Finish Strong! Lessons from 1 & 2 Timothy

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Mon, Jan 21, 2024 10AM • 59:01SUMMARY KEYWORDSpeople, timothy, church, Paul, god, faith, word, read, women, first timothy, talking, bible, love, money, finishing, teaching, life, deacons, Jesus, false teachers
Welcome if you're new here among us, my name is Gene I serve here at C3 church as your pastor. If you're not well, thank you, Tony. He did a great message. And you know that so good message last week. And in fact, he applauded you guys for coming in, even though it was cold and rainy, right? You might have gotten wet. Coming to church.
Speaking of getting wet, it has been said that it takes 90 gallons of water to baptize a Christian.
And only nine drops of rain and keep them out of church.
Yeah, Florida problems, it has been said that Florida is called God's waiting room. Is that true? Some people? Okay, maybe I touched a nerve.
I think you did. Great. Well, so we're going to take a look at what we're waiting for today. And what we're supposed to do while we're waiting, so we find ourselves back and the rest of the story. This is where we're following Paul now through the book of Acts, right. So he goes to certain regions, and then he writes letters back to those places, we look at the letters to those places, we landed on regional letters, Ephesians Colossians. We looked at by Lehman's all two people and churches in that region. Today, a lot of people don't know this. It's interesting, first, and second, Timothy, kind of goes there, because he's in that region. So I made a little map. I didn't make this map. But I did put the graffiti on there. Can we see some ancient Timothy was here. So that's ancient graffiti, dates back to around like, you know, 30 ad or so. That's legit. Alright.
So first and second, Timothy. These are books that a lot of like church leaders read a lot. They're pretty familiar with, but normal people, not so much, not the whole thing. So just if you're a beginner, if you don't know anything about the Bible, the Bible is made up of books and different letters to people in places like the apostle Paul writing. So Paul is writing to Timothy kind of like his students, right? just view it that way, in simple terms, and he's writing somebody who's in this region, he's in Ephesus, at this time.
It's called the pastoral epistle. Right? So a pastoral letter, but this kind of terminology didn't come into play, until like way later, like way, way, like a couple 100 years ago. So for the majority of Christianity, they're really not using these terms, you're going to see it's like elder or overseer back then it's a little different. So a lot of when you look at this, you have to look at a lot of like the lens the church has put over it, and you kind of got to get through that and get under it. And that's what we're going to do today. So Timothy, who is he? Remember acts 16, right? So young man that Paul picks up, he's his disciple. Like, he's going to be like trainee there. And it's going to take him along. Well, obviously, he got built up enough to go, you go run the church, they're an emphasis, but these are going to be some instructions. First, Timothy, we're not really sure where Paul wrote this from Second Timothy, definitely from prison, probably in Rome, right. So you're going to see the tone is going to change a little bit between the two. Now, it's interesting, unlike some of these letters to the churches, this is again, like finally been written to an individual. So sometimes I like to picture a modern context where we're reading somebody's email to somebody else, right? Should we do that? I don't know.
This question has been asked in the church, right? So should we be? Is this for all of us? Or what? Right? So you're going to see some kind of different stuff in here. Question gets raised sometimes, like, why is this in the Bible? Would Paul be talking this way? But if you're familiar with his work? Yes, yes, you would use a strong language. In other places. If I had to give this email, a subject line, it would be finished strong. So this was an email, finish strong Timothy. So really important here, if you're new, if you're not new here, you totally get it. You know what's about to happen? It's all good. But if you're not new here, see the Christian culture, we have this like one line at a time, one line at a time, it just doesn't work. So imagine I send an email to you, you know, maybe it's a couple pages long, you're not going to read like the first line and then it will maybe you will, maybe it'll just email me back just after reading the first line, then what am I going to say to you? Did you read the whole email and you're going to go? No, I'm not going to get a response then you're going to talk trash about me on social media. So anyway,
happens. So anyway, you got to read the whole thing, right? Otherwise you won't get the point. And that's the problem with most Christians. They don't get the point because they're reading it one line at a time and then out of order. Congratulations. That's exactly how you can like not know something.
So you got to look at the whole thing. There's just no way around it. I tried to make it fun. I'll be telling some jokes like woven through just to keep you guys alive and awake. There is coffee in the lobby. Correct. Okay, good. You
Get some if you need it. You good? Okay?
It's okay. I'm not going to assume you're walking out happens all the time to. Alright, let's hop right in. First Timothy one. This is a letter from Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus appointed by the command of God, our Savior, and Christ Jesus who gives us hope. I'm writing a Timothy my true sign the faith. May God the Father in Christ Jesus, our Lord give you grace, mercy and peace. So we saw Timothy was a co author in the past. Now he's being written to, again, the tone of Paul's letters, grace, and peace. That's kind of like my jokes in the beginning, right? So he's softening him up a little bit. There's Timothy one, three, when I left for Macedonia, I urged you to stay there and emphasis and stop those whose teaching is contrary to the truth. Don't let them waste their time and endless discussion of medicine. Spiritual pedigrees, these things only lead to meaningless speculations, which don't help people live a life of faith in God. The purpose of instruction is that all believers would be filled with love that comes from a pure heart a clear conscience and genuine faith. But some people have misled this whole point. They have turned away from these things and spent their time in meaningless discussion. So this is interesting, because read the Bible talks a lot about false teachers. And here Paul is just getting right to it right to the point here. But do we hear this today meaningless discussions, speculations, right, that don't lead to a life in faith. And people do this all the time. They spend all their time, at least speculative things, right. Instead of just being faithful, like trusting Hey, Jesus is going to come back. I'm going to live a good life in the meantime. So what does Paul say? Avoid them, right? So avoid the time wasters. We don't do that. So basically like to modernize this a little, dear Timothy, spend a lot less time on YouTube. Thank you. All right. So the content here? Yeah. Or Tic Toc, it's even worse. So anyway.
Right. So the context here is at that time, that kind of problem, one of the first problems in the church is the law of Moses. Right? So the first heresy the churches were not under the Law of Moses anymore, right? We're saved by grace, faith, like that whole thing. But these people want to be kind of like the PhDs of today, not that all PhDs are bad, but the people will lead with their titles, right? Like, look, this is what I've got. This is where I went to school. They don't want to tell people where to go to school, the University of the Holy Spirit. Isn't that good enough, right? So it's not good enough for these people. Right? They want to be known, right? So the PhDs the bad ones of that day. So he goes into this little thing. This is why Paul starts saying this. The law is intended for people who are lawless or who are ungodly, sinful consider nothing sacred and firewood is holy, who kill their father and mother commit other murders, the laws for people who are sexually immoral practice homosexuality or slave traders, liars, promises, breakers or who do anything else that contradicts wholesome teaching. Okay, so just to bring that up real quick, because we've talked about this in the past, I want you to notice something if you didn't notice this already, you should have homosexuality is not the only sin. It is a sin on the list. Have you lied? There? So instead of the picket sign, get yourself a mirror, moving on. Paul, give some gratitude for God's mercy, right, he has the right attitude. Now we run into some creedal sayings in the New Testament, they're things that would help really Christians remember the truth. And Paul says, this is a trust trustworthy statement are saying, and everyone should accept it. Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, and I'm the worst of them all. But God had mercy on me so that Christ Jesus could use me as a prime example of his great patience with even the worst sinners than others will realize that they too, can believe in him and receive eternal life, honor and glory to God forever and ever. He is the eternal King, the unseen one who never dies, he is God alone, amen. So again, those like picking on specific sins need to read this, they need to keep reading and adopt the correct attitude like Paul had. So Timothy, here's my instructions for you. He's telling him cling to your faith in Christ, and keep your conscience clear for some people have deliberately violated their consciences. And as a result, their faith has been shipwreck Hymenaeus and Alexander are two examples. I threw them out and handed them over to Satan. So they might learn not to blaspheme God. So, this is really interesting because there are a lot of false teachers out there. In today's day and age there were then to this is why this is being written. And so what you don't hear a lot what's kind of absent as people it's like this weird kind of Christian culture that's developed like, oh, how dare you call someone out for being a false teacher, right? You ever kind of get that answer? We can't do that.
