The Bible Unredacted

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Sun, Apr 07, 2024 10AM • 1:00:28SUMMARY KEYWORDSJesus, god, interesting, bible, people, kill, read, church, tribes, great, talks, David, books, israel, pharaoh, Moses, weird, story, worship, Saul
Good morning. If you're new here among us, you don't know why I just did that. Because I'm crazy. And welcome. My name is Gene I serve here at C3 church as your pastor and no notes, we're going to see what happens today this is going to get really interesting. We'll see. I don't know. So we are concluding our series, the rest of the story, the Bible unredacted. Why would we say unredacted? So, I'm going to give a little overview today, this will be interesting. Like I said, we say unredacted, because when we went back, and we looked at the Bible of the early church, we saw it was just a little bit different, which was interesting. Now, when we think we know a lot, and that's for Christians in the church, a lot of Christians, the church, especially if you've been in ministry, you've been in church for a long time, you think you know, a lot. And if we're being honest, a little bit of pride develops about what you think, you know. And it requires humility, to look at the truth, right to dig a little deeper. So we started this series, I threw myself under the bus, I talked about my previous industry, my career that it was in the martial arts industry. And I talked about one of my first run ins, big time with humility, like this. I was a black belt. I've been doing martial arts my whole early adult life and through my childhood, and I had a black belt in a traditional martial art. And I thought I knew everything until white belt from the superior martial arts helped me out a few times. And I was like, Okay, what do I do now? Who were left with a choice, we can either just kind of pretend that didn't happen ignorance, or we can take a black belt off and start over again. So that's what I did. And so how much more in a calling than a career right calling in Christ? And how much more should pastors do this? So one of the first things that we learned was the Bible. And now we got to think about it right? The scriptures for the New Testament time, or the Old Testament, right? So we looked at the Old Testament, we looked at what they were working with, and we looked at the world they lived in, and we saw, it was a Greek speaking world, like this is an English speaking world. Even a lot of the Jewish people didn't speak Hebrew then. And so what happens? So right around like 250 250, granted years before Jesus arrives in the flesh, you have a version, King Ptolemy gets a version of the Hebrew Scriptures made in the Greek language for the Library of Alexandria. Maybe you know about some of this stuff. And what he does is he has 72 Elders, or like scribes come, six from each one of the 12 tribes of Israel come and they translate into the Greek language. Well, even historians like Philo at the time were like, wow, this is a great translation of the scriptures. It's another all Jewish Remember, no Christians right now. So people are all agreeing, this is just an amazing translation, Spirit inspired, because when they portioned off these elders, they all came back with the exact same translation. So the early church fathers when you're getting there, they all believed and knew and we looked at tons of different quotes, that this was a Holy Spirit inspired translation for the coming of the Messiah in a Greek speaking world. And he said, so like, if he's going to come now, you'd want it in English, right? So just to think like that. So it was all in Greek, which is really interesting, because a lot of Christians today and it's not wrong, they will say like the Old Testament was Hebrew, maybe a little bit Aramaic, here and there, but they don't understand is that the early church fathers, the apostles, they're all reading the Old Testament, and Greek, and we saw that there were a little some differences here and there, they didn't change the whole story. And as I go through this, please understand this doesn't change the gospel message at all, but gives us little details and different things that we didn't have otherwise. And the second feature that we noticed is that well, there were 14 to 18 more books, depending on what copies you looked at. And now again, this is going all the way back to the Bible, the earliest copies that we have, these books are in there, and they're not kind of sectioned off in their own section. They're woven throughout the Old Testament, there's no delineation as to whether their scriptures or not. Now, in today's world, we delineate right, so we call it the Apocrypha for the Protestant can't Deuterocanonical from the Catholic or orthodox camp, right? So but then there just wasn't this type of delineation. And that was kind of weird. They're all kind of just jumbled in there. And so we started exploring, we looked at Bibles later, later, we got to the English Bibles, finally, the Matthews Bible 1525 2016. I know it's Geneva Bible 1560. Yes, there are English versions before the King James Hall, then the 16th, Levin, King James, they all have this Apocrypha on there. This time they're delineating it was an all English Bibles until the mid 1800s. So a way we have to think of this is Christianity, let's say round numbers. It's been around for 2000 years, for 1800 years of the Christian church history. Those books were a part of the Bible, or they say Bible. So for 90% or so of Christian history, Christians were reading that Bible, not the one that especially Protestants are holding in their hand. And it makes a little bit of a difference in coming to understand things. So as an overview, I'll point out some of those differences. But again, it takes a lot of humility. And so that happened me in martial arts, and I'll be honest, I didn't take the black belt off right away. I struggled with it. I was like, oh, man, you know, it was a lot of work. And I got to start over again, LinkedIn, I started over again. So okay, we're just going to start over again, it took 10 years from that point on turn my black belt in that new martial art, but again, how much more as a pastor so when I graduated from Pastor school, I got ordained, I was probably what you'd call one of those paper pastors, we had paper, black belts, lot of paper pastors out there. And so I'll throw myself under the bus. I didn't know as much about the Word of God as I should, if I were to be teaching it. I didn't know the history of the church, and it's just rattling off things that I was taught. If we're going to church for a long time, how many of us is rattled off things that we've not been taught, we really dig super deep. And so just let you know, this is a very long journey for me. So I'm trying to bring you all this stuff and through this series, all the stuff that I found by really just not listening to what somebody has been told somebody's been told no, but like actually studying history and looking at the documents, studying it learning Greek and devoting myself to it. So that's the right way to do it. So this is where this comes from. All right, so 66 books we have 66 books that all Christians regardless of denomination pretty much can agree on. What are they? Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth first. No. Serial seconds. First gang Satan kings First Chronicles Second Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther. Jo song Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah Haggai Zechariah Malik, I take a breath between the Testaments, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John X. Romans, First Corinthians Second Corinthians Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians Colossians. First Thessalonians Second Thessalonians those are hard to say First Timothy, Second Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, First Peter, Second Peter, First John, second, John, Third John June revelation, I could do it backwards. My wife told me not to because it's showing off. Alright, so those are 66 books. That's it. We can all agree on that. I love agreeing. Let's have lunch. Now, your first indication that the Bible the early church was in Greek is right in front of us. A lot of these things are right in front of your face. They're right there. When you open your Bible. I started discovering it I was like. So the first indication is that for the five, first five books of the Bible, retain their Greek names. They're Greek jazz, they're there. They're not Hebrew names. They're Greek names. Why do you think that is? Well, because the Bible, early church is in Greek. So it's really interesting. So you get the Genesis, right. So what I'm going to do here, I'm just going to overview so you know, if you're going through word for word, I'm going to miss quite a bit of stuff unless we want to be here for like five or six hours, but I've been told that because some people don't like that. If you like it, alright, well, we can do it. But I'm going to try to just overview what I want to do here is just give you an overview of the Bible. And what's the point what is it all point to what's the meaning of this right? So not every single detail right? We'll go over some things I just want you to understand to every word of God is important. Every word of the Word of God is really important. So I'm not saying or implying that, hey, this was more important than the other stuff. And they're just some features here. So as we point to Jesus in the so we open up the Bible we get to Genesis, right we have the origin story, the creation story, right? And if you look at them, there are two. And what's the point? Right? The point isn't, so that we can read it become a god and make our own universe are on earth, right? No, that's not the point. Right? The point is what? God he's all powerful, right? omnipresent, omnipotent. He's the creator of everything. When we read it the right way, we see the Trinity a picture of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit verse do, right, we see if we fast forward a little bit. Jesus prefigured Jesus walking in the garden, the Trinity is all in there. God makes paradise of the fall of man. He gave mankind when I say us, I just mean mankind. He gave us mankind paradise.
But it wasn't good enough for us. That's the point. Right? So God created everything. So here you have this problem, right? We immediately try to rob equality with God, then you have your first murder, and Cain and Abel, right. Are there then? It seems as if the heavens aren't even good enough for the angels are the sons of God because what are they doing? They're procreating with the daughters of men. The earth is corrupted. God says let's flood it, right. So nothing's good enough for anybody it seems. So you have no one the flood account Shem, Ham, J FET. His sons are with him and their wives. They're saved. The floods recede. You probably remember the covenant, which you've probably don't remember about the covenant is you're not supposed to eat any blood in the meat. Okay, so I'm going to think about running your barbecue. So, there's a covenant with God, you probably remember the rainbow part, that's fine. They worship God, they're right. But even after all, that, man is trying to strive to be like God, you have the Tower of Babel, right? Nothing will be impossible for them. So Let's confuse their languages. God is a God of confusion, regardless of what your virgin said. So
you got that. So now we move on to the accounts of Abraham. And there's a lot in there. There's a lot that a lot of people remember. So just you know, a few things that you probably remember, you probably remember the story about Sodom and Gomorrah, you might remember the covenants from or Lot's wife, the pillar. So you remember the covenants the covenant of circumcision, you remember, the account of his son, Isaac, and him and Isaac is carrying the wood and that's really important because when we see a prefigure and Jesus carrying the cross, Abraham being willing to sacrifice his son, when we keep reading a lot of this want to put things together for you. So some of the answers you find in the New Testament, there'll be a little bit of fun. But if you're reading, he thought that God could raise him from the dead, says it prefigure again, of Jesus. But some of the stuff some of the rest of the story in there was kind of fun. We see that he rescues a lot and after rescuing his nephew Lot, right, it was 318 train men. They run into this prefigure of the priesthood that Jesus is from Melchizedek. And it kind of gives them a tithe. And no, that's not a good reason to why we should tithe before the law. Anyway, I won't go down that if you heard that one won't go down that tangent anymore. But we also see there's some weird things that Abraham does, like, well, for example, he's married to his half sister, Sarah, Sarah, right? But he leaves out, like certain parts that she's his wife when he runs into Pharaoh ones, and then later of Abimelech of Gerar. So he's kind of deceitful. And then we see later that Isaac does the same thing to maybe the same guy. I'm like, I'm girl. She's my sister. But and Isaac's case, he's a total liar. So anyway, you see that people aren't perfect even father Abraham, right? So it's all pointing for a need to need for a Savior. Right? So right, right from that nobody's perfect. Even the heroes of the Bible, there are no heroes. There's just Jesus. So that's what we're getting if we're reading it all, but here just a pause button problem with early churches. How many churches have you been in where they make these people heroes? That's wrong. There's no hero in the story except one person, Jesus. So just keep that in mind. But sounds like I'm talking trash about all these biblical characters, but the Bible talks trash about them. So I'm just repeating what it says. Right? So Isaac, son, Jacob, and Esau right so now you're going to have two tribes are born that are kind of at odds with each other and they're going to be at odds with each other through the rest of the thing. So Jacob becomes the I'm sorry, Esau becomes the Edomites Jacob is going to become easier Israel, Jacob to deceive, remember, like he steals the birthright but with some help from his mom, so just remember, right So, but he gets his uncle Laban tricks him he wants to marry who? Rachel Right But who's get layer right and I guess he's not as cute. So he has to work like double the time. So labor he gets trick, even for the seat but you remember things about Jacob, he becomes hope, Israel why he wrestles with God I remember so those were kind of some of the important things. But