1 Samuel 8-15: Obedience is Better Than Sacrifice
This week we arrive in 1 Samuel 8-15 as we see how the Israelites want a king, rejecting the authority of God.

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good morning if you're new here among us my name is gene and i serve here at c3 church as your lead pastor if you're not new here among us you know i wasn't here last week so i want to take a moment and thank pastor rob for delivering a great message and dustin our media director for taking care of the bible study for me and also if you are not new here if you've been here for a long time you know i did not arrive here at c3 church as a pastor i arrived here at c3 church as a business person and if you've been here for a while you know that i came into ministry through the worship because i was a musician before i was a martial arts instructor and business person and you might know that my instrument of choice was guitar i like to play the guitar i did that for many years but what you might not know even if you know me pretty well is that one of the instruments i played was the trumpet so this morning before we begin dig into the word i want to tell you a little bit about the trumpet the first thing that you must know about the trumpet is that it is an absolutely disgusting instrument that is the first thing it has a spit valve on it this is because as you can imagine when you're blowing into the trumpet you are spitting into it so i don't eat birthday cake anyway you have a spit valve to release some of that spit so it doesn't all build up in there that's really disgusting the other thing that you might not know about the trumpet is that you're not just blowing into it it's not like that like one of those party blowers nope it's really hard to play the trumpet because you have to press your lips very tightly and make them vibrate i'm not going to do that and spit all over the front row plus i have a microphone really close to my face what you might not know about the trumpet is that the higher note you want to play the tighter your lips have to go so really good trumpet players can play really really high now i don't know why i picked the trumpet as a kid like you get to like third or fourth grade in new york back in the 80s and they make you do an instrument if you're musically inclined and i picked the trumpet and i was immediately sorry that i did but here's the thing my parents were disciplinarians they were really big on commitment plus they paid the instrument rental for the year so i had to stick with it and my parents were musicians i come from a family of musicians and they're all better than me which was really bad but they made me practice they said you will get better if you practice how do you get to carnegie hall practice practice practice or just drive to new york city anyway i had to practice a lot and it was terrible i did not like it i had to practice for like a minimum of an hour a day that's a lot of lip stuff it was pretty annoying this was all in the 80s well if you grew up in the 80s like me you know what a boom box is i'll tell you what went through your mind this right because that's what you did if you were really cool and you wanted to go death the boom the boombox was big it had these big speakers on it and it was really loud and what was cool about the boombox was that it had a cassette tape on it now that doesn't sound exciting to the kids with the smartphones because you can get like great quality even video on your phone but this was really cool if you were a kid you could put tape over the tape and then tape over the tape and so you can record things and if you didn't have a lot of money you could play the radio on the boombox and record what was on the radio and rob the record stores so it was just a wonderful thing well one day little gene put two and two together and discovered that you could also record things like a trumpet and so i practiced my trumpet one day and recorded it then the next day i simply pressed play and the boombox was as loud as the trumpet so i went and i played atari instead you know what an atari is it was fun and so i would get done practicing i'd go downstairs and my mom would be like oh i heard you're practicing good job and i was like yeah mom my lips are really sore well i got away with this for a while until the concert came about fifth grade apparently i was good enough to do a solo i don't know how that happened the song was danny boy an old like kind of irish folk song i don't know the history about it but i do know this it has a really high note in it yeah so i was confident i don't know why i got up there and played and everything's going great until the high note oh epic failure very very embarrassing so while it seemed like i was sacrificing a lot of time and practicing in reality i was being disobedient and i paid the price for my lip service okay today we find ourselves you'll see where i'm going with that later in the rest of the story where we're looking at first samuel we looked at chapters one through seven two weeks ago so i'll refresh your memory it was the early life of samuel and he was like that three-fold leadership type in the bible first you have the prophets even abraham is called a prophet then you have a priest right there are priests then there are judges of the book of judges samuel is all three wrapped up into one and we saw that samuel was faithful with the little things today we're going to see he's all grown up so we're going to start first samuel chapter 8 starting at verse 1. as samuel grew old he appointed his sons to be judges over israel joel and ebijah his oldest sons held court in beersheba well of the oath but they were not like their father for they were greedy for money they accepted bribes and perverted justice finally all the elders of israel met at rama to discuss the matter with samuel look they told him you are now old and your sons are not like you give us a king to judge us like all the other nations have samuel was displeased with their