Will You Be Judged By Jesus?
Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve been looking at The Sermon on The Mount and then what follows Jesus’ teachings, starting with the responses to it. Last week, we looked at the different ways in which people respond to Jesus. This week, we’ll study some of Jesus’ parables and learn that many of them have to do with the consequences for not responding appropriately to Jesus.

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good morning if you're new here Among Us my name is Jean I serve here at C3 Church as your pastor and I heard a story about a lawyer it's a lawyer this week it's funny for you so here's the deal this law it's just a story so this lawyer specializes in a certain thing that is criminal defense so his job is to get the criminals off the hook in particular he has a specialty a sub specialty I don't know if this is true so just calm down so subspecialty okay he deals with bank robbers that's his thing right so bank robbers he gets them off the hook all right so he's really good he makes a good amount of money but he starts to notice something sometimes they get to keep some of the money they hide it if they're really really good at what they do and they get away with it they make a lot of money and he starts thinking these guys are not as smart as me first of all they got caught if I'm defending them but they didn't put in all the time and money at law school and some smarter than these guys and they're making more money than me well now he gets jealous and it sends them down a pretty bad Road he's thinking what if I kind of get into that game I start doing that I can make a lot of money and if I get caught defend myself right so I'll even make more money than them I won't do a lot of time I can get myself off the hook this is a really good idea so he plays the tape on it and then he goes oh wait a minute I'm an attorney right that's not what I do I'm not like a thug or anything I'm not a big tough guy well I'll just hire some people and I'll be the brains right so after defending all these people I know how it works so I can make the plan and maybe we won't get caught this is good so where do I find these guys like goes to the local bar that's the first place he thinks of he goes in the bar and sure enough at the bar there are these two guys they look like dogs just big giant Lumberjack kind of guys they look all mean they fit the belt they look like bank robbers and so he approaches them and he says what do you guys do and they say we're gravediggers wasn't expecting that it would have been better if you're a grave robber but you know what we got to stash the money so this might work so he says listen I have a proposal for you you guys it's going to sound strange but I want you to to help me rob a bank and they're like no no we've never done that before so don't worry I've gotten guys off the hook even if we get caught we'll be good and I can come up with a plan I'll be the brands drive the car and you guys just go in there look tough and ask for the money it's all going to work out so they're like all right let's do it so long story short they robbed the bank and they get away with it here's the thing so he has the gravediggers professionals hide his money and he says now you go do the same the same thing with your money but here's the thing don't do anything different for a year at least here and even then be careful like if you do something leave town don't do it in this town guys aren't too bright so one of them buys a new fancy car the other one buys a new house right away and they're just flashing their money everywhere in the bar buying everybody drinks all the time so they get caught and then here's the other thing they have no experience they're not bright so they don't do well under the interrogation they spill the beans they give up the lawyer and the lawyer gets arrested well it's like okay you know I figured that might happen I can defend myself I'm good so their day comes they have the trial they're found guilty but okay let's wait for the sentencing so sentencing time comes the judge says to the first gravedigger I sentence you to five years so the attorneys just wait and he's like you do that the next one I sentence you to five years and now the lawyer is thinking excellent consistency I didn't do armed bank robbery I just drove the car what am I going to get two years I can do two years right get out good behavior something like that and then I can spend all the money it's buried and so the judge points to the lawyer and goes I sentence you to 25 years so you need to go as pale with fright the judge can see it and you say listen these guys that you roped into this they're uneducated they didn't really know the consequences but you are a professional in this you have greater knowledge you knew the consequences so those with greater knowledge they get the greater judgment then the lawyer starts thinking 25 years okay I'll be older but I can still enjoy the money so judge is just about to dismiss him and he goes oh by the way if you want to hide a lot of money best to hire a banker not a Gravedigger yeah now here's the thing for those of you who've been here for a while like this is not going to be good this is not going to be good so he gets caught and he doesn't get to spend the money like this is going to be a very hard message so I learned about a technique that some of you may be employing and I want you to stop it all right because I'm on to it what you do is you you have someone call you during the middle of the service like it's an emergency phone call that's how y'all are getting out of here so I don't do that anymore call me the message he's talking like Jesus again right and I was like it's an emergency I gotta go so I saw a few people do that it's suspect because that's like the only reason I told you I can like I can refrain from the rebuke right if it's a legitimate emergency maybe it was an emergency Pastor you can't leave so that doesn't work anymore we're not doing that so today we are going to talk about consequences we're going to talk about judgment because Jesus talks about judgment a lot more than we do but we're going to look at all the sides of it so have no fear uh we're