you know, he and his brother Esau run into each other and things are okay for now. But in the future not going to be you're always going to see this, like tug of war here talking about peoples left out lot. One of the things in the lot in Sodom and Gomorrah, accounts a lot of people forget is that lots daughters, maybe they think they have to repopulate the world. They get hurt their dad drunk, and they procreate with them. And then you have the Ammonites and the Moabites, born to detestable tribes, so you start setting up these tribes and they have stories behind them, and then later, other things make sense. So just to put that in there, like I said, I could leave things out. So now you have Jacob, and Jacob, who is going to be the father of the 12 tribes of Israel. But you get a couple of interesting stories. Within these accounts. You get Judah and Tamar. Now you have Earl who's a wicked man, he dies own and is supposed to come along, and it's this weird love right marriage thing. And he's supposed to give his sister's brother's wife a child. And he doesn't want to do it. So you have an onanism, which is one of the first forms of birth control we see in history. Yeah. So we'll keep moving. And so Judah hides away. His other son, Sheila, right doesn't want Tamar to get involved. Maybe she's cursed or something like that. So she decided to take it upon herself to play the prostitute and then sleep with her dad in law. Gross. Do you have that whole account there, right, Perez and Zerah gives birth to there and so you have this in Jesus's genealogy, which is kind of interesting. He's from that tribe of Judah. Right? So there's redemption stories in there. Then there's Dinah and Shechem. And hey, more Shechem decides to rape their sisters out of the 12 tribes of Israel you have one daughter, and there she gets raped Simeon Levi, they take it upon themselves to check them in revenge and say, Hey, we can all kind of you know, get together and be one big family if you all get circumcised so they do it. They know they're going to have to heal from it while they're healing. They kill them. Really interesting. And Jacobs. Now, he says, You've made me odious to all the people. Then we get into Joseph account. Alright, so you have the 12 tribes of Israel, right? Judah Reuben, Gad, Asher and of tally. Dan, Simeon. Levi is a Guardsman Joseph and Benjamin. So these are the 12 Sons of Israel. So they're born, but Joseph becomes a favorite of Jacob. And you know, you probably heard like the Technicolor Dreamcoat, or whatever it is, they're multicolored code, but the more important thing is you kind of can interpret these dreams, and he has these dreams that nobody likes. They're like, Hey, he's not better than us. And so they decide they're going to kill him. But no, let's sell them off to Ishmael light or Midianites slave traders. So Joseph finds himself in Egypt in part of ours house, right. So he's doing really well, until there's this like interaction with POD fires wife. And so she accuses him of some things that he didn't do. And he goes to prison, but he's an overachiever. So he does really good there and eventually becomes like second highest to Pharaoh. Right? So All right, great. The family, there's a famine, they need help. He welcomes his family in but first, he messes with his brothers a whole bunch for getting put in that situation in the first place. Right? So then they do okay, they said, everybody gets set up. Now, we have happening here at the end. A lot of people miss this is that you're at the end of Genesis. Now. You're going Genesis three, sorry, Genesis 4049 49. So your Genesis sorry, it's already come and talk at the same time. So Genesis 49, and you have the blessings that Jacob Israel gives to the 12 tribes, his sons, and some of them aren't really blessings, because he's still kind of mad, especially Reuben, he was with his concubine, and then you may be odious, you killed all these guys in the land. And so Simeon Levi, not so great for them, but for Judah, it's great. And we see a prediction about Jesus from your line, someone with a scepter and he's going to rule the nations really important people kind of skip over that. We see that both Joseph Jacob die and they get bombed. So that organ donor card you can fill that out, okay? They're gotten bought says crypto. So anyway, when someone's like, oh, refused to do that. So yeah, look it up. So we get an exodus and now we're at a point now where Pharaoh some generations go by Pharaoh forgets about like what Joseph did. So no one's remembering the Israelites, but they're growing really large in number. So Pharaoh was like, Alright, what do we do with them? We make them slaves, right? So you probably know they're making bricks, they're working in the field doing all this stuff. Then they're like, You know what, just kill all the sons just if they're born, just kill the Hebrew sons in the ship run Pula, these midwives. They're like God fearing so they don't do it. They're like, Oh, they just they're vigorous. He's Hebrew women, so we don't have time to kill them. Right. So then we get to the scene where we see the Amram and Jochebed Ed Moses, and so they put him in this little read basket. After some time Pharaoh's daughter finds him he gets brought up in Pharaoh's house. 40 years goes by, he still has a heart for His people. Right? So he sees his slave driver mistreating one of the people he murders on right then people find out about it. So he gets out of there. And he runs into the priest of Midian rule later called Jethro it gets confusing. So for his daughter, he marries her. Then 40 years goes by God appears to him in a burning bush. He's like, I'm God, I want you to go redeem my people out of Egypt or lead them out. He's like, What should I call you? I am right. So that's where we get that name. This is what Jesus is referring to. When he calls himself. I am over and over and over again, right? That's what eventually gets him killed. It means he's God. That's what he's saying. So, Moses, he doesn't want to go right and like, my tongue gets twisted. I'm not a good speaker. So okay, fine. Aaron's going to go with you. They go and the persuasion for Pharaoh is Let My People Go so that they can worship me. It's about worship in the wilderness. Not we want to go to Disney World, right? No, it's not about that. So it's about worshiping God. Right. But God hardened Pharaoh's heart so that God's glory can be seen. And then we get the 10 plagues, from Red Cross Blood frogs, gnats, flies, and then you have Jonasson genres these magicians and Pharaohs court trying to keep pace but they can't after like the first two. So it continues on right so you get the NATs fly. We get cattle dying, you have boils, they throw up the dust in there, there's boils, Halen, thunder, Lucas, darkness and death. And that's when we get to that final plague, that angel is going to come and kill all their firstborn sons but to the Israelites what do they get Passover, you kill him a certain way and you cover the doorposts with its blood and you're what saved by the blood and so this is a prefigure of Jesus this is what Jesus is going to fulfill in the Passover becoming that once and for all final Passover lamb amazing right? So really rich text if you're in there so Exodus 12 variants then you probably know like the parting of the Red Sea probably saw that on TV you have read the Bible right crashes among the Egyptians but what the Israelites are redeemed but then God it's really important some stuff in here sustains them right so the bitter water Mara, and then remember Mark Maribel you see the first water filtration system that Moses comes up with or they can drink the water they get water from a rock, but if we keep reading that rock is Christ right so the sustenance there in First Corinthians five so and then you get the manna from heaven again, this is going to sustain them the bread from heaven so they don't even need like regular food as they're wandering around to the wilderness then we get to the 10 commandments or Exodus 19 and 2010 commandments so you get like this basis for even what we kind of still believe today. So it's like the starting point for the law right? I have no other gods before me don't make any idols don't take the name of the Lord and being people who just said Sabbath on your mom and dad, you're not going to murder adultery. You lie still coming right? So you have those. And so a lot of people just think oh, that's it. No, Aaron writes a Moses is up there with God for 40 days. 40 Nights, no food or water. Don't try that at home, and Aaron's down there, but the people get impatient. Where's this guy? And he's like, Okay, well, let's make a golden calf so we can worship that. And he kind of has this funny response to Moses about it because it's interesting. He's like, I don't know I just put all this gold in there and help this calf it's like really hard. You didn't have anything to do with making that. So anyway, they worship Moses here tears coming down from the mountain you get so mad about it he breaks the first set of stone tablets love you'll remember that right? So then a lot of people died Moses does something really disgusting but interesting with the golden calf like he grinds it down makes it a powder puts it in the water and he has everyone drink it why so that that false god is nothing but excrement so that's what happens there a bunch of people die that's not fun either. And then Moses has to go back up on the mountain do it all over again. Gets the second stones, stone tablets, but then what you see is another 603 Different laws given why well what happens if I do break the Sabbath? What happens if I dishonor my mom and dad? What happens if they commit murder? What happens if I commit adultery answer you die or so that's what happens. And then there's all these cities of refuge just different laws and this is what you get, then you get a holy of embezzle Well, these two guys who make the what we would call today setup church ever been a part of the setup church? Right? We don't want to remember that. But that's what the tabernacle is like and all these ornate things, it's really complicated. So we get to the end of Exodus, then we get to Leviticus, we're at Leviticus, but I'm going to move even faster than this we'll get through today. So Leviticus there priestly laws, that's what you get in Leviticus, mostly a lot of people don't understand is what's going on through this time is about one year of time from like, you know that 10 commandments thing all the way and we're going to get into numbers it's really just one years and then all of a sudden there's a smaller amount of tax for many years but in Leviticus we see interesting things Nate and Obi who die they bought they burn the wrong kind of like incense or fire for the altar. But we see another really strong prefigure to Jesus the Day of Atonement. That was David Thomas, where that's like we know it as Yom Kippur war today, where Aaron are the primaries of that time is going to put his hand on the goat said transmit the sins of the people and go dies. But there's something really weird in there. They call the other one the scapegoat. But isn't the scapegoat the one who gets killed?
Yeah, that's because it's a bad translation. The Scapegoat should be called the one for Oiselle. That, well, if you turn the page to Leviticus 16 You see, they're worshipping goat demons. That's weird. But anyway, we Go back to that. So there's a prefigured Jesus in this lamb that atones for us, right takes away our sin. So no, not scapegoat. So that's a prefigured that Jesus fulfills that festival, as well. We get into numbers and it's kind of like this military census going on. Right? So they're kind of numbering all the people you skipped that part. Everybody skipped that part. So if did you make it through Leviticus? Come on, be honest. Right. So there's all these different names and all these different things, you kind of bored, but you got to read through it because a lot of cool stuff happens. There's like jealousy laws and all kinds of interesting things. I know it all falls on the woman. But keep going, we get to number 1314. We see that okay, now it's time to scout out the promised land. Yay. This is what it's all about. You get to go in, right. So they go do it. Representatives from the 12 tribes of Israel, but then most of them don't want to they see giants. They're like, Oh, they thought we look like grasshoppers. We're going to get killed. They don't want to go. Except Caleb and Joshua. The people who don't want to go, they all get punished. guy gets real mad. He says, You know what? Now you're going to wander around the wilderness. Like that's it for 40 years, unless you're 20 years old or over. That's it, you're not going to see the promised land. Caleb and Joshua, right? So those people can become important in a minute. Then you see different things. Remember Baylands donkey, that's fun. Tony went over that again, because it's fun. It's a fun account to review. And so you get different things, but it's preparations for what they want to do. Well, they actually try to go back doesn't work. Right. That's it, you're going to wander the wilderness. Then we get to Deuteronomy, another Greek word, but basically like second law giving, so like a second giving you the law, but don't skip over it. There's the Shema in chapter six Jewish children are Jewish people still say that today and kind of important. One interesting feature in there is that Moses is a prophet and God's giving him like all the blessings and curses one on mountain garrison and one on Mount evil. When they get to the promised land, they're going to pronounce these blessings and curses. But if you looked at it, you'll notice there's a lot more curses than blessings. And it's prophesied that oh, yeah, your people are going to disobey the commandments, and they're going to get all these curses. That's prophesied right in there. So Deuteronomy 2720. Okay. So that is your Torah. That is the first five books of the Bible, right? So Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua. So now we are going to end there's a bunch of time goes by like 40 years goes by in them, and you get Joshua. Now, what's really interesting, when you're reading this in the Greek Old Testament, he becomes incredibly obvious that he's a prefigure of Jesus, because his name is Jesus, Jesus and the Greek. Interesting, right. So some people call them Hosea, but I'll just call him Jesus. So he's getting people in the Promised Land. What do we remember about this, besides Be strong and courageous, right? Through this whole task, we remember Rahab, the prostitute