request and went to the lord for guidance do everything they say to you the lord replied for they are rejecting me not you they don't want me to be their king any longer ever since i brought them from egypt they have continually abandoned me and followed other gods and now they are giving you the same treatment do as they ask but solemnly warn them about the way a king will reign over them so if you've been paying attention to the story you know the word well this should remind you of eli's sons hofny and phineas now samuel is experiencing the same thing and at first glance it seems like that's the reason they're asking for a king they're putting it on samuel but the lord corrects that they've been rejecting me ever since i arrest them rescued them out of egypt not your fault they're rejecting me horrible thing they're rejecting god they want a king so samuel warns them i'll just kind of make this short for you he warns him a king he's going to draft your people into the army he's basically going to make slaves out of you guys he's going to take away your daughters he's going to take away the best of your crops and he's going to impose taxes on you he's going to take a tithe but first samuel 8 19 the people refused to listen to samuel's warning even so we still want a king they said we want to be like the nations around us our king will judge us and lead us into battle so samuel repeated to the lord what the people said and the lord replied do as they say and give them a king samuel agreed and sent the people home and so first samuel 9 1 turn the page there was a wealthy influential man named kish from the tribe of benjamin he was the son of abel son of zeror son of begorath son of a fire of the tribe of benjamin if you're wondering i was worried about that this morning i got through it his son saul was the most handsome man in israel head and shoulders taller than anyone else in the land so one day kish loses some donkeys and so he sends samuel and a servant out to find them maybe it's because he was really tall and he could see over everything and find them i don't know they go through a few towns and now saul wants to give up if i said samuel i met saul saul wants to give up he's done but his servant says hold on a second i remembered something there's a man of god who can help us they're in a land called zuff that's the area they're in case you were wondering where are they he's in this town says he's a seer in those days they called prophets seers okay let's find him and now we get a scene where there are girls coming out of this town to get water that happens a lot in the old testament the girl's affirm yes he's there he's getting ready to make the sacrifices everybody's going to wait for him before we eat remember that some people are actually waiting for him so this is where samuel will come in they approached the town and here's what happens now in the meantime the lord has told samuel that saul's coming also the servant's pretty cool he has a small silver piece so they're worried the first objection that saul has is well we don't have any money we don't have anything to give him i guess they were paying those people back then so the servant supplies the money so finally first samuel 9 18 just then saul approached samuel at the gateway and asked can you please tell me where the seer's house is i am the seer samuel replied go up to the place of worship ahead of me we will eat there together and in the morning i will tell you what you want to know and send you on your way and don't worry about those donkeys that were lost three days ago for they have been found and i am here to tell you that you and your family are the focus of all israel's hopes saul replied but i'm only from the tribe of benjamin the smallest tribe in israel and my family is the least important of all the families of that tribe why are you talking to me like this sound familiar now if you've been paying attention you know why the tribe of benjamin is small i'll get to that a little later here's something i want to point out to you though pay attention to what samuel does as a real prophet he proves it hear this a prophet will prove it talked about this a little bit at bible study about authority attaches to pastor rob's message where that comes from from god but prophets prove it in my time in ministry i've had a lot of people come into the church and they say this is what god told me to tell you nine times out of ten it has that person's agenda behind it i really don't think that god told them that and they don't prove it i've also been told i have something from god and when it really is they blow my mind i want to wear a tinfoil hat around them i didn't talk to one lady for two months one time she was in the church i wouldn't speak to her because she blew my mind she told me things that only i could know and my mom it was crazy that's what prophets do and that's what he's doing with the donkeys here he's telling saul something that probably nobody else could know but he'll double down on this so if you're saying that you're a prophet you've got a word from the lord don't tell me something like it's going to rain at 3 pm today because we're in southwest florida that's not a big deal so anyway he brings them in and they have this meal and he's already propping saul up this is samuel propping saul up he gives him the best place at the table above the 30 other honored guests he gives him the choice food that is reserved for the guest of honor he's treating him absolutely wonderfully when they're done he takes them up to a rooftop prepares a bed for him that's weird well no ac back then so in the evenings it's got to be cool and breezy up there so they're going to sleep on the roof that's very very common back then well in the morning it says this happens first samuel 9 26 at daybreak the next morning samuel called saul get up it's time you were on your way so saul got ready and he and samuel left the house together when they reached the edge of town samuel told saul to send his servant on