looking at larger sections I've told you in the past not in chronological order that is the Bible so I put together the charts if you're interested you can look it's in our app and this is kind of chronologically ish how it goes today seems like a really large section but don't worry we'll get through it we'll live and we'll feed you afterwards so here's what's going on we looked at the parable of the sower and I gave you like a quick window into this last week we just did it very very quickly and I kind of explained it as it pertained to our application so we have and we put it in chronological order it's neat because you actually kind of get the themes here you get where Jesus is going literally but figuratively what he's talking about so what we got was The Sermon on the Mount we started there and we started making our way through we looked at people's responses to the sermons all right so so what should your response be to the sermon that was the next one well some people they were like call me call me right and then they left the room and Jesus talked too much so now we're we're we're getting over that now and we're looking at Parables and that's where it went that's really the essence of the parable of the sower the responses to Jesus's sermon and so it all kind of has a linear train of thought so today what we're going to see more parables the parable of the sower is the initiation of The Parables and so it'll be pretty clear about that and then he's going to get into different Parables some of them are about judgment so these are Kingdom consequences so now you've heard about or the right The Sermon on the Mount basically it's about the Kingdom of Heaven seeking the Kingdom of Heaven okay well how do you get it what's the response to the kingdom how do you get into the kingdom and this is where Jesus is going so we're going to pick up and I talked about it last week the true family of Jesus so remember who are my mother brother or sisters right the ones who do the will of my father so you're going to see this theme kind of repeats itself a little bit here so we're there so remember it sounds mean but it's not he's in the house who are my mother so he's in the house true family of Jesus and then it says this Matthew 13 1 later that same day Jesus left the house and sat beside the lake a large crowd soon gathered around him so he got into a boat then he sat there and taught as the people stood on the shore he had told many stories in the form of Parables such as this one listen a farmer went out to plant some seeds as he scattered them across the field some seeds fell on a footpath and the birds came and ate them other seeds fell on shallow soil with underlying Rock the seeds sprouted quickly because the soil was shallow but the plants soon withered under the hot sun and since they didn't have Deep Roots they died other seeds fell among Thorns they grew up and choked out the tender plants still other seeds fell on fertile soil and they produced a crop that was 30 60 and even a hundred times as much as it been planted anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand now he's going to continue now and explain what's going on here Matthew 13 10 his disciples came and asked him why do you use Parables when you talk to the people he replied you are permitted to understand the secrets of the kingdom of heaven but others are not to those who listen to my teaching more understanding will be given and they will have an abundance of knowledge but for those who are not listening even what little understanding they have will be taken away from them that is why I use these Parables for they look they don't really see they hear they don't really understand or listen this fulfills the prophecy of Isaiah that says when you hear what I say you will not understand when you see what I do you will not comprehend for the hearts of these people are hardened and their ears cannot hear and they have closed their eyes so their eyes cannot see and their ears cannot hear and their hearts cannot understand and they cannot turn to me and be healed or let me heal them but blessed are your eyes because they see and your ears hear because they hear I tell you the truth many prophets and righteous people long to see what you see but they didn't see it and they longed to hear what you hear but they didn't hear so then Jesus goes on to explain and I have some encouragement for you and I I've actually seen pretty popular teachers pastors get this Parable wrong and I'll tell you why because they read Matthew and stop there we've learned you need to keep reading keep reading right so the other gospel writers will give us different details or clarify so we saw that in The Sermon on the Mount Jesus clarifies himself and so when you read Luke it's very clear luke says the seed is the word of God that's it so some people make them size certain people teach on this and they make it I'll show you why the confusion comes in they make well you're the seed no you're not the seed you're not the seed is the different Parable you're getting confused the seed in this Parable is the word of God so that's what you have to understand first Farmers scattering the seed the seed that falls on the footpath so you can just think of it like concrete sidewalk something like that right so it doesn't penetrate the bird represents Satan coming in and it just plucks it up it doesn't get deep root so that's it they're rocks see it on the rocky soil they immediately receive it with joy but then persecution comes times get hard gets uncomfortable and they well wither away so it's kind of getting in there but not enough to get through the hard times it's not deep in here now the seed that fell among the Thorns this represents the soil type of people who let all the weeds and stuff grow around it and that represents the lure of wealth or the worries about the things of this life and so therefore the plant it grows a little bit but it can't produce fruit just it's kind of useless it doesn't do anything then you have the fertile soil ah this is the seed the word gets in there and then it multiplies 30 60 100 times the crop this is Jesus's explanation so now he's going to move from there next he'll do the lamp under the basket but