housing, you know, these spies ago to spy out the land, the fall of Jericho, they're going to walk around at some time that it falls remember those accounts, but then there's like this whole allocation of the land. So again, it gets like kind of numbers is where this person gets this portion, this person gets that portion. But here's what we need to do. And he kept reading we saw that didn't quite get to that promised rest through Joshua Hebrews for their judgment, Jesus will get us there. So it's just the prefigured, that's not the total promise press. Get a lot of pre figuring in here. Then you get judges. Now we get to a theme here it starts saying a little more. There no king in that time, everybody did what was right in their own eyes. So God gives them judges, nobody talks about Othniel. He's the first one. We get to weird stuff that's in the rest of the story like II hood. So he's just judges a left handed judge and stabs this fat guy Eglin. Why did I say is that? Well, because the Bible says, and it says that the sword gets stuck in his belly, right? He's on the latrine problem. It's a really gross story. Nobody talks about that. You get to Deborah. Deborah is really interesting. People talk about Deborah. Yes, right. So But there's an even better woman in their jail. Remember what she did. She puts this for the general who's fleeing asleep with some milk here had some milk, she goes to sleep and he takes he takes a tent peg and dries it right through his temple. And I told you, you don't need to watch Game of Thrones at all. You can just read your Bible. And so anyway, so she feels good. So there's a lot of violence and judges are going to get start getting very Gideon, right? He tests God with the fleece and then there's a son of him like no one talks about him. Except, David, maybe because what he gets killed to a woman throws a millstone right down on his head, but he's evil. We don't care about him, but women killing people right? So that'll happens then you know about Samsung, the guy who has like a problem maybe a drinking problem, but definitely with women. Big problem with women. So that's Samsung, but then nobody talks about Mike as idols right, the sin of the damn knights. It's so bad. Then we look at the Hebrew texts. They tried to take Moses his lineage out of it, but the Greek text says no, Moses was part of this. So the sin of the damn knights Maybe that's why they're not in that list of the 12 tribes of Israel and revelation. I'm going too far. So anyway, we also get right a bride for Benjamin, the tribe of Benjamin. How does that happen? The Levite and the concubines starts off like the Sodom and Gomorrah story, right? So we want to have sex with the visitor here, right? This Levite right, but no, what does he do? He's a brave guy. He throws his concubine out, right? And so what do they do? They rape and murder the concubine. What is the Levi do for his concubine? He cuts her into 12 pieces and sends those pieces off her body to the 12 tribes of Israel. Everyone gets mad at Benjamin white, that's their town where it happens. And then they like kind of almost wiped them out than they need to find brides for them because all of a sudden they feel bad about what they did. And so they find brides for them in a really weird way, like at the festival, Shiloh and there's like this picture like caveman picture of him dragging, dragging off these brides all weird stuff. And that's the book of Judges. Ruth, who is Ruth there. Well, Ruth is a redemption story. Ruth comes from a mall by trade number law. So now that you're hearing it all in one shot, like oh, so she's like, kind of an undesirable enough. Naomi, and then Malin and Killian, their husbands die. But Ruth cleaning some Naomi right wherever you go, I will go and it's not about she's saying that to her. That's what that song is about. Anyway. Ruth, right. And she's going to get redeemed by Boaz. And why is this important? Well, because that's in David's line over Jesse David, right. So it sets us up for First Samuel, a story of redemption. It's in Jesus's genealogies, right? No matter where you're from, what's your race, your ethnicity, what you've done. It doesn't matter, right? You will be redeemed in Jesus a prefigure to him. Plus, walking into David's line. First Samuel sets us up for David through Ely. And you had his wicked sons their names. Thank you. You just preached on this. Some of you in Venice, remember the three prong fork? Okay, so Eli, he's just shy. So then you get Samuel. Samuel is not like it sounds right. But then he has bad sounds like Dan doesn't do anything about it either. You get Samuel in there. He's a judge a prophet. What does this lead to? We want to King and then he feels rejected? God's like, no, they're not rejecting you. They're rejecting me. We want to be a king. Don't you know the king is going to do to you? Yeah. Whenever we want a king, we want to be like the other nations. God is not good enough, right? The profits aren't good enough for us to mankind, right? The judges weren't good enough. Now you need a king. Great. not desirable, right. So Saul gets picked. He's a head taller than everyone else. Remember that? He's a head taller than rails. He gets picked. But he's disobedient. Right? So he loses the kingship now hindering David Right? He's tormented by the spirits. But David can calm down because he can play like let's just say the harp don't get technical about the exact instrument. The heart right you can calm him down all this stuff. He's also he becomes his armor bearer. And then you have the scene of what David Goliath, the Philistines are using this giant to taunt them. Now this was really interesting, because in the Greek version, he's six foot nine, not nine feet tall. But that's like the same height as probably saw was and now we understand Saul's a coward. Right. So it tells us about who saw really is. So we get that story, you know, story about David and certain parts of it, but I'll give you some more. Right? So he grabbed five smooth stones from the white he can't fit into the armor that Saul wants him to where he's like, No, it's too cumbersome. Five students don't want you just in case the first one doesn't work. But the first one works. So he hits glide from the forehead, knocks him out, grabs glide sword shops, his head off. Awesome, right? And then we're like, yay. And then maybe you remember that part where like, you know, Saul killed his 1000s. And David has 10,000 Saul gets really mad. But just before that something happens. Here's a picture of Saul, looking at David what he just done with Abner's General. He's like, Yo, who's that? And what's his father's name? Should they just say no? And then he knows Jesse called them up said, Hey, can David come and play at my house? Right so that all the fall. So the facts that so? Sure, permission slips. Anyway, so watch. But then we looked at the Greek version, we were like, Oh, that's not there. Nor is it in the Dead Sea Scrolls, which are Rounders the same time Septuagint is a little bit older. So it was older Greek version. So yeah, anyway, I have to stop myself because we can go an extra hour really easily on just this one point.
It's not there. It was later added to the text by Hebrews who didn't like believe in Jesus, that's all there thing that so doesn't belong in the Bible. But anyway, so we redacted that, oh, we're going to have to change the series title, but it's too late. So we're not going to say how to David Glasser, we learned about David. Everyone thinks about that. Shiva right? David's an adulterer, and he had adultery. This woman also killed her husband Uriah had a real deceitful way that was horrible. But then we learned more. David was really deceitful David once in a while and pretended to be a crazy person just like that. That's any better. But also he's copying what David did if you didn't get that, don't worry, so tends to be crazy. Pop culture. Also, he lies to him. So he should gas. He goes on these raiding parties where he's killing all the men and the innocent people, the women. Why? Because he doesn't want anyone to find out. He's murdering people. He's murdering people. Right? And this becomes The stated reason as to why he can't build the temple for God. You have shed too much blood. David's not such a hero is no. Then you get to Solomon right. So Solomon can do it. Yeah, he's awesome. And he's so smart, so smart. Well, that he broke every one of God's laws for Okay. Deuteronomy 17. Look it up. He broke all the rules for a game. Horrible, right. It's also very prideful. First of all, he's also like enacting that hard labor. He basically has like slaves making slave work and for him, right, he built his palace, and it's twice the size of the temple. He's not modest. He's breaking all the laws. He marries Pharaoh's daughter, like, what are you doing? Did he just like get out of there a long time ago, he forgot. So anyway, Mary's barrels are all these like, really, really bad things that he's doing. So what happens? Well, God tells him, you know what, I love your dad. So I'm not going to have these horrible things happen in your lifetime, but it's going to happen a lot to sons of future generations. Right? So they're going to be at odds war all the time. It's going to be really horrible for them. And indeed, Rehoboam we see he comes into the picture next, he doesn't listen to his older advisors, the young ones, right. So my dad beat you with whips. I'm going to beat you with scorpions. And what does he say? My little fingers thicker than my father's loins. So really weird thing, right? So really crazy. So right bone does that. And what this does is incites a civil war. And so you have Jeroboam who used to work for his dad, he goes in the north with most of the other tribes of Israel. So in the south, you often have the Levites because Jerusalem's they're associated with them, they do the temple worship, and then you have Benjamin because that's where it is on the map here. And here we go. All right, so you have those tribes down there and the north, everybody else Israel in the north Judah in the south, right? So that's what's going on. So they're going to be at war with each other and everybody else. It's this total next. So then you go down these different generations, you get Omri, he establishes the city scenario, why is that important? Number The Samaritans explains this kind of like this between the Jews and the Samaritans way later, right, because they're up there. So what's the main thing that's going on? Well, no matter what the kings are, whether it's ray of Alma budget, Asa Jehoshaphat, Jehoram Zion Athaliah of the wicked queen, Joash Amaziah Jotham Ahaz, Hezekiah, Manassah, Amon, Josiah Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin, Zedekiah. So no matter what the king was, was the kings of Judah, or what the king was? They're worshipping idol. Even the best of them messes it up. Right? They get things wrong. Hezekiah was great. It was it was great, but they mess things up. Right? None of them are heroes. It all points the need for a Savior. And the reason God is going to use other nations to destroy them. So first during Ahaz and Judah, and then who che is rain. First, Israel falls to the Assyrians. So that's it for them. They get taken over and some weird stuff happens like lions eat the people so they have to send in a priest who knows how to worship. It's weird. But anyway, right and then later, right so you have even Josiah said he was great, right? But he was arrogant. And Pharaoh and Nico kills him. Right? Then his son has gets put in there he gets taken away. Then it just starts to fall the king of Babylon comes into picture. Jehovah Kim first name is like in first place, right? Jehoiachin and then Zedekiah. They fall to Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. No. First Chronicles in Second Chronicles, we don't really need to go over that. But what it is first nine chapters of First Chronicles is genealogies nobody reads it except me. Then starting in 10, you see the death of Saul and then David becoming king. And so the rest of that first Chronicles and Second Chronicles focuses more on Judah in the south. So what's the point? The whole point is doesn't matter how many generations how many kings how good they are, they all resort to other gods. Again, God gave us all this, but God isn't good enough. That's the point. So then we did the Bible chronologically. This year, it's not an order. So when you read it, you're going to hop right over to Ezra so there's going to be this like seven years of exile, and that's going to take you over and Ezra like way of thinking is pretty good. But if you're trying to do it chronologically, you have to go to the prophets and start take getting most of the prophets and putting them into Second Kings and Second Chronicles they kind of weave through that accounts. Alright, so there you start getting Isaiah Jeremiah Ezekiel. You get Jeremiah lamentations of Jeremiah, all the poetry in there. Right? So then Daniel will save that for a minute, right? But then all throughout Hosea, Joel, Amos Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah Melaka will save for later but anyway, these prophets, they're all warning Juden Israel about either the impending disaster what's going to happen? There's toxic cannibalism in there. It's really weird. Anyway, so those remember Deuteronomy, those curses, this is what's going on right here, all goes together. And so they're pronouncing judgment, also to other nations. But all throughout it out it prophecies about Jesus, about his virgin birth about him coming, Emmanuel, God with us, right. So about even restoration for Israel restoration for us talks about us being grafted in using the Gentiles then to make the Jewish people who didn't accept them. So all kinds of a new spirit, I'm not going to give you a law that's written on stone tablets, again, I'm going to put a new heart and you give you a new spirit, Ezekiel 36 jobs, you see all kinds of cool prophecies about like Pentecost, we'll talk about that later. So just that's what's woven throughout here where he's born like Micah. So each one of the prophets is going to give us something about Jesus. So when you do it in this way, you blend together these kings, you blend together these prophets, and side by side, they're telling you these kings aren't going to be good enough and speak to us today. Or should right now these things are going to be good enough, right? And here's the prophecies about Jesus do what's the answer? Jesus? What's the answer? Jesus, what's the answer? Jesus all throughout the Thank you, you're getting it took like three times.