Well, the Bible does. We're going to see Paul does not stop here. The Bible does identifies them. So why Pray tell is this developed? Well, when there's a whole bunch of false teachers out there, they're not going to want to be called out. So let's just agree not to do that.
That's what's happened. Right? So not biblical, they get called out. So I'm not going to call anybody out by name today except Lonnie. So
anyway, here's what happens when you sit in the front, see why this is empty? If you're new, keep that. So basically, I can't see beyond that.
break the ice a little bit. So did you notice some language I handed them over to Satan? So what? So remember first Corinthians five, like the same thing with that guy in sin? Right? That's it. Sometimes you're enabling the person. And we have to realize when we're doing that, and so kick you out. What's the hope though? The person hits the bottom, we hope and pray for a high bottom and that they come back reconciliations always the key Correct. Don't miss that. First Timothy, two, one, I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people as God to help them intercede on their behalf and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives, mark my godliness and dignity. This is good and pleases God our Savior who wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth, for there is one God and one mediator who can reconcile God and humanity. The man Christ Jesus, He gave his life to purchase freedom for everyone. So one Mediator really important, right? So we are not the need here. But Jesus is. We've seen this attitude here like so Romans 13, but Romans 12, leading up to it. First Peter to we're going to see it and sin. Titus three, respect authorities. Oh, right. We want to live peaceful life. So you can try to win people over by yelling and shouting and arguing, it's probably not going to work. But if we can bring them to Jesus, he might just have the power to do that. How about that? You think the Holy Spirit's more powerful than us? Please say yes. Right. So there we go. And what's the point? We want to win? Everyone over? That should be our heart, right? Remember the poem Paul was reciting? Right? A heart? Wow. You know, like, look what Jesus did for me. I want to extend that to everybody else. Right. So he goes on to say, I want men to pray, with holy hands lifted up to God, free from anger and controversy. So it's not the only place in the Bible that talks about that. When you see people worship like that. One of the reasons why it could be because they're stretching, and they're tired, but I don't know, maybe it's from the Bible. But did you notice freedom from anger and controversy? And we talked about this, like this worship unless it's repentant, right? It's lip service, right? We need to worship from that standpoint. First Timothy two, nine, and I want women to be modest in their appearance, they should wear a decent and appropriate clothing, and not draw attention to themselves by the way they fix their hair, or by wearing gold or pearls or expensive clothes. For women who claim to be devoted to God should make themselves attractive by the good things they do. Women should learn quietly and submissively do not let a woman teach or have authority over them. Listen, let them listen quietly forgotten and feel it. For God made Adam first and afterward he made Eve. And it was not Adam, who is deceived by Satan. But woman who is the seed and sin was the result. But women will be saved through childbearing assuming they will continue to live in faith, love holiness, and modesty.
If I was going to remove any part of this count would have been it right.
All right, so
I'm still live here on Earth. It's amazing. Alright, so
I'm going to give you both sides of this. I'm going to be really honest with you guys. I always am. Alright. So first of all, let's just
first things first. This is secondary doctrine. If you don't know what that is, and a lot of people don't have this. They don't
read that. That's what this is. And you're supposed to learn that in Pastor school, but then some people throw it up. What am I talking about? Alright, so a frame of reference. We are in Romans 14 A while back we're First Corinthians chapters like eight through 10. So there you go. You have issues of that day that Paul is saying don't divide over meat sacrifice sidles back then not a thing now, I hope. Right so big thing comes down from James, the council acts 15. I told you about the heresy, right? We're not under the law comes down from the and even though James Jesus brother sends these decrees down and that's one of them. Paul says,
It's not gospel, paraphrasing, don't divide over this. Don't do that. Right. Romans 14 came up a little bit in Colossians. Two, and the idea of the Sabbath, because think about this one for a second Sabbath. The Sabbath is one of the 10 commandments. It's a part of like your Bible. It's a part of God's word. That what happens when you get to the New Testament, they clarify things for us, right? So that's commentary on the old. So think about the Bible. God said this, but yeah, it's really important. People got stoned to death killed for not keeping the Sabbath. What is Paul say? The Word of God. What does it say? Don't divide over it. One person thinks one day is holy. Another person thinks another day's fine.
Alright, don't need to think about it. It's important. Savage, I think is more important than maybe this or think so, like, very important thing. Don't divide over. Okay? Now, if you're talking about women in First Corinthians 14, this is a little bit different because First Corinthians 14, like, we kind of, we were able to fix it with its own context. There were women speaking in the church, in First Corinthians 11, verse five, right? So we kind of uncovered that. So let's just look at someone who would say like, you know, women just shouldn't teach men and they shouldn't speak in church. They shouldn't be, you know, pastors or whatever, right? So this is your go to, like, you got to go here. Don't go to First Corinthians 14, because I'm going to use that all day to distract everybody from the good point. Paul's doing here. You notice Adam and Eve, I'm going to go back here. Yep. Adam and Eve he's making like what we would call today, they would call that a natural family argument or nuclear family argument. Right? So and he's doing some funny things there that I won't repeat, right?
Because I was allowed, okay, of some heavy lifting guys. So it's just like the natural family argument. This is just the way it was, this is the way it is let them mentally, okay. And it can be kind of hard to argue with. But unless you think about it, now, there's another way that this can go.
And you can contextualize it with what Paul's saying and what we're going to see if we keep reading a couple things going on.
Okay, great. So you say to that person, their natural family like the nuclear family. Okay, good. So what are Adam and Eve to one another? And they might say, well, like husband and wife. Right? Exactly. And if you know the Greek,
you know that there's only one word for a woman, or wife. And it's up to the translator to decide which one that is. Oh, and same thing with man and husbands on Ancient Greek language. That's it. Right? Can I go on glass, and that's it. So you have to sit there and decide. So you're going to see that if you look at number of different Bible versions, in places like this, you'll see it different, sometimes a woman wife, right, so they'll do it based on what they want for the context, or some other things. Now, we'll also see here,
there's like a woman problem and emphasis.
And so anyway, I thought I'd get beat up for that, too. But anyway, there's a woman problem there. And then we're going to see if we read the Second Timothy, there's like vulnerable women there. So there's the context to the other thing you have to think about in Romans 16. We saw Phoebe was a deacon s. If we keep reading we're going to see in the Greek language, there could be Deacon SS, female leaders in the church. Again, First Corinthians 11. Five, there were women speaking in the church. So
don't divide over this issue. Because there are other possibilities is what I'm saying here. Right. So people against this, I would just say, men who are just really like they make this gospel, right, they're going to divide a church over which the word of God tells us not to do with things like this. Just check your heart. Right? You got to think about if there are other possibilities in the text, if we do see women in leadership clearly in the biblical text, right? If we do see women, giving instructions to men like Phoebe is, Can Read Romans 16. If it's not gospel, why do you want to keep women quiet?
If they can be filled with the Spirit, like we see in the Bible, who are you really telling to shut up?
Careful, right. So the most important thing, don't argue over it.