ahead after the servant was gone samuel said stay here for i have received a special message for you from god really calling the greek i want you to hear the word of god so turn the page lonnie for samuel 10 1 then samuel took a flask of olive oil and poured it over saul's head he kissed saul and said i am doing this because the lord has appointed you to be the ruler over israel his special possession now he anoints him we've talked about that in this series i'm not going to spend too much time on that and here he does what i'm talking about he gives a series of predictions to prove it you're going to see two men at rachel's tomb on your way back they're going to let you know the donkeys have been found but your dad's now worried about you oak of tabor three men one's going to have three goats one's going to have three loaves they're going to offer you two of the loaves they're also going to have a wine skin full of wine you accept the two loaves he keeps going as if that wasn't enough i'd give you of god there's going to be prophets coming out they're going to be playing instruments not a trumpet but a harp tambourine a flute a liar and the spirit of god not like a lying liar but like a guitar imagine that the spirit of god is going to come upon you and you'll be changed greatly and you too will prophesy well sure enough because samuel is legit it all happens just that way he also says something i want you to remember he says when you get to gilgal where you're going wait seven days for me wait that's important so the signs are fulfilled you'll see that saul has some detractors this will happen to him so they're saying things like can even saul be a prophet why is he a prophet well anyone can be a prophet because god just uses you you use the donkey right but they're making fun of him so he gets back to town his uncle asks him what's up he tells him about the seer that he saw what did he tell you well the donkeys are back and leaves everything else out he doesn't talk about being anointed king at all but samuel he gathers everybody up at mispa if this sounds familiar to you it's because it was where the levite went remember the levite in the concubine and he gathered everybody up against the tribe of benjamin four hundred thousand men so that's where this happened gathering at the same place i'm going to connect a lot of dots for you today this makes the word of god smaller and easy to remember and he gives a speech and he's constantly reminding them you've rejected god like that's the point so fine this is a concession for you guys so he does a process of selection we'll see this sometimes they cast lots but he goes down and he reaches the tribe of benjamin that's where your king is going to come from and then process of deduction down to saul now here's where it's kind of comical i think if you're reading it there's a little comedy here in god's word how tall is salt he's a head taller than everyone and depending on the translation you're reading it says he's hiding but he's hiding amongst the baggage or the luggage and so i get a scene in my mind you know those rolly carts that the bellman use i don't know what you're supposed to call them anymore like apparently i was told this week that people aren't called waiters or waitresses anymore you have to i can't remember what servers they're called so anyway i'm from the 80s so we use old language but anyway probably offended anyone who's like was a bellhop i don't know luggage carrier but i picture like saul trying to hide behind one of these things like you know as it moves along but he can't because his head is like sticking up over it so it's comical like saul's trying to hide among the baggage but he can't yeah because he just told us he's like too tall for hiding not good at hide and seek anyway he's accepted his king for the most part except for some people from his own hometown remember that nonetheless he is made king and what's interesting is he's rejected his own town is gibya this is where the story of the levite and the concubine took place a benjamite town all coming full circle now there's a guy named nahesh nehash has a nasty habit of gouging people's eyes out that's what he likes to do he's a king so he's an ammonite king he's a pressing gad in reuben it's kind of complicated but if you know the word well you'll not at this point they're the tribes that didn't want to settle down on the other side of the jordan river they wanted to stay where they were there was an issue they made an altar there phineas has to get involved so they're the tribes that are getting oppressed right but this ammonite king nehash and they're gouging people's eyes out but 7 000 of them escape now to jbash gilead and this all get kind of interesting if you know the word you may be reading along and saying where did you get 7000 from we'll talk about it at bible study it's one of the things that has been redacted from a lot of bibles but it is in the older versions so jmash gilead again full circle is where the wives from the tribe of benjamin were first taken from the first 400 there were 600 men left when they had this war and they found 400 but now this town jb gillian is kind of like getting repopulated because of this persecution there's 7 000 people there it gets more interesting there's a lot of depth here if you know the word nehash i said it is an ammonite king and this goes all the way back to lot remember what happened sodom and gomorrah even if you haven't read the bible a whole lot you probably know this story right it's destroyed lot and his daughters escaped the wife does what pillar assault looks back they go to zoar a little place he doesn't like the people there so they go to a cave and his daughters decide they're going to carry on the father's line through them a disgusting thing they have incestuous relations they get him drunk first one son is moab remember ruth was a moabite an undesirable person and my point there was that she was redeemed anyway makes it into jesus's genealogy no matter where you've