So anyway, we have a report. If you're new here today, it's okay. We're friends. So and then, like, I don't want to be friends with him. That's crazy. No, just don't sit up front and make noise. So they're all woven through there. Now. Let's get back to Daniel. If we go to Daniel is interesting, because he takes us through a long time, like a really long period of time. So he's interwoven even in there with Jeremiah like, there's just like, all interspersed throughout, he goes over that seven year period of exile and into Ezra, so now you have these Persian kings that are taking everything over like Cyrus, he's going to make some allowances, he's going to let people kind of do certain things and included in those things. Ezra, Nehemiah is rebuilding the temple because it got destroyed, or Solomon's temple gone, right. So he's going to rebuild that. And that's Ezra is more concerned with the temple. And then Nehemiah is more concerned with the wall. And it's very interesting. We looked at them side by side in one shot. And what we saw was, they're two very different personalities with the same objective. You see, as there's more of a spiritual guy. So what's happening like when he might need to take like soldiers with him? He's like, No, I already told him I trusted God, we're going to stick with that where Nehemiah asks for them. And it's so very practical versus very spiritual. When we wove the prophets in there, we saw something very interesting and Haggai and Zechariah, who come to bring him comfort, bring them comfort and encourage them like, Hey, you're doing well working on your like nice paneled houses. How about the house of the Lord? Right? So that's like me want to talk about tagging? Um, like, your house is doing? Good. What about this one, we need an AC unit. So that's like basically summarizing Haggai. And so that's what's going on there. I try to just modernize it as much as I can. So no air conditioning, sleep on the roof. Anyway, so. So that's what you have in there. And inside of that, she has three layers. When you look at it chronologically. You have Jeshua and Zerubbabel, two very similar feet of people to Ezra and Nehemiah in there. Right. So a priestly figure Yeshua, and in the Greek, he's Jesus, it's very obvious. And you have all these foreshadowing saying, like, Oh, they're just talking about Jesus. Again, it's really obvious, right? And Zerubbabel is the governor. So we saw all these like personality types in there. Really, really super interesting. And we continue obviously, just quickly on Daniel, cool prophecies in there too amazing. The fourth person in the fire Jesus, right, so you get kind of a prefigure of that. And then also, you have prophecy Son of Man, Daniel seven, where Jesus refers to himself as an prophecy, the resurrection and Daniel 12. Really, really cool. Well, here you get to Esther. Esther has an interesting story festival poem, if you ever worried about wondered about that, like lots of cats lots. But anyway, Esther represents someone who is willing to die for her people. If I die, I die. So Jewish woman comes to prominence in this Persian kingdom, pretty figures but Jesus being willing to die for his people so you get a proof. Figuring that now at this point, we looked at some of the documents spend a lot of time on it. But some of the other books of the Bible that the Bible of the early church would have looked at, in this area ish. You had Tobit, a whimsical town. What was interesting about Tobit was that people in the New Testament referenced it got very interesting. If you look at an old King James, like the reference notes are right there. And the New Testament said, Hey, look at Tobin. So why don't we I don't know. So then you saw Judith, very similar to an Esther story, and she cuts off a guy's head to more violence. And then you see First and Second Maccabees, they tell us where Hanukkah comes from. Might want to know, right? It's what Jesus and John tan I believe calls the Festival of Lights. He knew about it. So go look at it. And this is the history of it. And then they're also guys, tons of really cool battles. And we get further and further they have like, elegant, it's kind of like Lord of the Rings. It's pretty amazing. Good battle scenes. So check it out. Right? So these are some of the apocryphal books that you find in there is not in the order of the Bible. We also looked at wisdom books from the Apocrypha we saw wisdom of Solomon, for example, which Paul is no doubt quoting when he writes Romans, right, so amazing, all kinds of other stuff, the armor of gods in there, as well. Just interesting stuff. Seoraksan they're all different kinds of stuff like that. So those are your wisdom books, then we get to the wisdom books that are probably in all of your Bibles. Really interesting. So we start with job was in poetry, what? What's the reason for suffering, right? And so what's interesting, the Bible of the early church gave us Job's identity. He was one of those kings remember, Balearic hired Balaam, right after the king of veiling of Edom Joe, that's the next king job, or joke so that's him anyway. Then you have the Psalms right? So all these awesome worship songs David wrote between 73 and 75, depending on who you ask the Psalms with some help from Moses, Solomon is in there too. And they're great worship songs. But what's really, really important they all well, most of them are a lot of them will point to Jesus they're going to give prophecies about Jesus all over the place all interspersed within the Psalms, right? So more so again, what's our Old Testament doing? pointing to Jesus good now you're getting it. So there you go. That's the point proverbs you could do one of them a day we do you know me daily devotional makes a great one. Ecclesiastes taught us how to read our Bible, a thing called a paradox seems to contradict itself but when you look at it in context, makes perfect sense right? So Ecclesiastes, like kind of teaches how to read the Bible. Song of Solomon Sony's latest blush a little Yes. That you've read that good for you. Right so that in our Bibles it picks up again, with Isaiah goes all the way through Isaiah, it goes all the way through to Malika Malik I probably during that Nehemiah time, points to Jesus the point of Malikai is, again last book in the Old Testament of like the Protestant setup and canon, but it's interesting that way. Why? Because still not loving God restored you building your back to life. And what do you do you give God your leftovers? That's the point. Really crazy stuff. He says, I'm going to run poop in your face. Read it. It's awesome. Like, do you think I can get away with that, like, have a bucket of dung right here and be like, You know what, who's not tithing?
It is not funny. Anyway. But what is now like I do points to Jesus. Right? So he's going to get this prefigured, I forgot during the Israel, right? So we had number Israel, the kings of Israel, you have Elijah who was taken up in Elijah temple portion of the Spirit. So he's able to do like twice as many miracles as him but anyway, he gets taken up long with you know, taking so he's going to if someone is going to come back in his spirit of Elijah, and he's going to be the Messiah as Harold. He's going to point Nick St the path for the Lord and then enter in John the Baptist, right? There's proof this well, Elijah is a pretty figure of him. So he is paving the way for the Lord. Now you're at the Gospels, right? So John, the beginning was the Word and the Word was God was with God was God. He was in the beginning with God, all things are created through Him, but He is God in the flesh, right so the Word becomes flesh and dwells among men. John the Baptist is the Harold for him, ushering him in he's among his own people, does his ministering mostly to other Israelites. Jewish people even tells His disciples, right, so it's the 12 apostles together, right? So I'm Peter Andrew Simon, the zealot James and John James welfares, Philip baton O'Neill, Matthew, Thomas, Judas that Judas good. So that's it. And so, you know, assemble the disciples, they're going to be and we talked about it before one During Lent, that's not I don't have a problem. It's right up here. Everything's illuminated except you. So anyway, his life his ministry, right, he's going to pass it. We talked about the importance of witnesses. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, he talked about the importance of the Gospels is historical witnesses. That's what they are in His apostles. Most people wrote the by the New Testament from our witnesses, very, very important. He dies for us, they write this account. Here, he dies for us, if you got that, and then rises from the dead. We talked on Easter about the importance of this. Now the early church is born AX a history of the early church. So kind of interesting within the whole thing woven through what's the rub? Well, you have Pentecost, this waterfall of the Holy Spirit, not that the Holy Spirit didn't exist before this. Remember, second verse of the Bible, right? So now it's just this outpouring Joel prophesied this Pentecost outpouring on everyone in the Holy Spirit. Boom, the church starts exploding in a good way. But immediately this comes into question, see, Saul's conversion and there's a solid becomes Hall. That's where you see that happened to Damascus Road experience. And when he did it, you see, like Philip, he's sent to the Ethiopian unit to make the first Gentile convert. That's interesting. And then Peter has to have this vision x 10. Like, what's that about? I don't eat unclean foods. No, God is saying nothing's unclean. So you need to go to the Gentiles. And so he does. So now, right, so there's always this separation. Now everything is starting to break down. They're slowly getting, Paul is commissioned to go to the gentle, and you see all these who's Jewish. And you see all these churches being born, you see the beginning of like this missions type of thing going on. And again, there's always this thing, even when Paul is speaking to the Jewish leader, he says Gentiles, they freak out. So they want this wall of hostility between them. But Jesus is breaking that down. Now it's time to open it up and get to Paul. Paul, like a missionary we call a missionary who writes 13 letters of the New Testament, right? So really interesting figure because he's commissioned with a very difficult job. Now, just think about this for a second. So the Jews and Gentiles typically don't like one another. And Paul is told, Well, you know, you go into this environment. And now you have like, maybe half the people hating one the other half of the people. And like, you're going to have to try to get them all along. So this is like being a pastor and having Democrats and Republicans in your church. Yeah, I sympathize. So that's what in a modern context, that's exactly what's happening. Right. So that's what's going on. And so Paul, Romans kicks it off for us, right? And so what's Romans all about? And how writing the greatest theological work ever written? No, it's about unity. Right? The Gentiles Yes, they've stayed send the Jews chapter do you send it you know, so much Teach Yourself three, we've all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. All of us leveling the playing field, right? Jews, you think the law is so great, well, Abraham, he was justified, he's made righteous by his faith. The law didn't exist that right, so justified by his faith, you're not better Adam and Christ contrasted. We said that in there, then you see a new life in the Spirit in the spirit, these things don't matter. Then a digression nine through 11. Wait a minute, what about the Jews who don't believe we have a lot of hope for them? Right. So we pray for those Israelites, we prayed for those people who didn't come around after all of this, we pray that they see the text the way we do, right, filled with the Spirit, it all points to Jesus. So he's hoping for them praying for them. Therefore chapter 12. Right. We are to make our bodies a living sacrifice, right? That's our worship, right? We're supposed to be like Jesus, we're not supposed to be conformed to the world. And the thing is, is telling us but transformed by the renewal of the mind and the power of the Holy Spirit. We can love even our enemies. Chapter 13. those in authority and paradoxes. Those we disagree with chapter 14, right? We just love everybody, right? Paul's travel plans and then warnings about false teachers. So this sets the stage where the Bible is going to be about for the rest of the Bible is going to be about right. It's about self sacrificial living. It's about suffering like Jesus, if we're called to if that happens to us, fine. We're just living out of life, like Jesus did, and warnings about false teachers. A lot and we did this series we saw there's a lot of warnings. So this unity is really important. We get into First Corinthians and that's the first problem in the Corinthian church, Pastor worship. Do we do that today? Right, it's dividing the church. They're developing factions, kind of like denominations, right? It's like Paul's worst nightmare. No, no, no, you need to stay unified. And even in there, even this stuff that there's a decree X 15 a council about what during the Gentiles during the church changes presiding Jesus's brother like well, I don't know. Well, just these four things Paul says even have those things, don't worry about it. It's not gospel stop dividing over it. Yet people divide Second Corinthians about two different things about living self sacrificially the offering, it's supposed to go back to Jerusalem and about false teachers. Galatians more about not dividing. We're not under the law. There is one gospel in Christ. There's no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free. We're just male or female, we're all one in Christ Jesus, Unity really important. And Ephesians unity, the wall of hostility is now broken down. We are one in Christ Jesus, unity. Philippians, the greatest theological thank you note of all time, God and Cintiq aren't getting along. So still about unity, being like Jesus Colossians a lot like Ephesians, we saw they were regional letters first and second. Thessalonians they're being persecuted. We saw an axe where they were persecuted right out the gate, though you may have to suffer, hang in there. We don't have to grieve like others who don't have hope. Jesus is coming back for us. That's what we look forward to. We get into Second Thessalonians like he's going to enact the revenge for you. First, Second Timothy Titus, letters to like Paul's, let's just say like discipled people that he's bringing up to be what we would call pastors today, rules in the church, all kinds of different stuff. I really am. And I like to think of it as a book about forgiveness and other important theme healers, the best commentary on the Old Testament that exists, why it's all about Jesus. Jesus is superior to the prophets, the angels, he's a superior son. He's a superior son. He's superior to Moses, He's superior to Joshua, He's superior. Remember that mysterious figure Melchizedek and the whole priesthood, he's the mediator of a new and better superior covenant. So you live by faith, discipline lies because Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. James, Jesus brother looks like a mash up between like the sermon on the mount and the Proverbs really kind of a very cool book. But yeah, it can be a real gut punch. So go ahead and read it first. And second, Peter, Christians are suffering, Peter is encouraging them through that suffering, we get to Second Peter, new heavens, new earth, all this corruptible stuff is going to be gone. And we look forward to that in Jesus stick with it. First on, well, what you do says more about you want you believe than anything you could possibly say, second, and third John letters to churches. And then you have Jude, the good one, the Judas, Jude, the good one, I want to write about all this stuff, but false teachers. So it's about false teachers, then you get to the letters and revelation to the seven churches. What's the overlying theme, if you do not deny Jesus, if you stay faithful, even in the face of death, you will get the price is right, the crown of righteousness will sit on the throne, right by the Father with the Lord, you'll be invited to the great feast, you'll be clothed and white. And indeed, that is the encouragement, the point of the book of Revelation, although you may be suffering, you may be going through tribulation, you may be sick, you may be sad, people are dying around you, you're worried about death. But don't worry, because Jesus is coming back for you.
And he does get revelation 19. And the Word of God Himself comes down from the heavens, the two edged sword, he enacts the judgment, and we are saved through Him in the new heavens and the new earth. He's the son. It's perfect. There's no more corruption there. No liars there. There's no deceivers, there are no unbelievers there. Only people remain faithful to Christ are there and it is glorious. No more crying, no more pain. That's it. Jesus reverses our sin in the garden. He or like Adam and mankind, all mankind after them. Unlike all mankind, Jesus, although he was in the form of God did not regard equality with God as something to be stolen. Instead, he emptied himself, that's our God, and assume the form of a slave taking on the likeness of men. When he had come as a man in his external form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even the death on a cross. For this reason, God highly exalted him and gave him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every He will bend of those in heaven on earth and below the earth and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. And that's what the Bible is all about.