So you may ask the question, what do I believe? I would gladly walk in any church with a woman speaking and call her pastor. I just I'm not going to get riled up or it doesn't bother me. Here in church personally, and we're going to see this I'll demonstrate this to you. You do see women in leadership. You see women as great benefactors Lydia Phoebe of the church. Really important. We even see them in history as Deacon SS. So they're in leadership. We women on the council, that's fine, right? Women speak. I have no problem with that. But you don't see him in the Bible as Overseer and elder, you just don't see that here. We call everybody a pastor. That's not biblical language. We just do it, because that's what you understand. But really, it's like overseer elders, like what I am. You do see them, like as leaders and deaconesses, but not in that role. So I would just be cautious about that. Now, it could be a cultural thing. I don't know. But the word of God you have to that's above our culture, right? So just because I don't see it, that's it and I would just be cautious as the way I would put it, and that's my feeling on it. But again, I'm not going to divide over it. I'm not going to argue it's not gospel, right. Just not going to argue about it. I can listen to a woman teach. That's just fine. I listen to my wife a lot, right? So that's okay. I had to I'm trying to fix it. I'm trying to do my I have to live with her after this. So
Anyway, here we go we're going to continue First Timothy three just pray for me first under the three one this is a trustworthy saying if someone aspires to be a church leader literally in the Greek overseer when if you're new there, see the brackets, that's when like, I'm like NLT, you're going too far. And I'll put the what it says in Greek, he desires an honorable position. So a church leader must be a man whose life is above reproach, he must be faithful to his wife. It says one woman, man, if you've been in church for a long time, there's no reason to read anything else into the context, divorces and in the context, it's a one woman man, that's what it says literally in grid, he must exercise self control, live wisely, have a good reputation, he must enjoy having guests in his home. hospitable is a little bit better because I can enjoy guests in the church. And he must be able to teach, he must not be a heavy drinker, not drink too much wine literally or be violent. He must be gentle, not quarrelsome, and not love money, he must manage his own family. Well, having children who respect and obey him from a men cannot manage his own household. How can you take care of God's church, a church leader must not be a new believer, because he might become proud and the devil would cause them to fall or into the same judgment as the devil. Also, people Hello, tablets are also people outside the church will speak well of him so that he will not be disgraced and fall into the devil's trap. Okay, first requirements for church leadership, just quickly, I've done this before, they look tough, because they should be. So the modern church as we've lowered the bar, and a lot of you know, think about a lot of these things. Self control, gentle right now. So they should be tough. What I want you to notice, because we're going to read into this more. Now, like if you read this in light of what we read before, Paul is making kind of a family argument again here, right? It should be like a family. And if you want to know how that pastor, the elder is going to run a church, take a look at his family. If he's not doing well there, he's probably not going to run the church. Well, but you see this family picture being painted? Again here. Right? Also, just to point out, there is no women mentioned at this level of leadership, it specifically says men in the same way deacons and the requirements are very similar. So if we keep I'm not going to read them, because they're just very similar. For deacons to write, we forget that a lot of times, and then in the same way, you know, some versions will say their wives and I would ask what we were happy to say women before why saying wives now? Because it talks about deacons. So it's like deacons. And in the same way you could say the women deacons must be under those requirements, too. So there's a possibility in the Greek language. Here we go that there are female deacons. So we see females in this role, but not as overseers or elders. It's okay. All right. So truths of the faith. This is primary doctrine. First Timothy 316. Without question, this is the great mystery of our faith crisis was revealed in a human body and vindicated by the Spirit. He was seen by angels and announced to the nations he was believed in throughout the world and taken a habit and glory. Okay, this is this stuff we need to get stuck on if we're going to get stuck on this is the important stuff here. That's gospel. No, presented before one. Now the Holy Spirit tells us clearly that in the last time, some will turn away from the true faith, they will follow deceptive spirits and teachings that come from demons. These people are hypocrites and liars, and their consciences are dead. They'll say it is wrong to be married and wrong to eat certain foods. But God created those foods to be eaten with thanks by faithful people who know the truth. Since everything God created is good. We should not reject any of it, but receive it with thanks for we know it is made acceptable by the word of God in prayer. So remember what I was saying about the meat sacrifice idols thing, right? That was important. Notice that by the way, if you're reading the Old Testament, like the Sabbath, like you're not supposed to eat meat with the blood in it, I mean, it's very, very complicated. And Paul is just going to worry about that, right? Like, he just was highlighting some of the gospel here for you, like stop with this nonsense, right? So again, the false teachers, they're going to divide you over the secondary doctrine, that's what they're going to do. Alright, so again, talking about false teachers. First Timothy four, six, if you explain these things to the brothers and sisters, Timothy, you will be a worthy servant of Christ Jesus, one who is nourished by the message of faith and the good teaching you will follow. Do not waste time arguing over godless ideas and old wives tales right? Again, don't waste time over this. Now this is a really interesting thing. You might not catch it in the English language, but if you're reading Greek, “entofamenos” jumps off the page to you if you speak Greek or understand Greek is really interesting word because it's like being I'm not going to get any justice perpetually like nourished by something like this self nourishing thing, right? So that's the word of God to Timothy. And so this is a really strong word that sets up the tone for everything else. He's going to tell Timothy about his job. It's really important like the scriptures are going to just your be bathed and I'm like, constantly, really important. Being exists
Apple to all believers in what you say, and the way you live your love your faith and your purity. And so I get their focus on reading the scriptures to the church, encouraging the believers and teaching them so we have this imitate us kind of thing number Philippians, three Second Thessalonians. Three like so he you have to lead by example, Timothy really important. And what's the big example? Well, what was one of the heavy requirements for teachers back there for elders back there, they must be able to teach, right? So that's where he's going with this. Throw yourself in your test so that everyone will see your progress. Keep a close watch on how you live and your teaching. Again, stay true to what is right for the sake of your own salvation and the salvation of those who hear you. So again, remember those requirements teaching is so important for elders if you went back to X six, deacons talk about deacons. The reason they are chosen, because those who are supposed to be teaching are taken away from the teaching to do other ministries. Right. So what do they do they appoint the deacons to take care of there was literally a food program to take care of that so that they can spend what all of their time in the Word and prayer. Will this stop me from cooking for the potluck? Absolutely not. That's not going to happen. Moving on first verse Timothy. Never speak harshly to an old man. Right? So but treat him like your father, younger men, your brothers, older women, like your mother, younger women like your sisters, do you see what's happening here? Real biblical church is family. Again, do you see the family theme going on here? Right? So you are a family. That's what's important. Real church reflects family. So now this is like, most people, maybe you've never read this, even if they're Christians. And this is funny. So I'm going to contextualize this for you. Because it is kind of funny. So there are the widows and the woman problems are going to see it again. But apparently, like there are widows here. And then there are some, like, younger women causing problems and their issues here going on. So that goes back to the beginning, why Paul might be like, kind of like, women just stop that kind of thing. I didn't say that any guy should stay that so like those stuff that gets me in a lot of trouble.
Alright, so this is funny, because, okay, if you've been in church for a long time, or you've been a leader in a church for a long time, you see a lot of this, especially in smaller churches, like ours, like no small local community type churches, you get the reputation for helping people in need, right? And so get the word gets out on the street. And so people come in, and there are there are needy people, and it is legitimate, and that's cool. It's our job to kind of look at that. But then there are professional, needy people. Right. And so they have like, they're good, like they have their own stick and the whole routine and everything. And usually what they do is they come in, and they try to make me feel guilty by saying something like Jesus said, right? So they don't read the Bible at all. But they're like Jesus said, You know, you need to give to me, like you're going to hell, right? Or you're not a real church or something like that. And I'm like, Well, you didn't read this. So here's the thing. This is really, really funny. Because the word of God clarifies. So it literally says, A widow who is put on the list for support, right? I am going to give money to woman must be at least 60 years old, is literally says this guy, I'm encouraging you to read and was faithful to her husband. So one, man woman, so it's like the same exact thing that you saw back there. Right? So it's faithful to her husband.
So imagine that, right? Like, how old are you? Like, let me see an ID.
Right? Let me see. I'm not going to knit so then they're not going to get money. Now everybody's old. So you need the ID? And also, Are you faithful to your husband? You know that you're asking people, but I could, biblically I could write and then it continues how she brought up her children. Well, like so let me you get your kids numbers, I kind of want to give him a call. Right?
Now, it is really funny. The younger women should not be on the list. Right? If they are on the list, they will learn to be lazy, and spend their time gossiping from house to house meddling and other people's business and talking about things they shouldn't
just look it up for it doesn't say are you reading along? Yes. It actually sets this. Don't give money to the younger women, because they'll be lazy, and they'll go around just gossiping everywhere.
Basically, to also if they have people who can take care of them, let them do that, so that you don't put the responsibility or the strain on the church.