come from you're welcome in this family she was redeemed well the other one becomes the father the younger daughter his two kids becomes the father of the ammonites so if you know the word well you're thinking nahash but he already has like kind of a bad history it comes from a people that are from a bad line so nasty guy so the people there they try to make a treaty they say give us seven days we want to send messengers out and then we'll decide whether we're going to let you gouge our eyes out or not sounds kind of crazy well one of the messengers reached is a place where saul is he's plowing in a field he's working in a field he hears them crying they're all upset and he gets real mad about it okay so what he does is he cuts up a couple of his oxen and he sends them out to all israel and you may be thinking why is he doing that well remember the levite and the concubine what did the levite do to send a message he cut up the concubine and send it out to rile everybody up and get four hundred thousand men to go against the tribe benjamin who were responsible for this so it's similar and that would be in their minds they'd be thinking oh that's in their memory and it kind of works he sends a message this is what will happen to the oxen of anyone who refuses to follow saul and samuel he gets not quite 400 000 men he gets 330 thousand men he defeats the ammonites using some strategy gets together three detachments and he's reconfirmed king at gilgal gonna skip ahead but i don't wanna leave anything out chapter 12 can be very confusing because it seems like saul's or samuel's ministry is over i'm going to get dyslexic today so bear with me so it's basically his farewell speech so view it like a movie sometimes you have cut scenes where it cuts in and out it may not be chronological we are not done with samuel yet but he gives a speech he reminds them of what they've done wrong but i've given you a king i haven't cheated anybody i've been straight with you guys he gives a summary god's done so much for you he starts with egypt he rescued you from egypt he jumps right over to the judges and just gives them some examples about how god is always rescuing you but you want a king great so now it's on you he gives some signs he makes it rain and thunder and it works because they're not in southwest florida he proves it he brings a sign and now they're in terror the conclusion of the speech is if you continue to do what is evil both you and your king will be swept away now we get to chapter 13 and it's the philistines again they have a history if you remember with the philistines remember samson and the philistines so there's continued war with them and what saul does is something interesting he narrows down the military to 3 000 troops 2 000 that he leads 1 000 that his son jonathan leaves we'll be talking about him the next couple of weeks now jonathan has an early victory and it gets them all excited and saul calls to people with a trumpet or horn i don't know i don't know how high the note was but he rallies everybody up but like the ark remember when they got the ark stolen from them when they bring it out it has the opposite than the desired effect the philistines get riled up too now it says the army's so huge it's like sand on the seashore and they're in a bad spot they're totally outnumbered they're a tight spot men are deserting they begin escaping and hiding and it says this first samuel 13 meanwhile saul stayed at gilgal and his men were trembling with fear saul waited there seven days for samuel as samuel had instructed him earlier but samuel still didn't come so i'll realized that his troops were rapidly slipping away so he demanded bring me the burnt offering and the peace offerings and saul sacrificed the burnt offering himself just as saul was finishing with the burnt offering samuel arrived saul went out to meet and welcome him but samuel said what is this you have done saul replied i saw my men scattering from me and you didn't arrive when you said you would and the philistines are at mikmash ready for battle so remember he was supposed to wait he's disobedient samuel responds first samuel 13 13 how foolish samuel exclaimed you have not kept the command of the lord your god that he gave you had you kept it the lord would have established your kingdom over israel forever but now your kingdom must end for the lord has sought out a man after his own heart we'll get to david later the lord has already appointed him to be the leader of his people because you have not kept the lord's command so this is the first stage of saul's rejection as king interesting points they're whittled down to 600 men he's from the tribe of benjamin how many benjamites were there in the levite and concubine 600 men so we see foreshadowing here a terrible situation to make things worse they're a ragtag bunch they all have these like farm tools that's what they're fighting with they're not in proper battle armor with proper weapons only saul and jonathan have the weapons and so it's kind of funny you get to an interesting part where it gives like a price sheet it's like a menu of everything the philistines were charging to sharpen all the farm tools for them they didn't want them to have any weapons so if you're confused and reading along that's what that is and why that is so this is a desperate situation you have 598 men there with farm tools against a professional well-organized philistine army so many men it's like the sand on the seashore so get this in your mind they're in bad shape but jonathan he's a pretty brave kid he and his armor bear go and they climb up to this place where the philistines are he says you know what we're gonna get a sign from god we're gonna see if we should keep fighting them even in this desperate situation so if they call us out and say come fight that's a sign we're gonna fight if they say get out of here well we're not gonna fight sure enough they call him out and jonathan and his armor bear kill 20 men it doesn't sound like a lot but it's about like