Good morning. If you're new here among us, you don't know why I just did that. Because I'm crazy. And welcome. My name is Gene I serve here at C3 church as your pastor and no notes, we're going to see what happens today this is going to get really interesting. We'll see. I don't know. So we are concluding our series, the rest of the story, the Bible unredacted. Why would we say unredacted? So, I'm going to give a little overview today, this will be interesting. Like I said, we say unredacted, because when we went back, and we looked at the Bible of the early church, we saw it was just a little bit different, which was interesting. Now, when we think we know a lot, and that's for Christians in the church, a lot of Christians, the church, especially if you've been in ministry, you've been in church for a long time, you think you know, a lot. And if we're being honest, a little bit of pride develops about what you think, you know. And it requires humility, to look at the truth, right to dig a little deeper. So we started this series, I threw myself under the bus, I talked about my previous industry, my career that it was in the martial arts industry. And I talked about one of my first run ins, big time with humility, like this. I was a black belt. I've been doing martial arts my whole early adult life and through my childhood, and I had a black belt in a traditional martial art. And I thought I knew everything until white belt from the superior martial arts helped me out a few times. And I was like, Okay, what do I do now? Who were left with a choice, we can either just kind of pretend that didn't happen ignorance, or we can take a black belt off and start over again. So that's what I did. And so how much more in a calling than a career right calling in Christ? And how much more should pastors do this? So one of the first things that we learned was the Bible. And now we got to think about it right? The scriptures for the New Testament time, or the Old Testament, right? So we looked at the Old Testament, we looked at what they were working with, and we looked at the world they lived in, and we saw, it was a Greek speaking world, like this is an English speaking world. Even a lot of the Jewish people didn't speak Hebrew then. And so what happens? So right around like 250 250, granted years before Jesus arrives in the flesh, you have a version, King Ptolemy gets a version of the Hebrew Scriptures made in the Greek language for the Library of Alexandria. Maybe you know about some of this stuff. And what he does is he has 72 Elders, or like scribes come, six from each one of the 12 tribes of Israel come and they translate into the Greek language. Well, even historians like Philo at the time were like, wow, this is a great translation of the scriptures. It's another all Jewish Remember, no Christians right now. So people are all agreeing, this is just an amazing translation, Spirit inspired, because when they portioned off these elders, they all came back with the exact same translation. So the early church fathers when you're getting there, they all believed and knew and we looked at tons of different quotes, that this was a Holy Spirit inspired translation for the coming of the Messiah in a Greek speaking world. And he said, so like, if he's going to come now, you'd want it in English, right? So just to think like that. So it was all in Greek, which is really interesting, because a lot of Christians today and it's not wrong, they will say like the Old Testament was Hebrew, maybe a little bit Aramaic, here and there, but they don't understand is that the early church fathers, the apostles, they're all reading the Old Testament, and Greek, and we saw that there were a little some differences here and there, they didn't change the whole story. And as I go through this, please understand this doesn't change the gospel message at all, but gives us little details and different things that we didn't have otherwise. And the second feature that we noticed is that well, there were 14 to 18 more books, depending on what copies you looked at. And now again, this is going all the way back to the Bible, the earliest copies that we have, these books are in there, and they're not kind of sectioned off in their own section. They're woven throughout the Old Testament, there's no delineation as to whether their scriptures or not. Now, in today's world, we delineate right, so we call it the Apocrypha for the Protestant can't Deuterocanonical from the Catholic or orthodox camp, right? So but then there just wasn't this type of delineation. And that was kind of weird. They're all kind of just jumbled in there. And so we started exploring, we looked at Bibles later, later, we got to the English Bibles, finally, the Matthews Bible 1525 2016. I know it's Geneva Bible 1560. Yes, there are English versions before the King James Hall, then the 16th, Levin, King James, they all have this Apocrypha on there. This time they're delineating it was an all English Bibles until the mid 1800s. So a way we have to think of this is Christianity, let's say round numbers. It's been around for 2000 years, for 1800 years of the Christian church history. Those books were a part of the Bible, or they say Bible. So for 90% or so of Christian history, Christians were reading that Bible, not the one that especially Protestants are holding in their hand. And it makes a little bit of a difference in coming to understand things. So as an overview, I'll point out some of those differences. But again, it takes a lot of humility. And so that happened me in martial arts, and I'll be honest, I didn't take the black belt off right away. I struggled with it. I was like, oh, man, you know, it was a lot of work. And I got to start over again, LinkedIn, I started over again. So okay, we're just going to start over again, it took 10 years from that point on turn my black belt in that new martial art, but again, how much more as a pastor so when I graduated from Pastor school, I got ordained, I was probably what you'd call one of those paper pastors, we had paper, black belts, lot of paper pastors out there. And so I'll throw myself under the bus. I didn't know as much about the Word of God as I should, if I were to be teaching it. I didn't know the history of the church, and it's just rattling off things that I was taught. If we're going to church for a long time, how many of us is rattled off things that we've not been taught, we really dig super deep. And so just let you know, this is a very long journey for me. So I'm trying to bring you all this stuff and through this series, all the stuff that I found by really just not listening to what somebody has been told somebody's been told no, but like actually studying history and looking at the documents, studying it learning Greek and devoting myself to it. So that's the right way to do it. So this is where this comes from. All right, so 66 books we have 66 books that all Christians regardless of denomination pretty much can agree on. What are they? Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth first. No. Serial seconds. First gang Satan kings First Chronicles Second Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther. Jo song Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah Haggai Zechariah Malik, I take a breath between the Testaments, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John X. Romans, First Corinthians Second Corinthians Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians Colossians. First Thessalonians Second Thessalonians those are hard to say First Timothy, Second Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, First Peter, Second Peter, First John, second, John, Third John June revelation, I could do it backwards. My wife told me not to because it's showing off. Alright, so those are 66 books. That's it. We can all agree on that. I love agreeing. Let's have lunch. Now, your first indication that the Bible the early church was in Greek is right in front of us. A lot of these things are right in front of your face. They're right there. When you open your Bible. I started discovering it I was like. So the first indication is that for the five, first five books of the Bible, retain their Greek names. They're Greek jazz, they're there. They're not Hebrew names. They're Greek names. Why do you think that is? Well, because the Bible, early church is in Greek. So it's really interesting. So you get the Genesis, right. So what I'm going to do here, I'm just going to overview so you know, if you're going through word for word, I'm going to miss quite a bit of stuff unless we want to be here for like five or six hours, but I've been told that because some people don't like that. If you like it, alright, well, we can do it. But I'm going to try to just overview what I want to do here is just give you an overview of the Bible. And what's the point what is it all point to what's the meaning of this right? So not every single detail right? We'll go over some things I just want you to understand to every word of God is important. Every word of the Word of God is really important. So I'm not saying or implying that, hey, this was more important than the other stuff. And they're just some features here. So as we point to Jesus in the so we open up the Bible we get to Genesis, right we have the origin story, the creation story, right? And if you look at them, there are two. And what's the point? Right? The point isn't, so that we can read it become a god and make our own universe are on earth, right? No, that's not the point. Right? The point is what? God he's all powerful, right? omnipresent, omnipotent. He's the creator of everything. When we read it the right way, we see the Trinity a picture of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit verse do, right, we see if we fast forward a little bit. Jesus prefigured Jesus walking in the garden, the Trinity is all in there. God makes paradise of the fall of man. He gave mankind when I say us, I just mean mankind. He gave us mankind paradise.
But it wasn't good enough for us. That's the point. Right? So God created everything. So here you have this problem, right? We immediately try to rob equality with God, then you have your first murder, and Cain and Abel, right. Are there then? It seems as if the heavens aren't even good enough for the angels are the sons of God because what are they doing? They're procreating with the daughters of men. The earth is corrupted. God says let's flood it, right. So nothing's good enough for anybody it seems. So you have no one the flood account Shem, Ham, J FET. His sons are with him and their wives. They're saved. The floods recede. You probably remember the covenant, which you've probably don't remember about the covenant is you're not supposed to eat any blood in the meat. Okay, so I'm going to think about running your barbecue. So, there's a covenant with God, you probably remember the rainbow part, that's fine. They worship God, they're right. But even after all, that, man is trying to strive to be like God, you have the Tower of Babel, right? Nothing will be impossible for them. So Let's confuse their languages. God is a God of confusion, regardless of what your virgin said. So
you got that. So now we move on to the accounts of Abraham. And there's a lot in there. There's a lot that a lot of people remember. So just you know, a few things that you probably remember, you probably remember the story about Sodom and Gomorrah, you might remember the covenants from or Lot's wife, the pillar. So you remember the covenants the covenant of circumcision, you remember, the account of his son, Isaac, and him and Isaac is carrying the wood and that's really important because when we see a prefigure and Jesus carrying the cross, Abraham being willing to sacrifice his son, when we keep reading a lot of this want to put things together for you. So some of the answers you find in the New Testament, there'll be a little bit of fun. But if you're reading, he thought that God could raise him from the dead, says it prefigure again, of Jesus. But some of the stuff some of the rest of the story in there was kind of fun. We see that he rescues a lot and after rescuing his nephew Lot, right, it was 318 train men. They run into this prefigure of the priesthood that Jesus is from Melchizedek. And it kind of gives them a tithe. And no, that's not a good reason to why we should tithe before the law. Anyway, I won't go down that if you heard that one won't go down that tangent anymore. But we also see there's some weird things that Abraham does, like, well, for example, he's married to his half sister, Sarah, Sarah, right? But he leaves out, like certain parts that she's his wife when he runs into Pharaoh ones, and then later of Abimelech of Gerar. So he's kind of deceitful. And then we see later that Isaac does the same thing to maybe the same guy. I'm like, I'm girl. She's my sister. But and Isaac's case, he's a total liar. So anyway, you see that people aren't perfect even father Abraham, right? So it's all pointing for a need to need for a Savior. Right? So right, right from that nobody's perfect. Even the heroes of the Bible, there are no heroes. There's just Jesus. So that's what we're getting if we're reading it all, but here just a pause button problem with early churches. How many churches have you been in where they make these people heroes? That's wrong. There's no hero in the story except one person, Jesus. So just keep that in mind. But sounds like I'm talking trash about all these biblical characters, but the Bible talks trash about them. So I'm just repeating what it says. Right? So Isaac, son, Jacob, and Esau right so now you're going to have two tribes are born that are kind of at odds with each other and they're going to be at odds with each other through the rest of the thing. So Jacob becomes the I'm sorry, Esau becomes the Edomites Jacob is going to become easier Israel, Jacob to deceive, remember, like he steals the birthright but with some help from his mom, so just remember, right So, but he gets his uncle Laban tricks him he wants to marry who? Rachel Right But who's get layer right and I guess he's not as cute. So he has to work like double the time. So labor he gets trick, even for the seat but you remember things about Jacob, he becomes hope, Israel why he wrestles with God I remember so those were kind of some of the important things. But you know, he and his brother Esau run into each other and things are okay for now. But in the future not going to be you're always going to see this, like tug of war here talking