that was in The Sermon on the Mount so I put it over there but if you're tracking along I know so then you have that we have a rapport no one's laughing today and that's scaring me normally they're like okay I think it's a judgment thing they're like oh this is hard or was it the phone thing it was like the phone thing like I did that right so I probably called to or maybe we're thinking about doing it no no you can laugh it's okay all right judgment I started with I knew it was going to happen I had another joke but whatever all right so the growing seed here we go we're going to hop around a little bit and the reason I'm doing that is because some of the parables are not in Matthew some are I usually go with whatever the fullest explanation is so if you're wondering like where is he going and why is he doing it chronological-ish but whoever gives me the fullest explanation I like to read a lot anyway Mark 4 26 Jesus also said the kingdom of God is like a farmer a scatter seed on the ground night and day while he's asleep or he's awake the seed sprouts and grows but he does not understand now what happens the Earth produces the crops on its own first the leaf blade pushes through and then the heads of leader formed and finally the grain Ravens and as soon as the grain is ready the farmer comes and harvests it with a sickle for the Harvest Time has come this is how the kingdom of God the Kingdom of Heaven grows and the reception into the kingdom Matthew 13 24. here's another story Jesus told the Kingdom of Heaven is like a farmer who planted good seed in his field but that night as the worker slept his enemy came and planted weeds among the wheat and slipped away when the crop began to grow and produce grain the weeds also grew the farmer's workers went to him and said sir a field where you planted that good seed is Full Of Weeds where did they come from an enemy has done this the farmer exclaimed should we pull out the weeds they asked no he replied you'll uproot the wheat if you do let both grow together until the Harvest then I will tell the Harvesters to sort out the weeds tie them into bundles and burn them and put the wheat in the barn now we're going to go out of chronological order he continues with other Parables but then explains this one so I want Let Jesus do the talking we'll hop over and then we'll go back so Matthew 13 36 then leaving the crowds outside just after other Parable Jesus went into the house his disciples said please explain to us the story of the wheat the weeds in the field Jesus replied the son of man is the farmer who plants The Good Seed the field is the world and the good seeds is where people get confused this one The Good Seed represents the people of the Kingdom that was not the case in the last parable the weeds are the people who belong to the evil one the enemy who planted the weeds among the wheat is the devil the Harvest is the end of the world and the Harvesters are the Angels just as the weeds are sorted out and burned in the fire so it will be at the end of the world the son of man will send his angels and they will remove from his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil and the angels will throw them into the fiery furnace where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth then the righteous will shine like the sun in their father's Kingdom anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand and we'll go back Mark 4 30 Jesus said how can I describe the kingdom of God what story should I use to illustrate it it is like a mustard seed planted in the ground it is the smallest of all seeds but it becomes the largest of all garden plants it grows long branches and birds can make it's their nest in its shape Jesus used many similar stories and illustrations to teach the people as much as they could understand in fact in his public Ministry he never taught without using parables but afterward when he was alone with his disciples he explained everything to them Matthew 13 33 Jesus also used this illustration the Kingdom of Heaven is like the East a woman used in making bread even though she put only a little yeast in three measures of flour it permeated every part of the dough Jesus always used stories and illustrations like these when speaking to the crowds in fact he never spoke to them without using such Parables this fulfilled what God had spoken through the prophet I will speak to you in Parables I will explain things hidden since the creation of the world so usually yeast is a bad thing you hear like that'd be a bad thing here it's a good thing right so this represents a small group turning into a much larger one a small group of disciples turning into a much larger group of them Matthew 13 44 the Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure that a man discovered hidden in a field and his excitement he hit it again and sold everything he owned to get enough money to buy the field again the Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant on the lookout for Choice pearls we discovered a pearl of Great Value he sold everything he owned and bought it this illustrates the value of the Kingdom of Heaven and also the cost the price that Jesus Paid to provide a way to the kingdom Matthew 13 47 again the Kingdom of Heaven is like a fishing net that was thrown into the water and caught fish of every kind when the net was full they dragged it up onto the shore sat down and sorted the good fish in the crates but through the bad ones away that is the way it will be at the end of the world the angels will come and separate the wicked people from the righteous throwing the wicked into the fiery furnace where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth you understand all these things yes they said we do and he added every teacher of religious law who becomes a disciple in the Kingdom of Heaven is like a homeowner who brings from a storeroom new gems of Truth as well as old again a couple weeks ago we looked at the sermon on the mountain it was all about seeking the kingdom of heaven last week we looked at the response now they heard it how they responding are they seeking it are they actually doing it in today's Parables Jesus reiterates that theme beginning with the parable of the sower soil