a half acre parcel of land so think about a medium-sized yard and 20 dead bodies in your yard so it's a sight what happens is the lord again begins fighting for them there's an earthquake it says the earth is trembling the philistines get thrown into a panic now saul hears it and his reaction is do a roll call that sounds weird he takes attendance why would you do that well he's got to be thinking who's doing this what's going on and they find out that jonathan his son and the armor bearer aren't with them well you know what let's consult with the lord and see if we should go get him so first he starts doing the right thing but then he says no forget it we don't have time for that and he goes after them he begins hunting them down and pursuing them so they get tired so they're in pursuit and the men are getting tired they're going to do this like all day into the evening but saul doesn't want to stop and so here's what he says first samuel 14 24. now the men of israel were pressed to exhaustion that day because saul had placed them under an o saying let a curse fall on anyone who eats before evening before i have full revenge on my enemies so no one ate anything all day even though they had all found honeycomb on the ground in the forest they didn't dare touch the honey because they all feared the oath they had taken but in the meantime jonathan didn't take the oath he wasn't around so he's walking along and he sees some honeycomb that looks delicious so he grabs a stick that's how you eat honeycomb and he has a taste of the honeycomb someone who knows about the oath was there and he said ah you can't do that told him what his dad did and he said that's so foolish look how refreshed i am if he'd let them take the honey think about how many more philistines we could have killed well meanwhile saul is continuing to pursue the philistines and it's interesting there's a little section in there where they're taking a lot of plunder and they sacrifice it kind of the wrong way they eat the blood we can talk about that at bible study that's a big no-no all the way back from the covenant with noah saul fixes it he builds an altar to make a longer story short he's still pursuing them but now the priest is like hey saul maybe we should check with god on this one so back then they would cast lots or the priests would have an ephod and that's how they'd make decisions through the priest he says okay but something strange happens god's silent they don't hear anything it's all thinking why what's going on here not because i've done anything wrong so they go through the process of deduction again whose sin is this even if it's my own son i'm going to kill him so it comes down to saul and jonathan what's going on finally jonathan confesses to his father i ate the honey and saul wants to kill his own son but it's the people who intervene they remind him jonathan got us a lot of victories and so jonathan is spared saul continues to have a lot of victories talk about this at bible study a little bit a lot of connections these different tribes that they're fighting go way back way way way way way back even to the story about noah the canaanites hamson where the philistines come from as well also the ammonites have a history and the amalekites so here's what it says one day samuel said to saul it was the lord who told me to anoint you as king of his people israel now listen to this message from the lord this is what the lord of heaven's armies has declared i have decided to settle accounts for the nation of amalek for opposing israel when they came from egypt now go and completely destroy the entire amalekite nation men women children babies cattle sheep goats camels and donkeys now sounds strange but if you know the word well you know why this is happening even if you've never read the bible you probably know the story of moses god parts the red sea they cross over it crashes down on the egyptians well shortly thereafter it's the amalekites that decide to attack them so to make this kind of short you might remember the story where joshua is fighting them and moses is sitting there on the rock with his hands raised every time they lower the israelites lose every time they get raised they win so aaron and her helping them hold the hands up that's the background here they're also descendants of esau if you remember jacob and esau a rivalry there so now this whole thing is going to get fulfilled and they will be punished exodus 17 14 says this after the victory so they win there the lord instructed moses write this down on a scroll as a permanent reminder and read it aloud joshua i will erase the memory of amalek from under heaven moses built an altar there named it yahweh nisi which means the lord is my banner he said they have raised their fist against the lord's throne so now the lord will be at war with amalek generation after generation so lonnie's going to have to remind me about the keynights i'm going to run out of time and i won't be able to get to that today it's kind of cool if you remember the story about jail and the tent peg and they warned these people called the kenites to get out of there and it probably goes back to that bible study stuff anyway here's the thing he's supposed to completely wipe them out but he doesn't he spares the king agag and they keep all the choice plunder for themselves so now you get kind of a comical scene but first first samuel 15 10 then the lord said to samuel i am sorry that i ever made saul king for he has not been loyal to me and he has refused to obey my command samuel was so deeply moved when he heard this that he cried out to the lord all night so he wakes up the next morning he's searching for him he runs into someone who says oh i know where saul is he's building a monument to himself at carmel and then he went back to gilgal and you get this exchange it's almost comical because saul denies it samuel approaches him he's like why didn't you do what the lord said he anointed you as king you had this responsibility you may think little of