about peoples left out lot. One of the things in the lot in Sodom and Gomorrah, accounts a lot of people forget is that lots daughters, maybe they think they have to repopulate the world. They get hurt their dad drunk, and they procreate with them. And then you have the Ammonites and the Moabites, born to detestable tribes, so you start setting up these tribes and they have stories behind them, and then later, other things make sense. So just to put that in there, like I said, I could leave things out. So now you have Jacob, and Jacob, who is going to be the father of the 12 tribes of Israel. But you get a couple of interesting stories. Within these accounts. You get Judah and Tamar. Now you have Earl who's a wicked man, he dies own and is supposed to come along, and it's this weird love right marriage thing. And he's supposed to give his sister's brother's wife a child. And he doesn't want to do it. So you have an onanism, which is one of the first forms of birth control we see in history. Yeah. So we'll keep moving. And so Judah hides away. His other son, Sheila, right doesn't want Tamar to get involved. Maybe she's cursed or something like that. So she decided to take it upon herself to play the prostitute and then sleep with her dad in law. Gross. Do you have that whole account there, right, Perez and Zerah gives birth to there and so you have this in Jesus's genealogy, which is kind of interesting. He's from that tribe of Judah. Right? So there's redemption stories in there. Then there's Dinah and Shechem. And hey, more Shechem decides to rape their sisters out of the 12 tribes of Israel you have one daughter, and there she gets raped Simeon Levi, they take it upon themselves to check them in revenge and say, Hey, we can all kind of you know, get together and be one big family if you all get circumcised so they do it. They know they're going to have to heal from it while they're healing. They kill them. Really interesting. And Jacobs. Now, he says, You've made me odious to all the people. Then we get into Joseph account. Alright, so you have the 12 tribes of Israel, right? Judah Reuben, Gad, Asher and of tally. Dan, Simeon. Levi is a Guardsman Joseph and Benjamin. So these are the 12 Sons of Israel. So they're born, but Joseph becomes a favorite of Jacob. And you know, you probably heard like the Technicolor Dreamcoat, or whatever it is, they're multicolored code, but the more important thing is you kind of can interpret these dreams, and he has these dreams that nobody likes. They're like, Hey, he's not better than us. And so they decide they're going to kill him. But no, let's sell them off to Ishmael light or Midianites slave traders. So Joseph finds himself in Egypt in part of ours house, right. So he's doing really well, until there's this like interaction with POD fires wife. And so she accuses him of some things that he didn't do. And he goes to prison, but he's an overachiever. So he does really good there and eventually becomes like second highest to Pharaoh. Right? So All right, great. The family, there's a famine, they need help. He welcomes his family in but first, he messes with his brothers a whole bunch for getting put in that situation in the first place. Right? So then they do okay, they said, everybody gets set up. Now, we have happening here at the end. A lot of people miss this is that you're at the end of Genesis. Now. You're going Genesis three, sorry, Genesis 4049 49. So your Genesis sorry, it's already come and talk at the same time. So Genesis 49, and you have the blessings that Jacob Israel gives to the 12 tribes, his sons, and some of them aren't really blessings, because he's still kind of mad, especially Reuben, he was with his concubine, and then you may be odious, you killed all these guys in the land. And so Simeon Levi, not so great for them, but for Judah, it's great. And we see a prediction about Jesus from your line, someone with a scepter and he's going to rule the nations really important people kind of skip over that. We see that both Joseph Jacob die and they get bombed. So that organ donor card you can fill that out, okay? They're gotten bought says crypto. So anyway, when someone's like, oh, refused to do that. So yeah, look it up. So we get an exodus and now we're at a point now where Pharaoh some generations go by Pharaoh forgets about like what Joseph did. So no one's remembering the Israelites, but they're growing really large in number. So Pharaoh was like, Alright, what do we do with them? We make them slaves, right? So you probably know they're making bricks, they're working in the field doing all this stuff. Then they're like, You know what, just kill all the sons just if they're born, just kill the Hebrew sons in the ship run Pula, these midwives. They're like God fearing so they don't do it. They're like, Oh, they just they're vigorous. He's Hebrew women, so we don't have time to kill them. Right. So then we get to the scene where we see the Amram and Jochebed Ed Moses, and so they put him in this little read basket. After some time Pharaoh's daughter finds him he gets brought up in Pharaoh's house. 40 years goes by, he still has a heart for His people. Right? So he sees his slave driver mistreating one of the people he murders on right then people find out about it. So he gets out of there. And he runs into the priest of Midian rule later called Jethro it gets confusing. So for his daughter, he marries her. Then 40 years goes by God appears to him in a burning bush. He's like, I'm God, I want you to go redeem my people out of Egypt or lead them out. He's like, What should I call you? I am right. So that's where we get that name. This is what Jesus is referring to. When he calls himself. I am over and over and over again, right? That's what eventually gets him killed. It means he's God. That's what he's saying. So, Moses, he doesn't want to go right and like, my tongue gets twisted. I'm not a good speaker. So okay, fine. Aaron's going to go with you. They go and the persuasion for Pharaoh is Let My People Go so that they can worship me. It's about worship in the wilderness. Not we want to go to Disney World, right? No, it's not about that. So it's about worshiping God. Right. But God hardened Pharaoh's heart so that God's glory can be seen. And then we get the 10 plagues, from Red Cross Blood frogs, gnats, flies, and then you have Jonasson genres these magicians and Pharaohs court trying to keep pace but they can't after like the first two. So it continues on right so you get the NATs fly. We get cattle dying, you have boils, they throw up the dust in there, there's boils, Halen, thunder, Lucas, darkness and death. And that's when we get to that final plague, that angel is going to come and kill all their firstborn sons but to the Israelites what do they get Passover, you kill him a certain way and you cover the doorposts with its blood and you're what saved by the blood and so this is a prefigure of Jesus this is what Jesus is going to fulfill in the Passover becoming that once and for all final Passover lamb amazing right? So really rich text if you're in there so Exodus 12 variants then you probably know like the parting of the Red Sea probably saw that on TV you have read the Bible right crashes among the Egyptians but what the Israelites are redeemed but then God it's really important some stuff in here sustains them right so the bitter water Mara, and then remember Mark Maribel you see the first water filtration system that Moses comes up with or they can drink the water they get water from a rock, but if we keep reading that rock is Christ right so the sustenance there in First Corinthians five so and then you get the manna from heaven again, this is going to sustain them the bread from heaven so they don't even need like regular food as they're wandering around to the wilderness then we get to the 10 commandments or Exodus 19 and 2010 commandments so you get like this basis for even what we kind of still believe today. So it's like the starting point for the law right? I have no other gods before me don't make any idols don't take the name of the Lord and being people who just said Sabbath on your mom and dad, you're not going to murder adultery. You lie still coming right? So you have those. And so a lot of people just think oh, that's it. No, Aaron writes a Moses is up there with God for 40 days. 40 Nights, no food or water. Don't try that at home, and Aaron's down there, but the people get impatient. Where's this guy? And he's like, Okay, well, let's make a golden calf so we can worship that. And he kind of has this funny response to Moses about it because it's interesting. He's like, I don't know I just put all this gold in there and help this calf it's like really hard. You didn't have anything to do with making that. So anyway, they worship Moses here tears coming down from the mountain you get so mad about it he breaks the first set of stone tablets love you'll remember that right? So then a lot of people died Moses does something really disgusting but interesting with the golden calf like he grinds it down makes it a powder puts it in the water and he has everyone drink it why so that that false god is nothing but excrement so that's what happens there a bunch of people die that's not fun either. And then Moses has to go back up on the mountain do it all over again. Gets the second stones, stone tablets, but then what you see is another 603 Different laws given why well what happens if I do break the Sabbath? What happens if I dishonor my mom and dad? What happens if they commit murder? What happens if I commit adultery answer you die or so that's what happens. And then there's all these cities of refuge just different laws and this is what you get, then you get a holy of embezzle Well, these two guys who make the what we would call today setup church ever been a part of the setup church? Right? We don't want to remember that. But that's what the tabernacle is like and all these ornate things, it's really complicated. So we get to the end of Exodus, then we get to Leviticus, we're at Leviticus, but I'm going to move even faster than this we'll get through today. So Leviticus there priestly laws, that's what you get in Leviticus, mostly a lot of people don't understand is what's going on through this time is about one year of time from like, you know that 10 commandments thing all the way and we're going to get into numbers it's really just one years and then all of a sudden there's a smaller amount of tax for many years but in Leviticus we see interesting things Nate and Obi who die they bought they burn the wrong kind of like incense or fire for the altar. But we see another really strong prefigure to Jesus the Day of Atonement. That was David Thomas, where that's like we know it as Yom Kippur war today, where Aaron are the primaries of that time is going to put his hand on the goat said transmit the sins of the people and go dies. But there's something really weird in there. They call the other one the scapegoat. But isn't the scapegoat the one who gets killed?
Yeah, that's because it's a bad translation. The Scapegoat should be called the one for Oiselle. That, well, if you turn the page to Leviticus 16 You see, they're worshipping goat demons. That's weird. But anyway, we Go back to that. So there's a prefigured Jesus in this lamb that atones for us, right takes away our sin. So no, not scapegoat. So that's a prefigured that Jesus fulfills that festival, as well. We get into numbers and it's kind of like this military census going on. Right? So they're kind of numbering all the people you skipped that part. Everybody skipped that part. So if did you make it through Leviticus? Come on, be honest. Right. So there's all these different names and all these different things, you kind of bored, but you got to read through it because a lot of cool stuff happens. There's like jealousy laws and all kinds of interesting things. I know it all falls on the woman. But keep going, we get to number 1314. We see that okay, now it's time to scout out the promised land. Yay. This is what it's all about. You get to go in, right. So they go do it. Representatives from the 12 tribes of Israel, but then most of them don't want to they see giants. They're like, Oh, they thought we look like grasshoppers. We're going to get killed. They don't want to go. Except Caleb and Joshua. The people who don't want to go, they all get punished. guy gets real mad. He says, You know what? Now you're going to wander around the wilderness. Like that's it for 40 years, unless you're 20 years old or over. That's it, you're not going to see the promised land. Caleb and Joshua, right? So those people can become important in a minute. Then you see different things. Remember Baylands donkey, that's fun. Tony went over that again, because it's fun. It's a fun account to review. And so you get different things, but it's preparations for what they want to do. Well, they actually try to go back doesn't work. Right. That's it, you're going to wander the wilderness. Then we get to Deuteronomy, another Greek word, but basically like second law giving, so like a second giving you the law, but don't skip over it. There's the Shema in chapter six Jewish children are Jewish people still say that today and kind of important. One interesting feature in there is that Moses is a prophet and God's giving him like all the blessings and curses one on mountain garrison and one on Mount evil. When they get to the promised land, they're going to pronounce these blessings and curses. But if you looked at it, you'll notice there's a lot more curses than blessings. And it's prophesied that oh, yeah, your people are going to disobey the commandments, and they're going to get all these curses. That's prophesied right in there. So Deuteronomy 2720. Okay. So that is your Torah. That is the first five books of the Bible, right? So Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua. So now we are going to end there's a bunch of time goes by like 40 years goes by in them, and you get Joshua. Now, what's really interesting, when you're reading this in the Greek Old Testament, he becomes incredibly obvious that he's a prefigure of Jesus, because his name is Jesus, Jesus and the Greek. Interesting, right. So some people call them Hosea, but I'll just call him Jesus. So he's getting people in the Promised Land. What do we remember about this, besides Be strong and courageous, right? Through this whole task, we remember Rahab, the prostitute housing, you know, these spies ago to spy out the land, the fall of Jericho, they're going