types they represent the attitudes of those who hear that's really what it is so we can move backwards the fertile soil so these are the ones they don't have a humble heart or they do have oh sorry what they do have they do have um I was going forwards trying to go backwards apart they do have a humble heart right so a responsive let's say soft fertile heart that's the point here so in a church context these the people if I just go and I just say what Jesus said they'll come up to me after the sermon and say I needed to hear that it's usually what you get just preach Jesus walk away and that's what you get I needed to hear that it's a repentant heart it's humble if you're humble you'll repent just needs to turn away from and change implies the behavior to turn away from I needed to hear that that's the fertile soil when you hear Jesus that is the desired response remember remember the sinful woman like those those headings like in bold in your Bible they weren't there in the original so they named them for you the sinful woman remember what I said last week we should call her the worshiping woman why because that was the appropriate response she's washing Jesus's feet with her tears humility right so that's the fertile soil that's the illustration there when you hear the words of Christ that's it that's what should happen to you so that's good takes root so the word again gets in there Deep Roots produces fruit now the Weeds on the rocky soil and the weeds those together they're similar and it's just really different Comfort levels right so you have the rocky of soil again it doesn't get like that deep root only a little bit and then when Trouble Comes when you get uncomfortable you're out preaching context if Jesus makes you uncomfortable you're out right you're not looking so potluck no look I'm gone so you're done you don't want to hear it you don't want to deal with it it makes you uncomfortable anyone in particular don't worry but then the weeds right so there's comfort and discomfort going on there so the worries of wealth but also the lures it says of wealth right so when things are uncomfortable you're not producing any fruit so it blocks it out it says it chokes the word from like it's growth it's development then you have the rocks beginning I went backwards then you have the rocks nothing gets in that's it so just not receptive at all they don't want to hear it I forget it but here's the funny thing yeah we always think like the Rocks unbelievers right well yeah right so you don't expect to see them in church pastors have a term for this and so if you ever like got you know window in or invited to a pastoral lunch they might make the mistake of complaining about this in front of you but they'll say and pretty much every Pastor has gotten to a point that I know has said something like this I'm tired of watering rocks that's what they'll say I'm that that's where you get in this line of work that's the frustrating part that's the frustrating part because it's like it's unbelievable that's what I was joking about people leaving because it happened like all I did was do Matthew five through seven I just preached The Sermon on the Mount that's it and literally you have people like responding all these different ways and I could literally like a physical map for me up here to see it's different and so I could see people uncomfortable they literally started like not not you you're okay you were you were in Africa so it's okay I kind of stopped doing that people were like talk to me like kind of but anyway but you know there were and if you were here it was like a couple of you're like well you know what that means and then that's when like the Pastoral side it's like maybe it's an emergency and then I find out people were like gaming me so I'm like it's not an emergency don't do that again so so anyway but you saw the response you just physically saw it it was like alarming you know but then you get people who came up to me and be like that was good I was like it's because it was Jesus it was better than anything I could come up with best sermon I ever preached it was mostly all Jesus that's it all right and then people but then you get some right like you read the Bible a lot no that's too much scripture it's like do you hear what you're saying Do You Hear What not you again not you literally but so you will be generalized from now on that's the description not literally you don't cry all right so so but if you're saying that do you hear what you're saying you use too many scriptures you went too long we talked about that I'm not going to hammer that down again right what what I don't want to hear more of Jesus's words and I want to hear just can you talk about like your dog right talk about your dog for a while like make me feel good I have yet to find that like it's no that's not what this should be doing yes we experienced right I'm going to get to that but first it's repentance deny yourself pick up your cross and follow me I said you gotta do that part first right and it's pretty redundant isn't it so they'll say that because it happens it's like really you just heard the words of Christ and that's what you're going to say to me that's the frustrating part that's tough so Jesus will get back to the kingdom of heaven specifically getting in now those who Listen and Obey did you catch those who have ears to hear should listen and understand he repeats certain things they listen it's fertile soil right they received the word it gets in now they get in so you you probably noticed the Kingdom of Heaven is like how do I describe the Kingdom of Heaven what Parable or illustration should I use the kingdom of God is like a farmer who scatters seed on the ground how it grows as I said right the reception into the kingdom the Kingdom of Heaven is like a farmer who planted good seed in his field wheat and the weeds right so who gets into the kingdom and how Believers and unbelievers will live together until judgment yep we just got there judgment and that's what it's about the kingdom of God is like a mustard seed the Kingdom of Heaven is like yeast that's why I said hard because heaven oh God anyway we do I do it too dyslexic talking these represent the small group of disciples