It actually says that anyway, now you know, right. So don't abuse that though. It's not nice. Elders and pastors First Timothy 517. Elders who do their work well should be respected and well paid. I put double honor because that's what it actually says. Especially those who work hard at both preaching and teaching there it is good. For the scripture says you must not muzzle an ox to keep it from eating as it treads out the grain and in another place. Those who work deserve their pay. Do not listen to an accusation against an elder unless it is confirmed by two or three witnesses.
For those who sin should be reprimanded in front of the hall church come on up, Lonnie. This will serve as a strong warning to others that they may experience fear. It says I solemnly commander in the presence of God and Christ Jesus, and the highest angels to obey these instructions without taking sides or showing favoritism to anyone. Never be in a hurry about appointing a church leader, do not share in the sins of others keep yourself pure. So just a couple things to the megachurch. Pastor, it says, double honor,
not 10 times where the Bible does not say the pastor needs object, right? Approximately. Right? So double honor maybe twice? I don't know. But not necessary, in my opinion, right? Just pay him. Okay, whatever the average pay is, and that's it so you can devote his time to the word addressing sin.
That's something you don't see in the church. And here's the other thing, fear.
Bible does not say Fear not 365 times if you read the Bible, and you've seen that mean, you know that's not true. So is it about 80 Something times if you're not, and then 500, something total about 511 Because I counted. The word fear appears and most of the time, be afraid. Work out your salvation with fear and trembling. Philippians 212. Be afraid, fear of the Lord is the beginning of all knowledge, wisdom and insight. Right. So here it is, so that the person will be afraid. So anyway, don't worry, we're probably not going to start this practice in this church anytime really soon.
So in light of the prosperity gospel, like the false health and wealth gospel, not that we shouldn't pray to be healthy and wealthy, but don't push it like those pastors First Timothy 523. Don't drink only water, Timothy, you want to drink a little wine for the sake of your stomach? Because you're sick so often. So this is really interesting, because what will one of those people said? I can tell you, because I've heard it? Well, you know, the reason Timothy's sick is because he doesn't have enough faith.
Okay? Or Paul's to have no faith. If Paul doesn't have enough faith, I will never have enough faith, right. So that's not the issue. The other thing is look at the text. Paul doesn't say that. He doesn't say, hey, Timothy, you're getting a lot of stomach illnesses, you got to increase the faith. Or let me send you one of those pieces of clothing that healed people. Because I have so much faith. Right? So it's an example of people getting sick. It's not because of their faith. In this case. Yes, I read the gospels I understand. Because you don't have faith. But it's not the issue here. And there are people that just get sick and sometimes God's not healing it right. So we saw this in Second Corinthians 12 is a thorn in Paul's side.
So interesting. A note on wine for you all y'all who might have ran with that one. That means everyone is right. So y'all are going to run with that. Right? So wine, we see it in the Bible, good for Mary mints, and medicine, that's fine. But don't drink too much. Remember the requirements for the elders, they said don't get drunk is the big things. move on from that. Some language comes up regarding that like Ephesians right, so all the good and bad deeds, someday they're going to, they're going to expose by the lights. First Timothy six, a note about slaves and masters being employees employers. We've talked about that recently. Then we get to First Timothy six for anyone who teaches something different than our true teaching is arrogant and lacks understanding such a person has an unhealthy desire to quibble over the meaning of words. This stirs up arguments ending jealousy, division, slander, and evil suspicions. These people always cause trouble, their minds are corrupt, and they have turned their backs on the truth. To them. A show of godliness is just a way to become wealthy, yet true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth. You see that jealousy division, all these things? quibbling over the meaning of words, how many Christians do this kind of thing, right? Bad is false teachings bad, don't engage in it. Again, the money. Easiest way to tell a false teacher is someone who is enriching themselves off the church. Stop listening. quibbling over words, the divisions are sinful contentment is key. First Timothy six, seven. After all, we brought nothing with us when we came into the world, and we can't take anything with us when we leave it. So if we have enough food and clothing, let us be content. But people who longed to be rich fall into temptation are trapped by many foolish and harmful desires that plunge them into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is the root of all evil. We show you something and people are craving money have wandered away from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows. Let's put them up. Now. This isn't all of them. But I'm going to show you which ones get it correct compared to the Greek I left the Greek there so that you can see it. If you can read it. You'll know what I'm saying if you can't, I put in little notes where it's what it says there. Yes V. All evil incorrect. does not say that in the Greek almost NASB you almost got it right KJV points for you. Alright, so King James went up on
The board for you got it right this way, maybe this is before the prosperity movement and the industrial revolution, right? So they don't have to start making excuses for it. My favorite translations is in the Leb. And there's the originals. Closest it just says is the root of all evil
period. Now, what's going on here? Maybe it's hyperbole, right? Because you're like, wait a minute, isn't it pride, but maybe it's hyperbole but by the context, you know that Paul really means it First Timothy 611. But you Timothy are a man of God. So run from all these evil things pursue righteousness and a godly life along with faith, love, perseverance and gentleness.
Right, you are a man of God. So you ever hear someone? Like it's the same guy probably who asked for the private jet? He's like, I'm a man of God. So I need to have money just like that. I don't know. That was probably really bad. So I'm a man guy with a different voice to show that I'm not partial Tanika that was dumb. So anyway, right? So they always have this like put on voice and all this other stuff. And anyway, so he might have said that that's why he needs money because the Bible says a man of God is wealthy.
Did you see what it said about is that a man of God only needs food and clothing?
They're content with that.
So just remember that right? So no God but the Old Testament Well, let me tell you about the Old Testament because I read that to Elijah. He was called Man of God more than anybody else in the Bible. Right and so a name in the series was healed and offered him money. He refused it often stuff he refused it you know, took it is wicked servant Gehazi we then as a result of his greed inherited Naaman’s leprosy right he got the leprosy that's what it says about a man of God.
All right, so there's an interlude of praise First Timothy six, seven teach those who are rich in this world not to be proud not to trust in their money, which is so unreliable, they're trusted in God who richly gives us all we need for our enjoyment, tell them to use their money to do good, they should be rich and good works and generous to those in need, always being ready to share with others. By doing this they will be storing up their treasure as a good foundation for the future. So that they may experience true life It means eternal life here so to the rich priests.
Okay, like it's okay to have nice things generosity is the important part. He doesn't say tell the rich to get out of the church they're sitting right? No, it does not say that. Be generous member James to right. So no partiality you are not more important than anyone else. Just because you have money. Churches Should not we cannot be bought. Alright, the big thing or get the better seats, James two, right. That was the issue there again, and James doesn't say, church if you're no help the church again. Phoebe probably had some money. Lydia definitely had money helped out Paul. Good. Right.
Talks about more this foolishness, right? This foolish teaching and people wandered away from the faith avoid it right again, get off of YouTube.
All right, just kind of how he ends the letter. God's grace be with you all. Now. We get to second Timothy which is going to be faster and shorter. We made it right. Should we take a little break? No. Okay, we'll keep going. Second. We're going to look out for a theme here. Paul is in prison, and you're going to see a theme. He's toward the end of his life. He's getting a little more emotional and you're going to see a theme of suffering, suffering for the gospel. Second Timothy one. This letters Paul, chosen by the will of God to be an apostle of Christ Jesus. I've been sent out to tell others about the life he has promised through faith in Christ Jesus. I'm reading it Timothy, my dear son, may God the Father and Christ Jesus, our Lord give you grace, mercy and peace. So now he gets emotionally right. constantly remember you in my prayers, and I longed to see you again, for remember your tears as we parted, and I want to be filled with joy when we're together again. I remember your genuine faith. And for you, she had the faith that first filled your grandmother Lois, and your mother units. If there's anybody named Eunice, yeah, I'm just not going to joke about that name. So, next, we run into an another often miss translated verse, I'm going to do it again. I'm going to put a bunch of things up there real quick. Okay. So your version might say, For God is not given a spirit of fear. And that's all people say, right? You've probably just heard this right? God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and they'll leave our self discipline to right, so good, but they'll just do it right? Or this Christian. God has not given us a spouse near to fear.
No, not self discipline. Nothing's in there. Right. So now let's look at the what the King James says.
