'm saying. And talking about people who pridefully evade that accountability, right, that structure that ordination, the work, the good work that it takes that you have to put in the parachurch has what it's often called, and it's built on Pride. Pride. Now, here's the thing. You may be saying, I don't care. Because I'm just going to go and it's Naples. There's like a million nice places to eat. So whatever. We have great Indian food today, upstairs, by the way, it's going to be starting to smell it. So I'm getting distracted. You like Indian food? Do you want a cultural experience after the service, stay around, we feed you. But here's the thing. Whatever the church, we do this also in our personal lives. So here's some personal application for you if you don't care about the church business. Again, I'm going to show you from my own experience how I did this, too. I learned this from my dad, how to do this. My dad, and here here's the thing, if anybody here is doing this, it's fine. I did it. guilty of it a little here and there. But most of it's worked out. This is why you do this or perhaps why he does why I did this poverty. My dad grew up in the Bronx with like, like a one bedroom apartment with five other four other kids like so five kids in the house poor. And what you do sometimes when you grew up like that is you run from poverty, to overcompensate. It's not fun being that poor. Now, my dad got to the point where he didn't stop. It's called a workaholic. He worked five jobs and they weren't $2 An hour jobs. Now let me dad would tell you is that he was providing. That's the thing. That's the buzzword I am providing for my family. So, I'm doing providing Yup, good provider, really good. But he also provided himself with a boat and a bunch of fancy cars. That I didn't care about providing. That's what that is, then I did it. And so no, I was raised middle class household but didn't get along with my dad out on my own homeless, but built myself up, but my business up ran from that. I provide it for my family. My wife did a lot we provided, but we both ran from poverty. And we provided ourselves with a whole lot of nice stuff that had nothing to do with our daughter. Except for the really cool vacation she got to go on. That was a lot of fun. But I did it too. And so, once we're provided for the rest of it is about pride or providing then after that we are priding doing a lot of that. And so that's how we do it. That's how I did it. Now, disclaimer real quick, because it's Naples, and I'm going to hear about it. Listen, again, oh, you fell asleep a little bit. Listen, it's okay. To have nice things. Yeah, gave us a brief, it's okay. But not at the expense of the relationships that should be most important to us. That includes Jesus, and includes our families. I know a lot of guys that make a lot of money, I made a lot of money. One thing we did, right, we took a lot of ek we did a lot of family time, we took a day off, we buy C guys not doing that. And the person and they have Lambos they have the one house guy invited me to a state it wasn't a house never has a hotel. I couldn't find him half the time. And that's how he was, you know, crazy, like all kinds of nice cars. So whatever. But the relationship with this individual is family is non existent. I know what he's up to on the back end, it's not good. That's when it's too much. So balance, guys. Okay, balance, when we can balance it out. When I say earlier, both sides of the coin, you're only doing one side of the coin, you don't have a whole coin. That's problem. So got to find that balance. It's a little bit different for everyone. And here's the thing we have to watch out for we can make ourselves God in the process, here's a couple of things. Two more, you're not going to like, and then I'll be done. Alright, so in this is something and now I'm going to smack you in the face with this right? So a lot of people because this is counterintuitive to what we learn our culture. The other thing we say, I need to provide. Hold on. Okay, Mattamy yet, they need me. My family needs me. Now when I first understood how wrong this was, it was painful. It was painful. They need me. All right, like the ministry, it assumes that you're the best person for the job out there ever in the whole world. And you're the only one. Really, I'm going to tell you something. Jesus taught me this. Because I could never have taught myself this. I am not the best husband in the world. Did you hear me? Jesus taught me this. I am not the best husband in the world and not the best father? Nope. If you're looking for that, you're not going to find it. And this guy. They need me early. So here's the thing. When you get that, like world's best dad mug, don't, because he might believe it. Right? Don't do that it's alive. Like you know who the world's best father is? God. And we all have them. He's your kid's dad to stop trying to be better than him or replace him or getting in the way of him. You need the Lord. And don't you believe that the Lord will provide as he has for you. Do you think you got that job on your own? Do you think you have that stuff? Because you did it? Sure you put in some of the work but you're a tool that God is using. That's it. That's all we are. And our children. Our wives have the same fun speaking of the guys now because I speak to the women I'm going to get a lot of trouble. Just the guys. I try to keep it like a little funny because it's tough, right? I am just trying by the leading of the Holy Spirit to be a better husband and the misery Well, I
want I was last week. That said, and that process is only done by surrendering. Getting Rid that pride helped me to be a better servant to this woman. And to now she's a woman that's crazy.
Those are no, it's like, what? That's it. That's my job. Introduce them to a better father than I'll ever be.
The funny thing about this, just try and decide what for Bible study. The funny thing about these relationships, and the work that we put into them, whether it's Jesus, whether it's our spouses, just to be real with you guys, give him a lot of notes. Is that in a horrible, tragic irony? The stuff that we're saying we're supposed to be doing for them is actually distracting us from them. Why are we doing it? I wanted to provide for my family. Okay. But you see, I didn't want my dad's boat. I wanted his presence. Right? That's important. So that's the tragic, Martha, you're distracted from me what's important. That's the tragic irony here. They distract us from Jesus's presence. As far as the work, guys. The good work that's not based on our pride, the good work will come out of us as a natural outpouring from that presence. That's it. You'll do it and you won't even though you did it. And that's the point. It's not about you. That's good work. Just be in his presence, the rest. It'll happen. There'll be opportunities. But that irony is there and it has been so I want to share a couple Scriptures with you and will, will close. In Revelation, Jesus is talking to episodes, seven letters to churches before we have the prophecies, right. So it's more like that time, then Jesus is writing letters to the churches what they're doing right and wrong, mostly wrong. Revelation two, two, I know all the things you do, and he could be speaking to Naples Church of Naples, see three, I know all the things you do. I've seen your hard work, and your patient endurance. I know you don't tolerate evil people, you have examined the claims of those who say they're apostles, but they're not. You have discovered they're liars. You have patiently suffered for me without quitting. But I have this complaint against you. You don't love me or each other, as you did it first. Literally, you lost your first love working. But they lost their first love. This is the irony. The busy work can draw us away from Jesus, the busy work can draw us away from our families. That's a problem. And when we do that, we miss the whole point. If we continue churches, Sardis, Revelation three, and all the things you do, that you have a reputation for being alive, but you're dead. Wake up, strengthen what little remains for even what is left is almost dead. I find that your actions do not meet the requirements. Oh my god. Go back to what you heard and believed at first. Hold to it firmly repent, turn to me again. If you don't wake up, I will come to you suddenly and as unexpected as a thief. Yet there are some of the church in Sardis, perhaps Naples, who have not sold their clothes with evil, they will walk with me in white, for they're worthy. All who are victorious will be clothed and white. I will never erase their names from the book of life. But I will announce before my Father and His angels that they are mine. Light like the disciples, rejoice that your names are registered in heaven. That here through our relationship with Jesus, we're in the book of life. That's the only credit we should need. Our works should be the fruit produced from his presence. In this time as temporary residents here, aliens sojourners some versions say our joy should come from the fact that our names are registered in the book of life. Amen. Pray for your Lord. Thank you for everyone who took the time to come to church today made that a priority. Lord bless them. Fill us with your Holy Spirit. Most of all, so that we can go out as vehicles of Your grace, your mercy, your love, your peace, all for your glory. Lord, I ask these things in Jesus's name. Amen.