right so they grow into a larger one they mean kind of the same thing the kingdom of heaven is like a treasure value what it costs Jesus to provide this way the Kingdom of Heaven is like emergent again the value of the Kingdom of Heaven Again the Kingdom of Heaven is like a fishing net good and bad fish again wheat and weeds who's getting in at the time of judgment these Parables show us what the kingdom of God or the Kingdom of Heaven is like and the consequences for not seeking it Jesus is pretty redundant isn't he what story what story what's he just keeps going judgment so now here we see the consequences for no response I'll take you back to last week about something that Jesus said it's like when I say it's funny it's not funny but it's kind of funny it's it's strange Matthew 11 25 at that time Jesus prayed this prayer oh Father Lord of Heaven and Earth thank you for hiding these things from those who think themselves wise and clever and for revealing them to the childlike yes Father please you to do it this way thank you thank you for hiding them from the unresponsive those who think they're too smart for this it will be hidden from them so here Jesus goes to Isaiah so many of you if you're not really familiar with the whole Bible you might not have recognized it it's fine so I'll explain it to you Isaiah so you get the idea here these prophets they're they're they go to warn the people the Israelites against people of Jerusalem or in the north Israelites they're warning them change your behavior change your ways or I'm going to destroy the temple yes God will destroy the temple he's going to use the foreign invaders for that purpose change but he tells them Isaiah in particular in this case you're going to a hard-hearted people so essentially putting it together you're going to go prophesy you're gonna go talk to a bunch of rocks just lets them know okay so here it is Matthew 13 14. this fulfills the prophecy of Isaiah that says when you hear what I say you will not understand when you see what I do you will not comprehend for the hearts of these people are hardened and their ears cannot hear and they've closed their eyes so their eyes cannot see and their ears cannot hear and their hearts cannot understand and they cannot turn to me and let me heal them that's Isaiah it will be hidden from those who don't respond appropriately and the truth is here's what we get they hid it from themselves so before you think I'm saying before it sounds funny like God is being mean no you hit it from again you hit it from yourself you can hide anything from you it's hidden because you're hard-hearted they have turned to worship other things instead of God that's what this is about these are called Idols so back then you'd maybe carve them and they would symbolize something and you'd worship this thing so Isaiah does it in the 40s if we keep reading they'll kind of poke fun at people who do it they're stupid they make these they're just wood silver gold what are you doing worshiping that well that applies to us in our lives do we worship things they're gold silver stuff and so what God says is you'll become like them and so now it ties in so I'll go to a sum because it says it all over the place Psalm 135 15 the idols of the nations are merely things of silver and gold shaped by human hands they have mouths but cannot speak and eyes but cannot see they have ears but cannot hear and mouths they cannot breathe and those who make idols are just like them as are all who trust in them so the concept applies to us today deaf and dumb I'm not saying that to be funny or mean literally that's what dumb means you cannot speak death you can't see you're like what you worship you become like what you worship and then you cannot receive the word of God think Wheats so their hearts are hardened again like the rocks and the parable and then they can't come to God you know it says be healed or forgiven and then when you put all the Parables together what happens wheat and weeds right judged they judged the bad fish the Weeds now we're going to talk a little bit about judgment and I just want to talk about both sides if it really it should be going to God's judgment but I just I want to talk about the word judgment in church this is kind of interesting a lot of false teachings here on judgment in church not here but at other places and people like it right so they'll they'll they'll just kind of eliminate it on both sides so basically the idea is that I won't be judged maybe you heard this I should not be judged here in my life no one should judge me I shouldn't do that and then I won't be judged by God so we'll talk about that that's really where Jesus is going here so let's go back to the Sermon on the Mount I just want to do this side of judgment I won't be judged real quick and then we'll get to the other point a lot it's not going to be that quick but it'll be fast for me so okay I want to show you if you don't already know this this is how people read their Bible that's it that's how that's how people read it right so they start underlying and stuff and then I don't know and that's what happens so this is this is what they like right don't judge you won't be judged that's it right so that's in The Sermon on the Mount what did I tell you right don't just do Matthew chapter five what happens right I'm not in the world I can do selfies and patronize people no Jesus corrects that in Matthew 6 right so he's like no no no three times clarification so here you keep going because he didn't stop speaking you got up if you close your Bible there you got up and you walked out on The Sermon on the Mount yes you should feel guilty about that so Matthew five through seven read it all the way through don't close it and walk out on Jesus sermon because he clarifies things and he clarifies things here you keep reading chapter seven judge a tree by its fruit what oh Matthew 7 15 beware of false prophets who come disguise this harmless sheep but are really vicious or ravenous wolves you can identify them by their fruit that is by the way they act can you pick grapes from Thorn bushes or figs from thistles a good tree produces good fruit and a bad tree produces bad fruit a good tree can't produce bad fruit and a bad