Spirit fear, same thing. ESV same thing. Again, NASB. Good try. But you had to put it in the footnote. Why did you leave it there when it really says For God has not given us a spirit of cowardice, but a spirit of love and self discipline? power, love and self discipline?
Doesn't say fear.
So, there's the original in case you don't believe me.
But again, these bad teachings on fear, right? So we don't have a spirit of it. That's not what it says. So the Bible more often than not tells us Hey, you're the Lord. Alright, so what does this lead to? Now we can do whatever we want, not so much. All right. So just really, really quick note on translations, there's no translation. There's no mainstream translation that gets the point wrong. If you all didn't get the point, you're fine. So no matter what you have in your hand, great, as long as the mainstream translation of the point and showing you this is to correct bad teaching, right? And there are Bible translations that get little things like this wrong. And believe me, look, you want to read where your Bible begins. It's not Genesis one. It's the introduction where they tell you who made it, how they made it, their translation methodology. And if they come from a certain denominational like, thing, well, they're going to make it fit like their thing. So be careful, right? That's why it's good that a teacher reads the original reads Greek is very, very important. But I put it up there because there are too many Christians. quibbling over words, as the word of God tells us not to do it taking pride in your translations or what you think, you know, I was like this before I learned how to read the Bible in Greek. And then I realized, I don't know anything. Alright, so really important, don't quibble over words. So many people do. You want to know, led my favorite translation? If you can't read Greek and you want a good English translation? Really, really good? They're usually always solid. I like it. But what do I use here? NLT. Why? Because a pastor's heart should be that their people understand it. Right? Not that you think I know everything, right? I want you to understand this. And so the NLT is just a translation that everyone can understand that speaks in his language that everybody will get, no matter how old you are. And then you know, when there's little notes that need to be taken, I put them in there. Alright, so I just want you guys to learn this clearly. I want you to understand God's word. That's my job. Second Timothy, one, eight. So never be ashamed to tell others about our Lord and don't be ashamed of me either. Even though I'm in prison for him with the strength God gives you be ready to suffer with me for the sake of the good news. So this is the context. God's given us a spirit of fear. But he's also talking about itself this way. He's encouraging the context for those verses are not so they could just get whatever I want. It's like, be ready to suffer with me. Right? So don't be afraid of that if there's fear in there, but he's telling him it's kind of interesting. Don't be a coward.
So okay, but hold on to the pattern of wholesome teaching you learn from your pattern shape by faith and love that you have in Christ Jesus. So here we have more people getting called out everyone's deserted me by jealous and homogeny is this time right? So they just made it into the history books.
Amazing Anessa for us, right so he was good though. And like say he's an ethicist. So good and bad example right? So again, endure suffering me as a good soldier of Christ. Jesus is soldier does not get entangled in the affairs of the world. What is he telling him? Don't get entangled with the worldly things, Timothy, right, like the money, stay strong. stay on course, heavenly stuff, Timothy finished draw more gospel poems. It's a beautiful one second, Timothy 211 is a trustworthy saying, if we die with him, we also live with Him. If we endure hardship, we will rain with Him. If we deny Him, He will deny us. If we aren't faithful here, he means faithful, for he cannot deny who he is. Very important. So he tells to remind everybody about these things. Command them again, he mentioned stop fighting over words, tear again, redundant. Avoid time wasters and speculation. So this is a good thing we're seeing by reading the whole email, right? thing, this comes up a lot like Paul's very serious about this. More notes about false teaching, avoid worthless, foolish talk that only leads to more godless behavior. This kind of talk spreads like cancer isn't the case with Hymenaeus and Philetus. More people mentioned, they have left the path of truth, claiming that the resurrection of the dead has already occurred. And this way, they have turned some people away from the faith. And it's kind of like today's like, you know, even though Jesus himself said he doesn't know he doesn't know when he's coming back. He doesn't know like the End Times. All these arrogant people come out and they say they do speculations, right, talking about this, that the resurrection, second coming, blah, blah, blah, the word of God says, No, you can't know that. And to try to know that is arrogant, it is sinful, you need to stop. It's actually the antithesis. The opposite of faith is speculation. It's the opposite of faith. So you can see the word of God hits really hard on this point. Run from anything that stimulates youthful us instead pursue righteousness, righteous living faithfulness, love and peace. Enjoy companion the companionship of those who call on the Lord with your hearts. Good advice. Second Timothy three one, you should know this Timothy that in the last days there will be very difficult
times for people will love only themselves and their money. Is that redundant? Yes, they will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred, they will be unloving and unforgiving. They will slander others and have no self control that comes up again. They will be cruel and hate what is good, they will betray their friends be reckless, he puffed up with pride, they use that word again, and love pleasure rather than God. They will act religious, but they will reject the power that can make them godly. Stay away from people like that. Are you hearing it? I hope so. Right? Pride Sanders, no self control, again, stay away from people like that. Now, here's where if you're reading along the he talks about vulnerable women, and these like false teachers are probably preying on them. So here's your context. If we go back to the beginning, this is what's going on. Just a quick nerd note, which is kind of cool. Paul is going to talk about Genesis and genres. And you will read nothing about them and your Old Testament. But he's talking about them, like as if they're real people who were there. And so if you go back to the Exodus account, and you might know about the plagues, well, in the first of all that two plagues, but in the one before that with the snakes, Pharaoh has these magicians that can replicate the stuff Aaron and Moses are doing, right, so they try the first couple, they try to think of the snake that works but then they're sneaky sailors think it's really cool. You should read your Bibles, some interesting stuff here. But then you get the blood, they can replicate that the frogs that can replicate that that gets like the natural lice, and they're like, Nope, this is God, right? So they can't do it. Anyway, it's in what we would call apocryphal literature. And we talked about that in this series. And this is a very interesting example of Paul taking something that is an apocryphal literature, bringing it into the Word of God.
As if it's true. Let's say he's giving us the name of the magician's and the Exodus account.
Okay, nerd hat off. Here we go. Suffering I just is sick. It's so excited about these things I wish.
Okay, suffering and fall season again, Paul is encouraged it just you know about the suffering of endured. He's warning them again, evil people, imposters are going to come in important All Scripture is inspired by God is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong, and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work. So you get her out first 16 So notice something what is it? What is it good for Hold on wait, corrects us and teaches us to do what is right.
Magic like All Scripture is inspired by God as useful to make us feel really good about all the bad stuff we're doing.
Nope, doesn't say that. Doesn't say that after disclaimer things now because whatever. So again, teachers must know the words Second Timothy four one I solemnly urge you in the presence of God and Christ Jesus will Sunday judge living in the dead when he comes to sell his kingdom. Preach the Word of God you prepared? Whether the time is favorable or not patiently correct, rebuke and encourage your people with good teaching. For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They'll follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. They will reject the truth and chase after myths that you should keep a clear mind in every situation. Don't be afraid of suffering for the Lord, work at telling others the good news and faithfully carry out the ministry God has given you again, suffering, the false teachings so we have this going on today. Nothing like we're in the End Times. Like don't get scared. But there's a lot of it going around isn't there right? So this is very true. We've been warned about this. Second Timothy four, six. As for me, my life has already been poured out as an offering to God. untimely death is near. I fought the good fight. I have finished the race and I have remained faithful. And now the prize awaits me the crown of righteousness which the Lord the righteous judge will give me on the day of His return. And the prize is not just for me but for all eagerly look forward to his appearing Paul is finishing strong. Really important. Thank you for that.
Okay, so now we have some regional people. Now here's where it really ties together with names. Demons remember him? He was doing well before we heard about him and some of the other regional editors but now he's deserted me why? He has loved things of this world. Right so DMOZ fell away. love the things of this world. Bring mark when you come home. He's helpful in reconciliation. What happened? My Paul refused to take him an X Barnabas and him split over as far as Mark now he's useful. Oh, that's great. So maybe this is a reconciliation story in here. Ticket guests remember him? He was like the mailman for the other letters here. He's in Ephesus. Alexander the Coppersmith did me much harm right. The Lord will judge him but watch out for this guy. He's dangerous. This could be the guy at the riot and Ephesus. Their consciousness their metal workers we don't know. Priscilla and Aquila x 18.