to walk around at some time that it falls remember those accounts, but then there's like this whole allocation of the land. So again, it gets like kind of numbers is where this person gets this portion, this person gets that portion. But here's what we need to do. And he kept reading we saw that didn't quite get to that promised rest through Joshua Hebrews for their judgment, Jesus will get us there. So it's just the prefigured, that's not the total promise press. Get a lot of pre figuring in here. Then you get judges. Now we get to a theme here it starts saying a little more. There no king in that time, everybody did what was right in their own eyes. So God gives them judges, nobody talks about Othniel. He's the first one. We get to weird stuff that's in the rest of the story like II hood. So he's just judges a left handed judge and stabs this fat guy Eglin. Why did I say is that? Well, because the Bible says, and it says that the sword gets stuck in his belly, right? He's on the latrine problem. It's a really gross story. Nobody talks about that. You get to Deborah. Deborah is really interesting. People talk about Deborah. Yes, right. So But there's an even better woman in their jail. Remember what she did. She puts this for the general who's fleeing asleep with some milk here had some milk, she goes to sleep and he takes he takes a tent peg and dries it right through his temple. And I told you, you don't need to watch Game of Thrones at all. You can just read your Bible. And so anyway, so she feels good. So there's a lot of violence and judges are going to get start getting very Gideon, right? He tests God with the fleece and then there's a son of him like no one talks about him. Except, David, maybe because what he gets killed to a woman throws a millstone right down on his head, but he's evil. We don't care about him, but women killing people right? So that'll happens then you know about Samsung, the guy who has like a problem maybe a drinking problem, but definitely with women. Big problem with women. So that's Samsung, but then nobody talks about Mike as idols right, the sin of the damn knights. It's so bad. Then we look at the Hebrew texts. They tried to take Moses his lineage out of it, but the Greek text says no, Moses was part of this. So the sin of the damn knights Maybe that's why they're not in that list of the 12 tribes of Israel and revelation. I'm going too far. So anyway, we also get right a bride for Benjamin, the tribe of Benjamin. How does that happen? The Levite and the concubines starts off like the Sodom and Gomorrah story, right? So we want to have sex with the visitor here, right? This Levite right, but no, what does he do? He's a brave guy. He throws his concubine out, right? And so what do they do? They rape and murder the concubine. What is the Levi do for his concubine? He cuts her into 12 pieces and sends those pieces off her body to the 12 tribes of Israel. Everyone gets mad at Benjamin white, that's their town where it happens. And then they like kind of almost wiped them out than they need to find brides for them because all of a sudden they feel bad about what they did. And so they find brides for them in a really weird way, like at the festival, Shiloh and there's like this picture like caveman picture of him dragging, dragging off these brides all weird stuff. And that's the book of Judges. Ruth, who is Ruth there. Well, Ruth is a redemption story. Ruth comes from a mall by trade number law. So now that you're hearing it all in one shot, like oh, so she's like, kind of an undesirable enough. Naomi, and then Malin and Killian, their husbands die. But Ruth cleaning some Naomi right wherever you go, I will go and it's not about she's saying that to her. That's what that song is about. Anyway. Ruth, right. And she's going to get redeemed by Boaz. And why is this important? Well, because that's in David's line over Jesse David, right. So it sets us up for First Samuel, a story of redemption. It's in Jesus's genealogies, right? No matter where you're from, what's your race, your ethnicity, what you've done. It doesn't matter, right? You will be redeemed in Jesus a prefigure to him. Plus, walking into David's line. First Samuel sets us up for David through Ely. And you had his wicked sons their names. Thank you. You just preached on this. Some of you in Venice, remember the three prong fork? Okay, so Eli, he's just shy. So then you get Samuel. Samuel is not like it sounds right. But then he has bad sounds like Dan doesn't do anything about it either. You get Samuel in there. He's a judge a prophet. What does this lead to? We want to King and then he feels rejected? God's like, no, they're not rejecting you. They're rejecting me. We want to be a king. Don't you know the king is going to do to you? Yeah. Whenever we want a king, we want to be like the other nations. God is not good enough, right? The profits aren't good enough for us to mankind, right? The judges weren't good enough. Now you need a king. Great. not desirable, right. So Saul gets picked. He's a head taller than everyone else. Remember that? He's a head taller than rails. He gets picked. But he's disobedient. Right? So he loses the kingship now hindering David Right? He's tormented by the spirits. But David can calm down because he can play like let's just say the harp don't get technical about the exact instrument. The heart right you can calm him down all this stuff. He's also he becomes his armor bearer. And then you have the scene of what David Goliath, the Philistines are using this giant to taunt them. Now this was really interesting, because in the Greek version, he's six foot nine, not nine feet tall. But that's like the same height as probably saw was and now we understand Saul's a coward. Right. So it tells us about who saw really is. So we get that story, you know, story about David and certain parts of it, but I'll give you some more. Right? So he grabbed five smooth stones from the white he can't fit into the armor that Saul wants him to where he's like, No, it's too cumbersome. Five students don't want you just in case the first one doesn't work. But the first one works. So he hits glide from the forehead, knocks him out, grabs glide sword shops, his head off. Awesome, right? And then we're like, yay. And then maybe you remember that part where like, you know, Saul killed his 1000s. And David has 10,000 Saul gets really mad. But just before that something happens. Here's a picture of Saul, looking at David what he just done with Abner's General. He's like, Yo, who's that? And what's his father's name? Should they just say no? And then he knows Jesse called them up said, Hey, can David come and play at my house? Right so that all the fall. So the facts that so? Sure, permission slips. Anyway, so watch. But then we looked at the Greek version, we were like, Oh, that's not there. Nor is it in the Dead Sea Scrolls, which are Rounders the same time Septuagint is a little bit older. So it was older Greek version. So yeah, anyway, I have to stop myself because we can go an extra hour really easily on just this one point.
It's not there. It was later added to the text by Hebrews who didn't like believe in Jesus, that's all there thing that so doesn't belong in the Bible. But anyway, so we redacted that, oh, we're going to have to change the series title, but it's too late. So we're not going to say how to David Glasser, we learned about David. Everyone thinks about that. Shiva right? David's an adulterer, and he had adultery. This woman also killed her husband Uriah had a real deceitful way that was horrible. But then we learned more. David was really deceitful David once in a while and pretended to be a crazy person just like that. That's any better. But also he's copying what David did if you didn't get that, don't worry, so tends to be crazy. Pop culture. Also, he lies to him. So he should gas. He goes on these raiding parties where he's killing all the men and the innocent people, the women. Why? Because he doesn't want anyone to find out. He's murdering people. He's murdering people. Right? And this becomes The stated reason as to why he can't build the temple for God. You have shed too much blood. David's not such a hero is no. Then you get to Solomon right. So Solomon can do it. Yeah, he's awesome. And he's so smart, so smart. Well, that he broke every one of God's laws for Okay. Deuteronomy 17. Look it up. He broke all the rules for a game. Horrible, right. It's also very prideful. First of all, he's also like enacting that hard labor. He basically has like slaves making slave work and for him, right, he built his palace, and it's twice the size of the temple. He's not modest. He's breaking all the laws. He marries Pharaoh's daughter, like, what are you doing? Did he just like get out of there a long time ago, he forgot. So anyway, Mary's barrels are all these like, really, really bad things that he's doing. So what happens? Well, God tells him, you know what, I love your dad. So I'm not going to have these horrible things happen in your lifetime, but it's going to happen a lot to sons of future generations. Right? So they're going to be at odds war all the time. It's going to be really horrible for them. And indeed, Rehoboam we see he comes into the picture next, he doesn't listen to his older advisors, the young ones, right. So my dad beat you with whips. I'm going to beat you with scorpions. And what does he say? My little fingers thicker than my father's loins. So really weird thing, right? So really crazy. So right bone does that. And what this does is incites a civil war. And so you have Jeroboam who used to work for his dad, he goes in the north with most of the other tribes of Israel. So in the south, you often have the Levites because Jerusalem's they're associated with them, they do the temple worship, and then you have Benjamin because that's where it is on the map here. And here we go. All right, so you have those tribes down there and the north, everybody else Israel in the north Judah in the south, right? So that's what's going on. So they're going to be at war with each other and everybody else. It's this total next. So then you go down these different generations, you get Omri, he establishes the city scenario, why is that important? Number The Samaritans explains this kind of like this between the Jews and the Samaritans way later, right, because they're up there. So what's the main thing that's going on? Well, no matter what the kings are, whether it's ray of Alma budget, Asa Jehoshaphat, Jehoram Zion Athaliah of the wicked queen, Joash Amaziah Jotham Ahaz, Hezekiah, Manassah, Amon, Josiah Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin, Zedekiah. So no matter what the king was, was the kings of Judah, or what the king was? They're worshipping idol. Even the best of them messes it up. Right? They get things wrong. Hezekiah was great. It was it was great, but they mess things up. Right? None of them are heroes. It all points the need for a Savior. And the reason God is going to use other nations to destroy them. So first during Ahaz and Judah, and then who che is rain. First, Israel falls to the Assyrians. So that's it for them. They get taken over and some weird stuff happens like lions eat the people so they have to send in a priest who knows how to worship. It's weird. But anyway, right and then later, right so you have even Josiah said he was great, right? But he was arrogant. And Pharaoh and Nico kills him. Right? Then his son has gets put in there he gets taken away. Then it just starts to fall the king of Babylon comes into picture. Jehovah Kim first name is like in first place, right? Jehoiachin and then Zedekiah. They fall to Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. No. First Chronicles in Second Chronicles, we don't really need to go over that. But what it is first nine chapters of First Chronicles is genealogies nobody reads it except me. Then starting in 10, you see the death of Saul and then David becoming king. And so the rest of that first Chronicles and Second Chronicles focuses more on Judah in the south. So what's the point? The whole point is doesn't matter how many generations how many kings how good they are, they all resort to other gods. Again, God gave us all this, but God isn't good enough. That's the point. So then we did the Bible chronologically. This year, it's not an order. So when you read it, you're going to hop right over to Ezra so there's going to be this like seven years of exile, and that's going to take you over and Ezra like way of thinking is pretty good. But if you're trying to do it chronologically, you have to go to the prophets and start take getting most of the prophets and putting them into Second Kings and Second Chronicles they kind of weave through that accounts. Alright, so there you start getting Isaiah Jeremiah Ezekiel. You get Jeremiah lamentations of Jeremiah, all the poetry in there. Right? So then Daniel will save that for a minute, right? But then all throughout Hosea, Joel, Amos Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah Melaka will save for later but anyway, these prophets, they're all warning Juden Israel about either the impending disaster what's going to happen? There's toxic cannibalism in there. It's really weird. Anyway, so those remember Deuteronomy, those curses, this is what's going on right here, all goes together. And so they're pronouncing judgment, also to other nations. But all throughout it out it prophecies about Jesus, about his virgin birth about him coming, Emmanuel, God with us, right. So about even restoration for Israel restoration for us talks about us being grafted in using the Gentiles then to make the Jewish people who didn't accept them. So all kinds of a new spirit, I'm not going to give you a law that's written on stone tablets, again, I'm going to put a new heart and you give you a new spirit, Ezekiel 36 jobs, you see all kinds of cool prophecies about like Pentecost, we'll talk about that later. So just that's what's woven throughout here where he's born like Micah. So each one of the prophets is going to give us something about Jesus. So when you do it in this way, you blend together these kings, you blend together these prophets, and side by side, they're telling you these kings aren't going to be good enough and speak to us today. Or should right now these things are going to be good enough, right? And here's the prophecies about Jesus do what's the answer? Jesus? What's the answer? Jesus, what's the answer? Jesus all throughout the Thank you, you're getting it took like three times.