tree can't produce good fruit so every tree that does not produce good fruit is chopped down and thrown into the fire yes just as you can identify or judge a tree by its fruit so you can identify people by their actions see again Jesus clarifies a point that he made the other point was about hypocrisy it's a Luke remember you have the big old log in your eye don't point to someone else's Speck hypocrite first get the log out of your eye that's where he's going there we do judge false teachers and then they are judged I want to take you to a point Church context real no quick First Corinthians 5. so basically Church in Corinth messed up but just like us they're crazy we are too and so they have all these issues Paul talks about Pastor worship do we do that today uh-huh First Corinthians one through four that's what's on his mind when he's writing that then we get to chapters five through seven sex I didn't see any kids in the room but whatever you're told to bring to the children's ministry you should have listened anyway so we get to sex chapter five all right so here we are and this is the situation A guy is sleeping with his stepmother I always say mother-in-law there's probably some kind of Freudian slip there but literally stepmother how does this happen well back in those times you'd marry much younger Brides that was just normative back then mortality rate very high you die in childbirth so don't want to go back to that time if you have a DeLorean sell it so now you're going to go back and if you have a child no hospital to go to it's different back then so women die a lot what's the husband gonna do marry another woman not an older lady probably a younger one but if you have a teenage son uh oh they're like the same age and then they're they're in the house together that's probably how something likes this happened so this guy is sleeping with his stepmother they've probably already dealt with the situation told him to stop he doesn't stop so Paul commands them kick him out of the church and the idea here before you think that that's what we should be doing today the idea here is that he says I'm going to hand him over to Satan in this world so that he'll get it repent come back essentially and be saved later during the Judgment that's the idea and I like to think he's the guy in second Corinthians so he's saying forgive him forgive him forgive him that's how ultimately it works that's what's going on so he criticizes them then you get the leaven thing but it's bad here like One Bad Apple is going to ruin the whole bunch he calls him prideful he's like you're being prideful that you can tolerate this sin don't do it he says this first Corinthians 5 12. it isn't my responsibility to judge Outsiders but it certainly is your responsibility to judge those inside the church who are sinning God will judge those on the outside but as scriptures say You must remove the evil person from among you all right so remember don't don't take that wrong with it the forgiveness and Reconciliation on either side so here's the thing we don't judge Outsiders that's what a lot of Christians get wrong you're not going to judge anybody into the church maybe but probably not the job is to get them in the church you're going to love them into the church that's how you do it but too many they don't know they have not signed up for the rules it's best to display the fruit of the spirit be an example and do it by attraction and love not judging turn it around turn it around holster to the finger but most of all turn it around all right so that's the deal here so that's the concept but we do judge those inside you signed up for the rules you're saying you're a Christian and back then and it should be important today hey you know don't wear like the Planet Fitness T-shirt If you're not in shape you know like like don't embarrass me take the Jesus fish off the car that's kind of what Paul's saying if you're going to behave badly all the time it doesn't attract people to the face so it's a major concern for these apostles this is not going to grow I Can't Make Disciples of all Nations if no one wants to be anything like you don't make sense does it right so that's the idea we don't judge them but you know the rules you're held accountable to that you're held accountable that you've now heard so now there's consequences the judgment is greater for you now that's just the way it is and just one quick no if you have not been asked to judge don't right you may discern if someone is doing something wrong you may discern that and be like okay you know I'm not gonna go hang out with that person right now that's that's fine but it's not your job unless you've been asked into a position to do so do not you may alert things to my my attention but do not okay again that's Jesus teaching big lie big log in your eye right big lock does it just concentrate on getting that log out of your aisle everybody's got stuff and also remember guys we're all at different places in our walk correct some people they're just beginning and so I don't think I'm ignoring things right I notice but I'm taking it easy all right but you you know so it's not partiality I'm just considering where they are in their walk so sometimes yes I'm letting things go because the person's new that's my job so you just be like a log plucker good I made that up a lot clutter uh whatever so all right so let's get to Jesus's Point here being judged by God now some will say if I'm a Christian I'm set I'm never going to be judged by God I ain't wrong that's not what the Bible says now I'll tell you how and where the person got that from I've had people say that to me it's kind of scary John 3 16 right so for this is how God loved the world sing it in the song right he gave his one and only son everyone who believes in him will not perish and have eternal life and that's usually where people stop but some people it's a miracle they actually get to the next verse which says God sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him and that was a lot of heavy lifting so they closed their Bible there two verses what a workout actually close it there but the problem is you don't get to John 5 John 12 where Jesus says oh he's going to judge but go back to the