We saw them, Trophemus another person, he's sick at my Miletus doesn't say, tell him have more faith. People just get sick. It happens. Another example, he ends, may the Lord be with your spirit. Let me His Grace be with all of you.
Grace, grace and peace. Paul finished, strong.
Think about
strong. Read what this guy has been through. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I remain faithful. And now the prize awaits me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord the righteous judge will give me on the day of His return.
Finishing straw.
It is true that Florida has been called God's waiting room.
But if you're a Christian,
there's really no such thing.
There's no retirement from Christianity
It doesn't work that way.
So like, what do we do? Like you've heard like the tortoise and the hare, all these other things, these stories, like you read about all these stories where someone you know, like, I got it. I slow down, and they lose the race. See, you're going to think about races when you get towards the end of the race. That's when you really need to be sprinting.
But as Christians, are we doing that?
Are we sprinting towards the end of that race? See, the thing is, you can't get face to face with you try. If he's faced with Jesus and say, Yeah, I'm you know, 20 years ago, I really just punched that timecard I was good. So I just coasted?
No, it's not the way this works. Right?
Well done good and faithful slaves what we want to hear, but we must finish strong. We talked about resolutions right at the top of the year starting strong.
But it's worth nothing. Unless we finish strong.
There are no participation trophies here. You know, whatever, that it's nothing graded on a curve.
No, checking a box, we need to finish strong.
The truth is, as we've seen, according to God's word,
many will not.
And we see this. finishing strong means you will watch a lot of people fall away.
It's important that we learn from their good bad examples. It's important that we don't go with them. We must be able to recognize them as the word of God says and what? Stay away from people like that. In love, because what do we hope for reconciliation - I handed them over to Satan. But we hope they come back. But don't get caught up in that nonsense. People will do their words to agitate our tempers. They'll get us involved in worldly things that we shouldn't care so much about.
Know what did we begin with grace and peace? Nothing should rob us of that joy. Written from prison. Important.
You're going to have I mean, he's the Alexander the Dimas they're going to be around us. It's going to happen.
finishing strong means your former friends. Your old friends if you use live life like I did, right? They're going to slander your first Peter four three. You've had enough in the past of evil things that godless people enjoy their morality and last their feasting and drunkenness and wild parties and their terrible worship of idols. Of course, your former friends are surprised when you no longer plunge into the flood of wild and destructive things they do. So they slander you. Remember that they'll have to face God who stands ready to judge everyone both the living and the dead.
finishing strong means facing opposition.
Alexander the Coppersmith of our lives, your haters. And you don't even need to say a thing because we talked about this in the past. Your good will shine a light of their bad
and they're not going to like it. You will face opposition. You will face slander.
Trust me I know.
finishing strong needs avoiding divisive and argumentative people. What does the word command?
Avoid people like that? Don't engage, right? Meaningless discussions.
finishing strong means finding the right friends Onesiphorus, Luke, Mark, maybe keeping better company? What does it say? enjoy the companionship of those who call on the Lord Jesus with pure hearts. That's telling us to do that. Right. So family of faith. This is
The place where you find new friends, right? It's a family.
That's what this is for. finishing strong means following the right examples. This is where hopefully you find some light examples to follow. People who want to live like this. You'll have your detractors. And you also have distractions. Tony talked about distractions last week, right? So encourage you go back great message, and watch that message. But here's some of what he was getting out here. Like, it means maintaining your focus tying these two messages in on to heavenly things. Colossians three, one, since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor and God's right hand. Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth, For you died to this life and your real life is hidden with Christ and God. And when Christ who is your life is revealed to the whole world, you will share in all his glory.
That should be enough.
finishing strong, tying in here to what Tony was teaching on Peter walking on the water.
Peter has failed to walk over and I talked to some people who know about like boats, right and the sea and they've been out and we're talking about being out on the sea, you could die. Probably die, I think was the conclusion. You get out on the stormy sea in your life, and you go off the dead.
Peter has the faith to do this.
How do you shipwreck a faith like that?
You take your focus off of Jesus, and he sinks.
Finishing strong means maintaining focus on Christ. And since God word God's word says it better than I ever could. I'm going to finish today with scriptures. I'm just going to add in a prayer from scripture for all Hebrews 12:1. Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him. He endured the cross disregarding a shame. Now he has ceded the place of honor beside God's throne.
All glory and honor to him forever and ever. Amen.
Welcome if you're new here among us, my name is Gene I serve here at C3 church as your pastor. If you're not well, thank you, Tony. He did a great message. And you know that so good message last week. And in fact, he applauded you guys for coming in, even though it was cold and rainy, right? You might have gotten wet. Coming to church.
Speaking of getting wet, it has been said that it takes 90 gallons of water to baptize a Christian.
And only nine drops of rain and keep them out of church.
Yeah, Florida problems, it has been said that Florida is called God's waiting room. Is that true? Some people? Okay, maybe I touched a nerve.
I think you did. Great. Well, so we're going to take a look at what we're waiting for today. And what we're supposed to do while we're waiting, so we find ourselves back and the rest of the story. This is where we're following Paul now through the book of Acts, right. So he goes to certain regions, and then he writes letters back to those places, we look at the letters to those places, we landed on regional letters, Ephesians Colossians. We looked at by Lehman's all two people and churches in that region. Today, a lot of people don't know this. It's interesting, first, and second, Timothy, kind of goes there, because he's in that region. So I made a little map. I didn't make this map. But I did put the graffiti on there. Can we see some ancient Timothy was here. So that's ancient graffiti, dates back to around like, you know, 30 ad or so. That's legit. Alright.
So first and second, Timothy. These are books that a lot of like church leaders read a lot. They're pretty familiar with, but normal people, not so much, not the whole thing. So just if you're a beginner, if you don't know anything about the Bible, the Bible is made up of books and different letters to people in places like the apostle Paul writing. So Paul is writing to Timothy kind of like his students, right? just view it that way, in simple terms, and he's writing somebody who's in this region, he's in Ephesus, at this time.
It's called the pastoral epistle. Right? So a pastoral letter, but this kind of terminology didn't come into play, until like way later, like way, way, like a couple 100 years ago. So for the majority of Christianity, they're really not using these terms, you're going to see it's like elder or overseer back then it's a little different. So a lot of when you look at this, you have to look at a lot of like the lens the church has put over it, and you kind of got to get through that and get under it. And that's what we're going to do today. So Timothy, who is he? Remember acts 16, right? So young man that Paul picks up, he's his disciple. Like, he's going to be like trainee there. And it's going to take him along. Well, obviously, he got built up enough to go, you go run the church, they're an emphasis, but these are going to be some instructions. First, Timothy, we're not really sure where Paul wrote this from Second Timothy, definitely from prison, probably in Rome, right. So you're going to see the tone is going to change a little bit between the two. Now, it's interesting, unlike some of these letters to the churches, this is again, like finally been written to an individual. So sometimes I like to picture a modern context where we're reading somebody's email to somebody else, right? Should we do that? I don't know.
This question has been asked in the church, right? So should we be? Is this for all of us? Or what? Right? So you're going to see some kind of different stuff in here. Question gets raised sometimes, like, why is this in the Bible? Would Paul be talking this way? But if you're familiar with his work? Yes, yes, you would use a strong language. In other places. If I had to give this email, a subject line, it would be finished strong. So this was an email, finish strong Timothy. So really important here, if you're new, if you're not new here, you totally get it. You know what's about to happen? It's all good. But if you're not new here, see the Christian culture, we have this like one line at a time, one line at a time, it just doesn't work. So imagine I send an email to you, you know, maybe it's a couple pages long, you're not going to read like the first line and then it will maybe you will, maybe it'll just email me back just after reading the first line, then what am I going to say to you? Did you read the whole email and you're going to go? No, I'm not going to get a response then you're going to talk trash about me on social media. So anyway,
happens. So anyway, you got to read the whole thing, right? Otherwise you won't get the point. And that's the problem with most Christians. They don't get the point because they're reading it one line at a time and then out of order. Congratulations. That's exactly how you can like not know something.