So anyway, we have a report. If you're new here today, it's okay. We're friends. So and then, like, I don't want to be friends with him. That's crazy. No, just don't sit up front and make noise. So they're all woven through there. Now. Let's get back to Daniel. If we go to Daniel is interesting, because he takes us through a long time, like a really long period of time. So he's interwoven even in there with Jeremiah like, there's just like, all interspersed throughout, he goes over that seven year period of exile and into Ezra, so now you have these Persian kings that are taking everything over like Cyrus, he's going to make some allowances, he's going to let people kind of do certain things and included in those things. Ezra, Nehemiah is rebuilding the temple because it got destroyed, or Solomon's temple gone, right. So he's going to rebuild that. And that's Ezra is more concerned with the temple. And then Nehemiah is more concerned with the wall. And it's very interesting. We looked at them side by side in one shot. And what we saw was, they're two very different personalities with the same objective. You see, as there's more of a spiritual guy. So what's happening like when he might need to take like soldiers with him? He's like, No, I already told him I trusted God, we're going to stick with that where Nehemiah asks for them. And it's so very practical versus very spiritual. When we wove the prophets in there, we saw something very interesting and Haggai and Zechariah, who come to bring him comfort, bring them comfort and encourage them like, Hey, you're doing well working on your like nice paneled houses. How about the house of the Lord? Right? So that's like me want to talk about tagging? Um, like, your house is doing? Good. What about this one, we need an AC unit. So that's like basically summarizing Haggai. And so that's what's going on there. I try to just modernize it as much as I can. So no air conditioning, sleep on the roof. Anyway, so. So that's what you have in there. And inside of that, she has three layers. When you look at it chronologically. You have Jeshua and Zerubbabel, two very similar feet of people to Ezra and Nehemiah in there. Right. So a priestly figure Yeshua, and in the Greek, he's Jesus, it's very obvious. And you have all these foreshadowing saying, like, Oh, they're just talking about Jesus. Again, it's really obvious, right? And Zerubbabel is the governor. So we saw all these like personality types in there. Really, really super interesting. And we continue obviously, just quickly on Daniel, cool prophecies in there too amazing. The fourth person in the fire Jesus, right, so you get kind of a prefigure of that. And then also, you have prophecy Son of Man, Daniel seven, where Jesus refers to himself as an prophecy, the resurrection and Daniel 12. Really, really cool. Well, here you get to Esther. Esther has an interesting story festival poem, if you ever worried about wondered about that, like lots of cats lots. But anyway, Esther represents someone who is willing to die for her people. If I die, I die. So Jewish woman comes to prominence in this Persian kingdom, pretty figures but Jesus being willing to die for his people so you get a proof. Figuring that now at this point, we looked at some of the documents spend a lot of time on it. But some of the other books of the Bible that the Bible of the early church would have looked at, in this area ish. You had Tobit, a whimsical town. What was interesting about Tobit was that people in the New Testament referenced it got very interesting. If you look at an old King James, like the reference notes are right there. And the New Testament said, Hey, look at Tobin. So why don't we I don't know. So then you saw Judith, very similar to an Esther story, and she cuts off a guy's head to more violence. And then you see First and Second Maccabees, they tell us where Hanukkah comes from. Might want to know, right? It's what Jesus and John tan I believe calls the Festival of Lights. He knew about it. So go look at it. And this is the history of it. And then they're also guys, tons of really cool battles. And we get further and further they have like, elegant, it's kind of like Lord of the Rings. It's pretty amazing. Good battle scenes. So check it out. Right? So these are some of the apocryphal books that you find in there is not in the order of the Bible. We also looked at wisdom books from the Apocrypha we saw wisdom of Solomon, for example, which Paul is no doubt quoting when he writes Romans, right, so amazing, all kinds of other stuff, the armor of gods in there, as well. Just interesting stuff. Seoraksan they're all different kinds of stuff like that. So those are your wisdom books, then we get to the wisdom books that are probably in all of your Bibles. Really interesting. So we start with job was in poetry, what? What's the reason for suffering, right? And so what's interesting, the Bible of the early church gave us Job's identity. He was one of those kings remember, Balearic hired Balaam, right after the king of veiling of Edom Joe, that's the next king job, or joke so that's him anyway. Then you have the Psalms right? So all these awesome worship songs David wrote between 73 and 75, depending on who you ask the Psalms with some help from Moses, Solomon is in there too. And they're great worship songs. But what's really, really important they all well, most of them are a lot of them will point to Jesus they're going to give prophecies about Jesus all over the place all interspersed within the Psalms, right? So more so again, what's our Old Testament doing? pointing to Jesus good now you're getting it. So there you go. That's the point proverbs you could do one of them a day we do you know me daily devotional makes a great one. Ecclesiastes taught us how to read our Bible, a thing called a paradox seems to contradict itself but when you look at it in context, makes perfect sense right? So Ecclesiastes, like kind of teaches how to read the Bible. Song of Solomon Sony's latest blush a little Yes. That you've read that good for you. Right so that in our Bibles it picks up again, with Isaiah goes all the way through Isaiah, it goes all the way through to Malika Malik I probably during that Nehemiah time, points to Jesus the point of Malikai is, again last book in the Old Testament of like the Protestant setup and canon, but it's interesting that way. Why? Because still not loving God restored you building your back to life. And what do you do you give God your leftovers? That's the point. Really crazy stuff. He says, I'm going to run poop in your face. Read it. It's awesome. Like, do you think I can get away with that, like, have a bucket of dung right here and be like, You know what, who's not tithing?
It is not funny. Anyway. But what is now like I do points to Jesus. Right? So he's going to get this prefigured, I forgot during the Israel, right? So we had number Israel, the kings of Israel, you have Elijah who was taken up in Elijah temple portion of the Spirit. So he's able to do like twice as many miracles as him but anyway, he gets taken up long with you know, taking so he's going to if someone is going to come back in his spirit of Elijah, and he's going to be the Messiah as Harold. He's going to point Nick St the path for the Lord and then enter in John the Baptist, right? There's proof this well, Elijah is a pretty figure of him. So he is paving the way for the Lord. Now you're at the Gospels, right? So John, the beginning was the Word and the Word was God was with God was God. He was in the beginning with God, all things are created through Him, but He is God in the flesh, right so the Word becomes flesh and dwells among men. John the Baptist is the Harold for him, ushering him in he's among his own people, does his ministering mostly to other Israelites. Jewish people even tells His disciples, right, so it's the 12 apostles together, right? So I'm Peter Andrew Simon, the zealot James and John James welfares, Philip baton O'Neill, Matthew, Thomas, Judas that Judas good. So that's it. And so, you know, assemble the disciples, they're going to be and we talked about it before one During Lent, that's not I don't have a problem. It's right up here. Everything's illuminated except you. So anyway, his life his ministry, right, he's going to pass it. We talked about the importance of witnesses. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, he talked about the importance of the Gospels is historical witnesses. That's what they are in His apostles. Most people wrote the by the New Testament from our witnesses, very, very important. He dies for us, they write this account. Here, he dies for us, if you got that, and then rises from the dead. We talked on Easter about the importance of this. Now the early church is born AX a history of the early church. So kind of interesting within the whole thing woven through what's the rub? Well, you have Pentecost, this waterfall of the Holy Spirit, not that the Holy Spirit didn't exist before this. Remember, second verse of the Bible, right? So now it's just this outpouring Joel prophesied this Pentecost outpouring on everyone in the Holy Spirit. Boom, the church starts exploding in a good way. But immediately this comes into question, see, Saul's conversion and there's a solid becomes Hall. That's where you see that happened to Damascus Road experience. And when he did it, you see, like Philip, he's sent to the Ethiopian unit to make the first Gentile convert. That's interesting. And then Peter has to have this vision x 10. Like, what's that about? I don't eat unclean foods. No, God is saying nothing's unclean. So you need to go to the Gentiles. And so he does. So now, right, so there's always this separation. Now everything is starting to break down. They're slowly getting, Paul is commissioned to go to the gentle, and you see all these who's Jewish. And you see all these churches being born, you see the beginning of like this missions type of thing going on. And again, there's always this thing, even when Paul is speaking to the Jewish leader, he says Gentiles, they freak out. So they want this wall of hostility between them. But Jesus is breaking that down. Now it's time to open it up and get to Paul. Paul, like a missionary we call a missionary who writes 13 letters of the New Testament, right? So really interesting figure because he's commissioned with a very difficult job. Now, just think about this for a second. So the Jews and Gentiles typically don't like one another. And Paul is told, Well, you know, you go into this environment. And now you have like, maybe half the people hating one the other half of the people. And like, you're going to have to try to get them all along. So this is like being a pastor and having Democrats and Republicans in your church. Yeah, I sympathize. So that's what in a modern context, that's exactly what's happening. Right. So that's what's going on. And so Paul, Romans kicks it off for us, right? And so what's Romans all about? And how writing the greatest theological work ever written? No, it's about unity. Right? The Gentiles Yes, they've stayed send the Jews chapter do you send it you know, so much Teach Yourself three, we've all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. All of us leveling the playing field, right? Jews, you think the law is so great, well, Abraham, he was justified, he's made righteous by his faith. The law didn't exist that right, so justified by his faith, you're not better Adam and Christ contrasted. We said that in there, then you see a new life in the Spirit in the spirit, these things don't matter. Then a digression nine through 11. Wait a minute, what about the Jews who don't believe we have a lot of hope for them? Right. So we pray for those Israelites, we prayed for those people who didn't come around after all of this, we pray that they see the text the way we do, right, filled with the Spirit, it all points to Jesus. So he's hoping for them praying for them. Therefore chapter 12. Right. We are to make our bodies a living sacrifice, right? That's our worship, right? We're supposed to be like Jesus, we're not supposed to be conformed to the world. And the thing is, is telling us but transformed by the renewal of the mind and the power of the Holy Spirit. We can love even our enemies. Chapter 13. those in authority and paradoxes. Those we disagree with chapter 14, right? We just love everybody, right? Paul's travel plans and then warnings about false teachers. So this sets the stage where the Bible is going to be about for the rest of the Bible is going to be about right. It's about self sacrificial living. It's about suffering like Jesus, if we're called to if that happens to us, fine. We're just living out of life, like Jesus did, and warnings about false teachers. A lot and we did this series we saw there's a lot of warnings. So this unity is really important. We get into First Corinthians and that's the first problem in the Corinthian church, Pastor worship. Do we do that today? Right, it's dividing the church. They're developing factions, kind of like denominations, right? It's like Paul's worst nightmare. No, no, no, you need to stay unified. And even in there, even this stuff that there's a decree X 15 a council about what during the Gentiles during the church changes presiding Jesus's brother like well, I don't know. Well, just these four things Paul says even have those things, don't worry about it. It's not gospel stop dividing over it. Yet people divide Second Corinthians about two different things about living self sacrificially the offering, it's supposed to go back to Jerusalem and about false teachers. Galatians more about not dividing. We're not under the law. There is one gospel in Christ. There's no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free. We're just male or female, we're all one in Christ Jesus, Unity really important. And Ephesians unity, the wall of hostility is now broken down. We are one in Christ Jesus, unity. Philippians, the greatest theological thank you note of all time, God and Cintiq aren't getting along. So still about unity, being like Jesus Colossians a lot like Ephesians, we saw they were regional letters first and second. Thessalonians they're being persecuted. We saw an axe where they were persecuted right out the gate, though you may have to suffer, hang in there. We don't have to grieve like others who don't have hope. Jesus is coming back for us. That's what we look forward to. We get into Second Thessalonians like he's going to enact the revenge for you. First, Second Timothy Titus, letters to like Paul's, let's just say like discipled people that he's bringing up to be what we would call pastors today, rules in the church, all kinds of different stuff. I really am. And I like to think of it as a book about forgiveness and other important theme healers, the best commentary on the Old Testament that exists, why it's all about Jesus. Jesus is superior to the prophets, the angels, he's a superior son. He's a superior son. He's superior to Moses, He's superior to Joshua, He's superior. Remember that mysterious figure Melchizedek and the whole priesthood, he's the mediator of a new and better superior covenant. So you live by faith, discipline lies because Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. James, Jesus brother looks like a mash up between like the sermon on the mount and the Proverbs really kind of a very cool book. But yeah, it can be a real gut punch. So go ahead and read it first. And second, Peter, Christians are suffering, Peter is encouraging them through that suffering, we get to Second Peter, new heavens, new earth, all this corruptible stuff is going to be gone. And we look forward to that in Jesus stick with it. First on, well, what you do says more about you want you believe than anything you could possibly say, second, and third John letters to churches. And then you have Jude, the good one, the Judas, Jude, the good one, I want to write about all this stuff, but false teachers. So it's about false teachers, then you get to the letters and revelation to the seven churches. What's the overlying theme, if you do not deny Jesus, if you stay faithful, even in the face of death, you will get the price is right, the crown of righteousness will sit on the throne, right by the Father with the Lord, you'll be invited to the great feast, you'll be clothed and white. And indeed, that is the encouragement, the point of the book of Revelation, although you may be suffering, you may be going through tribulation, you may be sick, you may be sad, people are dying around you, you're worried about death. But don't worry, because Jesus is coming back for you.
And he does get revelation 19. And the Word of God Himself comes down from the heavens, the two edged sword, he enacts the judgment, and we are saved through Him in the new heavens and the new earth. He's the son. It's perfect. There's no more corruption there. No liars there. There's no deceivers, there are no unbelievers there. Only people remain faithful to Christ are there and it is glorious. No more crying, no more pain. That's it. Jesus reverses our sin in the garden. He or like Adam and mankind, all mankind after them. Unlike all mankind, Jesus, although he was in the form of God did not regard equality with God as something to be stolen. Instead, he emptied himself, that's our God, and assume the form of a slave taking on the likeness of men. When he had come as a man in his external form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even the death on a cross. For this reason, God highly exalted him and gave him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every He will bend of those in heaven on earth and below the earth and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. And that's what the Bible is all about.