verse and think about it the father sends the son into the world to what then in the flesh to die for our sins that's it did it once that's why he came the first time or in that context but it is clarified if you keep reading John he will come back again to judge so think about it he did not come in the flesh to judge us he came to die for our sins what is the response repentance all right if we do that yes then when he comes back he's going to judge the world he's going to judge everybody and I want to show you something because if you keep reading this point you're going to see something it is redundant redundant if a Christian comes up to me and says I won't be judged like you just must not read your Bible at all you must be just doing the verse of the day because they're never going to put this one up don't worry about it you do not know God's word because it's and I want to demonstrate this to you here so another a little bit of context Christians will be judged right so we go to Second Corinthians 5. no chapter numbers in the original so Paul had just been talking about like these temporary light afflictions that he's going through which are not light but they're temporary right that just Heaven it's just this eternal glory outweighs them no problems here I don't have any that's Paul's attitude he's a Christian I have no problems here because that's it then he goes to the top of chapter five nobody reads this because Paul talks about his body as an Earthly tent I'm going to pack it up and go home to be with the Lord right so combining Philippians in there too but that's his point Earthly temp this is temporary that's the point but he gets right into it second Corinthians 5 9. so whether we are here in this body or away from this body our goal is to please God for we must all stand before Christ to be judged we will each receive whatever we deserve for the good or evil we have done in this Earthly body we Paul a Christian writing to Christians we will be judged Christians will be judged and I'm going to fire a bunch at you First Peter 1 17. remember that the heavenly father to whom you pray has no favorites he will judge a reward you according to what you do so you and I bracketed Christians because that's what he's talking to must live in reverent fear of him during your time here is temporary residence no one hear that one a lot do you doesn't mean it's not there and so we talked about fear first Peter 4 17 for the time has come for judgment and it must begin with who God's household and if judgment begins with us what terrible fade awaits those who have never obeyed God's good news and also if the righteous are barely saved what will happen to Godless sinners Hebrews 10 26 dear friends if we deliberately continue sinning after we have received knowledge of the truth there is no longer any sacrifice that will cover these sins there is only the terrible expectation of God's judgment and the Raging Fire that will consume his enemies for anyone who refused to obey the law of Moses was put to death without Mercy on the testimony of two or three Witnesses just think of how much worse the punishment will be for those who have trampled on the Son of God and have treated the blood of the Covenant which made us holy as if it were common and Unholy and have insulted and disdain the Holy Spirit who brings God's mercy to us for we know the one who said I will take revenge I will pay them back he also said the Lord will judge his own people but I say to you how much worse you say I love Moses thing going on there talked about that in The Sermon on the Mount you saw you heard you heard it said law of Moses but I say to you God didn't die for them yet thank you so here's the thing this is not me doing this it's worse for teachers another verse is probably going to hear a whole lot of preachers say James 3 1. dear brothers and sisters not many of you should become teachers in the church for we who teach will be judged more strictly and so you can see how redone it is I'm just gonna fire off a bunch for you so we already saw second Corinthians 5 First Peter 1 17 4 17 Hebrews 10 30. Romans 2 16 and this is the message that I Paul proclaim the day is coming when God through Christ Jesus Will judge everyone's Secret Life Romans 14 10 so why do you condemn hold on to that word another believer why do you look down on another believer remember we will all stand before the Judgment seat of God we Christians Colossians 3 25 but if you do what is wrong you will be paid back for the wrong you've done for God has no favorites sounding redundant yep first Thessalonians 4 6 never harm or cheat a fellow believer in this manner by violating his wife for the Lord avenges all such sins as we have solemnly warned you before Hebrews 13 4 give honor to marriage remain faithful to one another in marriage God will surely judge people who are immoral and Those who commit adultery James 2 13 there will be no mercy for those who have not shown Mercy to others but if you've been merciful God will be merciful when he judges you so there's more but here's one in particular brief it's okay so here's one in particular I'm going to clear it up for you all right so we'll bring it back up First Corinthians we'll go back there First Corinthians 11 chapters 11-14 context all about things in the worship service so first thing he deals with is the head coverings people get that wrong today because they don't know history but what's happening is women hairstyles so in this culture they have these very elaborate fancy hairstyles and it's kind of like a sex symbol type of thing and so they are prophesying speaking in the church First Corinthians 11 5 makes it clear when the women are prophesying or praying in the church cover that hair up that's the point right so it's probably a guy there like ooh his wife gets mad causing problems there's more traditional Believers there cover your hair guys the pagans do the worship like this right uncover your head don't look like a pagan worshiper then he gets to the Lord's supper and it's not good they're having the home church and so who has the homes the rich people right and so they have these Banquets but they don't stop having the Banquets there so they kind of mix the church with