So you got to look at the whole thing. There's just no way around it. I tried to make it fun. I'll be telling some jokes like woven through just to keep you guys alive and awake. There is coffee in the lobby. Correct. Okay, good. You
Get some if you need it. You good? Okay?
It's okay. I'm not going to assume you're walking out happens all the time to. Alright, let's hop right in. First Timothy one. This is a letter from Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus appointed by the command of God, our Savior, and Christ Jesus who gives us hope. I'm writing a Timothy my true sign the faith. May God the Father in Christ Jesus, our Lord give you grace, mercy and peace. So we saw Timothy was a co author in the past. Now he's being written to, again, the tone of Paul's letters, grace, and peace. That's kind of like my jokes in the beginning, right? So he's softening him up a little bit. There's Timothy one, three, when I left for Macedonia, I urged you to stay there and emphasis and stop those whose teaching is contrary to the truth. Don't let them waste their time and endless discussion of medicine. Spiritual pedigrees, these things only lead to meaningless speculations, which don't help people live a life of faith in God. The purpose of instruction is that all believers would be filled with love that comes from a pure heart a clear conscience and genuine faith. But some people have misled this whole point. They have turned away from these things and spent their time in meaningless discussion. So this is interesting, because read the Bible talks a lot about false teachers. And here Paul is just getting right to it right to the point here. But do we hear this today meaningless discussions, speculations, right, that don't lead to a life in faith. And people do this all the time. They spend all their time, at least speculative things, right. Instead of just being faithful, like trusting Hey, Jesus is going to come back. I'm going to live a good life in the meantime. So what does Paul say? Avoid them, right? So avoid the time wasters. We don't do that. So basically like to modernize this a little, dear Timothy, spend a lot less time on YouTube. Thank you. All right. So the content here? Yeah. Or Tic Toc, it's even worse. So anyway.
Right. So the context here is at that time, that kind of problem, one of the first problems in the church is the law of Moses. Right? So the first heresy the churches were not under the Law of Moses anymore, right? We're saved by grace, faith, like that whole thing. But these people want to be kind of like the PhDs of today, not that all PhDs are bad, but the people will lead with their titles, right? Like, look, this is what I've got. This is where I went to school. They don't want to tell people where to go to school, the University of the Holy Spirit. Isn't that good enough, right? So it's not good enough for these people. Right? They want to be known, right? So the PhDs the bad ones of that day. So he goes into this little thing. This is why Paul starts saying this. The law is intended for people who are lawless or who are ungodly, sinful consider nothing sacred and firewood is holy, who kill their father and mother commit other murders, the laws for people who are sexually immoral practice homosexuality or slave traders, liars, promises, breakers or who do anything else that contradicts wholesome teaching. Okay, so just to bring that up real quick, because we've talked about this in the past, I want you to notice something if you didn't notice this already, you should have homosexuality is not the only sin. It is a sin on the list. Have you lied? There? So instead of the picket sign, get yourself a mirror, moving on. Paul, give some gratitude for God's mercy, right, he has the right attitude. Now we run into some creedal sayings in the New Testament, they're things that would help really Christians remember the truth. And Paul says, this is a trust trustworthy statement are saying, and everyone should accept it. Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, and I'm the worst of them all. But God had mercy on me so that Christ Jesus could use me as a prime example of his great patience with even the worst sinners than others will realize that they too, can believe in him and receive eternal life, honor and glory to God forever and ever. He is the eternal King, the unseen one who never dies, he is God alone, amen. So again, those like picking on specific sins need to read this, they need to keep reading and adopt the correct attitude like Paul had. So Timothy, here's my instructions for you. He's telling him cling to your faith in Christ, and keep your conscience clear for some people have deliberately violated their consciences. And as a result, their faith has been shipwreck Hymenaeus and Alexander are two examples. I threw them out and handed them over to Satan. So they might learn not to blaspheme God. So, this is really interesting because there are a lot of false teachers out there. In today's day and age there were then to this is why this is being written. And so what you don't hear a lot what's kind of absent as people it's like this weird kind of Christian culture that's developed like, oh, how dare you call someone out for being a false teacher, right? You ever kind of get that answer? We can't do that.
Well, the Bible does. We're going to see Paul does not stop here. The Bible does identifies them. So why Pray tell is this developed? Well, when there's a whole bunch of false teachers out there, they're not going to want to be called out. So let's just agree not to do that.
That's what's happened. Right? So not biblical, they get called out. So I'm not going to call anybody out by name today except Lonnie. So
anyway, here's what happens when you sit in the front, see why this is empty? If you're new, keep that. So basically, I can't see beyond that.
break the ice a little bit. So did you notice some language I handed them over to Satan? So what? So remember first Corinthians five, like the same thing with that guy in sin? Right? That's it. Sometimes you're enabling the person. And we have to realize when we're doing that, and so kick you out. What's the hope though? The person hits the bottom, we hope and pray for a high bottom and that they come back reconciliations always the key Correct. Don't miss that. First Timothy, two, one, I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people as God to help them intercede on their behalf and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives, mark my godliness and dignity. This is good and pleases God our Savior who wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth, for there is one God and one mediator who can reconcile God and humanity. The man Christ Jesus, He gave his life to purchase freedom for everyone. So one Mediator really important, right? So we are not the need here. But Jesus is. We've seen this attitude here like so Romans 13, but Romans 12, leading up to it. First Peter to we're going to see it and sin. Titus three, respect authorities. Oh, right. We want to live peaceful life. So you can try to win people over by yelling and shouting and arguing, it's probably not going to work. But if we can bring them to Jesus, he might just have the power to do that. How about that? You think the Holy Spirit's more powerful than us? Please say yes. Right. So there we go. And what's the point? We want to win? Everyone over? That should be our heart, right? Remember the poem Paul was reciting? Right? A heart? Wow. You know, like, look what Jesus did for me. I want to extend that to everybody else. Right. So he goes on to say, I want men to pray, with holy hands lifted up to God, free from anger and controversy. So it's not the only place in the Bible that talks about that. When you see people worship like that. One of the reasons why it could be because they're stretching, and they're tired, but I don't know, maybe it's from the Bible. But did you notice freedom from anger and controversy? And we talked about this, like this worship unless it's repentant, right? It's lip service, right? We need to worship from that standpoint. First Timothy two, nine, and I want women to be modest in their appearance, they should wear a decent and appropriate clothing, and not draw attention to themselves by the way they fix their hair, or by wearing gold or pearls or expensive clothes. For women who claim to be devoted to God should make themselves attractive by the good things they do. Women should learn quietly and submissively do not let a woman teach or have authority over them. Listen, let them listen quietly forgotten and feel it. For God made Adam first and afterward he made Eve. And it was not Adam, who is deceived by Satan. But woman who is the seed and sin was the result. But women will be saved through childbearing assuming they will continue to live in faith, love holiness, and modesty.
If I was going to remove any part of this count would have been it right.
All right, so
I'm still live here on Earth. It's amazing. Alright, so
I'm going to give you both sides of this. I'm going to be really honest with you guys. I always am. Alright. So first of all, let's just
first things first. This is secondary doctrine. If you don't know what that is, and a lot of people don't have this. They don't
read that. That's what this is. And you're supposed to learn that in Pastor school, but then some people throw it up. What am I talking about? Alright, so a frame of reference. We are in Romans 14 A while back we're First Corinthians chapters like eight through 10. So there you go. You have issues of that day that Paul is saying don't divide over meat sacrifice sidles back then not a thing now, I hope. Right so big thing comes down from James, the council acts 15. I told you about the heresy, right? We're not under the law comes down from the and even though James Jesus brother sends these decrees down and that's one of them. Paul says,
It's not gospel, paraphrasing, don't divide over this. Don't do that. Right. Romans 14 came up a little bit in Colossians. Two, and the idea of the Sabbath, because think about this one for a second Sabbath. The Sabbath is one of the 10 commandments. It's a part of like your Bible. It's a part of God's word. That what happens when you get to the New Testament, they clarify things for us, right? So that's commentary on the old. So think about the Bible. God said this, but yeah, it's really important. People got stoned to death killed for not keeping the Sabbath. What is Paul say? The Word of God. What does it say? Don't divide over it. One person thinks one day is holy. Another person thinks another day's fine.