yourself but god made you king and now you've disobeyed him and saul denies it and samuel points to the blatantly obvious he's like well what's all the bleeding like the noise from all these animals that i'm hearing so another kind of comical scene you have saul standing there like no no i destroyed everything i'm like it's like goat walking behind him he's like get out of the way it's obvious he's done wrong and he keeps denying it but i did destroy everything uh no so samuel replied what is more pleasing to the lord your burnt offerings and sacrifices or your obedience to his voice listen obedience is better than sacrifice and submission is better than offering the fat of rams rebellion as as sinful as witchcraft and stubbornness as bad as worshiping idols so because you have rejected the command of the lord he has rejected you as king obedience is better than sacrifice today worship busy things that we do while we're not really being obedient an outward appearance so finally relents he admits it but it's too little too late you get a very symbolic thing that happens samuel is going to leave him he goes to grab on to his cloak it tears and it symbolizes the kingdom being torn from him this is foreshadowing of what will happen to david if you know the word well you know what i'm talking about and he says the lord has torn the kingdom away from you samuel kills king aid gag fulfilling the lord's command and it says this first samuel 15 34 then samuel went back home to rama and saul returned to his house at gibya of saul samuel never went to meet with saul again but he mourned constantly for him and the lord was sorry he ever made saul king we've learned in the series that god uses the seemingly weak things to shame the wise that's what it says in his word but saul he's represented as the ideal according to the world standards right he's a handsome guy head taller than everybody else but here the seemingly strong things again like samson cause shame god uses these people to show us that when we look for what the world sees as strong will often be very disappointed when we reject god's provision which may seem foolish or weak to us and go after what looks good by the world standards we will be led astray they were warned by samuel not to do that but they did anyway have we too rejected god as our king did you know that like saul jesus was rejected in his own hometown nazareth a prophet is not without honor except in his own hometown mark 6. but here's the thing have we too rejected jesus in what ways might we have done that now you may be quick to say no no there's no way i would ever reject jesus he's my king but jesus says there's a way in which we might have luke 6 46. so why do you keep calling me lord lord when you don't do what i say you see god hasn't changed jesus is the same yesterday today and forever hebrews 13. and he still requires obedience people don't like it it's kind of a bad word and we can tell if we've accepted jesus as king if we do what he says his words not mine it's about obedience are we obedient or are we just giving jesus lip service have we gone after what looks attractive according to the world have we been baited into setting our minds on worldly things instead of thinking colossians 3 about heavenly things focusing on jesus you see hebrews 11 1. faith shows the reality of what we hope for it is the evidence of things we cannot see faith is in what we cannot see like saul appearances deceiving so look like the perfect king again the head taller than everyone else impressive but looks can be deceiving and there's no deceiving god this is how it is when we put on a show but we aren't really being obedient we're just giving god lip service you see god desires more than the outward appearances he wants an inward change of heart he wants us to be totally and completely transformed romans 12. renewed in our minds not thinking the way the world does i get it it's hard i told you i gave my parents lip service i wasn't being completely obedient and through my life it's been difficult in my christian walk it's been difficult sometimes it's a daily battle because there's so many things in the world that are baiting us constantly all the time the facebook but jesus is asking us the question are you loving your enemies how are you doing that how did that post share love with your enemies if i had to meet someone i disagreed with politically i think the holy spirit would say before you get to the political issues and the mistakes they might have made in their job maybe you should get them to jesus you think or does jesus say well you can love your enemies except if they have different political opinions i don't think that's in there and i read it a lot it says no matter what there's no excuse there's no out he doesn't want us baited by the world it's all garbage he wants us focused on the new heaven the new earth read colossians 3 if you don't believe me it's god's word not mine so that's my prayer for us this morning in our lives our coaches our teachers the people that care about us and love us require obedience for a reason if i had been obedient instead of giving my parents lip service they could have saved me from a pretty embarrassing situation and that's a small thing but you ever get baited by being disobedient and put yourself in a bad situation you should all be doing that yeah let's not be baited into that into disobedience let's focus on jesus focus on what it says in his word because like our parents god requires obedience because he wants what's good for us let me pray for you lord i thank you for this church for everyone's willingness to come here this morning be in the unity of your holy spirit hear your word in full listen to the scriptures your godly wisdom and my prayers for all of us as we go out into the world this week that we are not baited into it that we stay focused on your word focused on the gospel message please lord let that be what we want to share most with everyone this week i ask these things in jesus name amen you