the Banquets and they're getting drunk so he scolds them for that he's really upset about it right so he's telling him examine yourself and he says something interesting First Corinthians 11 31 but if we would examine ourselves we would not be judged by God in this way yet when we Christians are judged by the Lord we are being disciplined so that we will not be here's the word condemned along with the world we are covered in Christ's blood if we are saved so that we will not receive condemnation it doesn't mean that we won't be judged No in fact you can see here God not me says that Christians will be judged condemnation that's it right so simple way of thinking about it you will have to pay some type of penalty Jesus says this but you won't get like the death penalty think about it that way no condemnation we are free from condemnation if we've responded appropriately but we're not free from consequences that is why the teaching is so popular today because we live in a world where everyone wants to be free from consequences or so it seems no consequence I can do whatever I want that's my business and I told you before in the past there's no such thing as a victimless crime doesn't exist the very least you're responsible for no one else you're defiling the temple of God that's what this is the temple of God the Holy Spirit it's left out a lot but what'd you hear today what'd you hear today Jesus talks a lot about consequences doesn't he that's why he was not popular then never be honest he's not popular now talks a lot about its consequence over and over and over again so again keep this in mind though we may not be free of consequences but on the other side of this we're free from condemnation there's no condemnation in Christ so how should we respond as I close this here Romans 8 1. so now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus and because you belong to him the power of the life-giving spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death the love Moses was unable to save us because of the weakness of our sinful nature so God did what the law could not do he sent his own son in a body like the bodies we Sinners have and in that body God declared an end to sins control over us by giving his son as a sacrifice for our sins he did this so that the just requirement of the law would be fully satisfied for us who no longer follow our sinful nature but instead follow the spirit we have we have received the word if we received the word and it has taken root in our hearts now we should be producing the fruit of the spirit 30 60 100 times so Paul writes this Galatians 6 7 don't be misled you cannot mock the justice of God you will always Harvest what you plant those who live only to satisfy their sinful nature will harvest Decay and death from that sinful nature but those who live to please the spirit will harvest everlasting life from the spirit so let's not get tired of doing what is good at just the right time we will reap a harvest a blessing if we don't give up therefore whenever we have the opportunity we should do good to everyone especially those in the family of faith this is an opportunity not an obligation that is the way the holy spirit will cause you to see it if he's taken root in your heart don't look at this as an obligation in the face of judgment but as an opportunity in the face of freedom once we let the word enter cards we are freed and the wages of sin which is death there's also something else you see in this life we are also freed from the guilt the shame the regret the pain freed from all that if we're living our lives in Christ Jesus that can be behind us then then we can experience the fruit of the spirit abundantly in its fullest without all the weeds choking it out then an Abundant Life In Christ that's what it means to do that to be bearing the fruit of the spirit which is what Galatians 5. love joy peace patience kindness goodness self-control talking about the law there's no law against these things that's what that means you can experience love it goes both ways you fully know the love that God has for you just that just that that's enough to change someone God you know if we sing it think about it think let it get in here let it get in here God loved you God loved you God loved you God loved you so much that he Jesus Christ is God died for you who would you die for someone you don't know some sinner ah if this doesn't move you to tears there's something wrong fundamentally that's it I get stuck on that and that's it I'm crying what love then when you realize the gravity Joy Joy what else is going to bother me after that and don't care joy and peace there's nothing new Under the Sun God's word tells us that it's always been crazy stuff going on why are you so wrapped at the other side the sin of the flesh outbursts of anger sin why it doesn't bother you anymore and then people will ask they'll be like doesn't this bother you no let me tell you why Jesus it's why it doesn't bother me come back it's not gonna there's gonna be no more crying No More Pain No More Tears know that I believe that it's a temporary as Paul says light affliction and I won't let it outweigh that eternal glory that I have in Christ no and not too many of us are being Shipwrecked beaten with rods thrown in jail what does Paul do with Silas acts 16 when that happens to him he worships and brings the house down how can he do that I just told you Jesus just told you put it in there and so the key friends well and it's a humble heart get rid of whatever is blocking your path to just get rid of that pride and come humbly to a God who loves you so much he died for you humbly let this permeate into your heart of Flesh experience the love experience the joy experience the patience and the peace that come with that amen let me pray Lord I Thank you for everyone who came in today to hear your word to know the truth and I pray that you soften Hearts today pray that for those who haven't let you fully in there finally surrender give up whatever's blocking that and come to you Lord humility and then for those of us who've received you that we go out as vehicles of your love your joy your peace your patience your kindness your self-control pray these things in Jesus name amen.