Alright, don't need to think about it. It's important. Savage, I think is more important than maybe this or think so, like, very important thing. Don't divide over. Okay? Now, if you're talking about women in First Corinthians 14, this is a little bit different because First Corinthians 14, like, we kind of, we were able to fix it with its own context. There were women speaking in the church, in First Corinthians 11, verse five, right? So we kind of uncovered that. So let's just look at someone who would say like, you know, women just shouldn't teach men and they shouldn't speak in church. They shouldn't be, you know, pastors or whatever, right? So this is your go to, like, you got to go here. Don't go to First Corinthians 14, because I'm going to use that all day to distract everybody from the good point. Paul's doing here. You notice Adam and Eve, I'm going to go back here. Yep. Adam and Eve he's making like what we would call today, they would call that a natural family argument or nuclear family argument. Right? So and he's doing some funny things there that I won't repeat, right?
Because I was allowed, okay, of some heavy lifting guys. So it's just like the natural family argument. This is just the way it was, this is the way it is let them mentally, okay. And it can be kind of hard to argue with. But unless you think about it, now, there's another way that this can go.
And you can contextualize it with what Paul's saying and what we're going to see if we keep reading a couple things going on.
Okay, great. So you say to that person, their natural family like the nuclear family. Okay, good. So what are Adam and Eve to one another? And they might say, well, like husband and wife. Right? Exactly. And if you know the Greek,
you know that there's only one word for a woman, or wife. And it's up to the translator to decide which one that is. Oh, and same thing with man and husbands on Ancient Greek language. That's it. Right? Can I go on glass, and that's it. So you have to sit there and decide. So you're going to see that if you look at number of different Bible versions, in places like this, you'll see it different, sometimes a woman wife, right, so they'll do it based on what they want for the context, or some other things. Now, we'll also see here,
there's like a woman problem and emphasis.
And so anyway, I thought I'd get beat up for that, too. But anyway, there's a woman problem there. And then we're going to see if we read the Second Timothy, there's like vulnerable women there. So there's the context to the other thing you have to think about in Romans 16. We saw Phoebe was a deacon s. If we keep reading we're going to see in the Greek language, there could be Deacon SS, female leaders in the church. Again, First Corinthians 11. Five, there were women speaking in the church. So
don't divide over this issue. Because there are other possibilities is what I'm saying here. Right. So people against this, I would just say, men who are just really like they make this gospel, right, they're going to divide a church over which the word of God tells us not to do with things like this. Just check your heart. Right? You got to think about if there are other possibilities in the text, if we do see women in leadership clearly in the biblical text, right? If we do see women, giving instructions to men like Phoebe is, Can Read Romans 16. If it's not gospel, why do you want to keep women quiet?
If they can be filled with the Spirit, like we see in the Bible, who are you really telling to shut up?
Careful, right. So the most important thing, don't argue over it.
So you may ask the question, what do I believe? I would gladly walk in any church with a woman speaking and call her pastor. I just I'm not going to get riled up or it doesn't bother me. Here in church personally, and we're going to see this I'll demonstrate this to you. You do see women in leadership. You see women as great benefactors Lydia Phoebe of the church. Really important. We even see them in history as Deacon SS. So they're in leadership. We women on the council, that's fine, right? Women speak. I have no problem with that. But you don't see him in the Bible as Overseer and elder, you just don't see that here. We call everybody a pastor. That's not biblical language. We just do it, because that's what you understand. But really, it's like overseer elders, like what I am. You do see them, like as leaders and deaconesses, but not in that role. So I would just be cautious about that. Now, it could be a cultural thing. I don't know. But the word of God you have to that's above our culture, right? So just because I don't see it, that's it and I would just be cautious as the way I would put it, and that's my feeling on it. But again, I'm not going to divide over it. I'm not going to argue it's not gospel, right. Just not going to argue about it. I can listen to a woman teach. That's just fine. I listen to my wife a lot, right? So that's okay. I had to I'm trying to fix it. I'm trying to do my I have to live with her after this. So
Anyway, here we go we're going to continue First Timothy three just pray for me first under the three one this is a trustworthy saying if someone aspires to be a church leader literally in the Greek overseer when if you're new there, see the brackets, that's when like, I'm like NLT, you're going too far. And I'll put the what it says in Greek, he desires an honorable position. So a church leader must be a man whose life is above reproach, he must be faithful to his wife. It says one woman, man, if you've been in church for a long time, there's no reason to read anything else into the context, divorces and in the context, it's a one woman man, that's what it says literally in grid, he must exercise self control, live wisely, have a good reputation, he must enjoy having guests in his home. hospitable is a little bit better because I can enjoy guests in the church. And he must be able to teach, he must not be a heavy drinker, not drink too much wine literally or be violent. He must be gentle, not quarrelsome, and not love money, he must manage his own family. Well, having children who respect and obey him from a men cannot manage his own household. How can you take care of God's church, a church leader must not be a new believer, because he might become proud and the devil would cause them to fall or into the same judgment as the devil. Also, people Hello, tablets are also people outside the church will speak well of him so that he will not be disgraced and fall into the devil's trap. Okay, first requirements for church leadership, just quickly, I've done this before, they look tough, because they should be. So the modern church as we've lowered the bar, and a lot of you know, think about a lot of these things. Self control, gentle right now. So they should be tough. What I want you to notice, because we're going to read into this more. Now, like if you read this in light of what we read before, Paul is making kind of a family argument again here, right? It should be like a family. And if you want to know how that pastor, the elder is going to run a church, take a look at his family. If he's not doing well there, he's probably not going to run the church. Well, but you see this family picture being painted? Again here. Right? Also, just to point out, there is no women mentioned at this level of leadership, it specifically says men in the same way deacons and the requirements are very similar. So if we keep I'm not going to read them, because they're just very similar. For deacons to write, we forget that a lot of times, and then in the same way, you know, some versions will say their wives and I would ask what we were happy to say women before why saying wives now? Because it talks about deacons. So it's like deacons. And in the same way you could say the women deacons must be under those requirements, too. So there's a possibility in the Greek language. Here we go that there are female deacons. So we see females in this role, but not as overseers or elders. It's okay. All right. So truths of the faith. This is primary doctrine. First Timothy 316. Without question, this is the great mystery of our faith crisis was revealed in a human body and vindicated by the Spirit. He was seen by angels and announced to the nations he was believed in throughout the world and taken a habit and glory. Okay, this is this stuff we need to get stuck on if we're going to get stuck on this is the important stuff here. That's gospel. No, presented before one. Now the Holy Spirit tells us clearly that in the last time, some will turn away from the true faith, they will follow deceptive spirits and teachings that come from demons. These people are hypocrites and liars, and their consciences are dead. They'll say it is wrong to be married and wrong to eat certain foods. But God created those foods to be eaten with thanks by faithful people who know the truth. Since everything God created is good. We should not reject any of it, but receive it with thanks for we know it is made acceptable by the word of God in prayer. So remember what I was saying about the meat sacrifice idols thing, right? That was important. Notice that by the way, if you're reading the Old Testament, like the Sabbath, like you're not supposed to eat meat with the blood in it, I mean, it's very, very complicated. And Paul is just going to worry about that, right? Like, he just was highlighting some of the gospel here for you, like stop with this nonsense, right? So again, the false teachers, they're going to divide you over the secondary doctrine, that's what they're going to do. Alright, so again, talking about false teachers. First Timothy four, six, if you explain these things to the brothers and sisters, Timothy, you will be a worthy servant of Christ Jesus, one who is nourished by the message of faith and the good teaching you will follow. Do not waste time arguing over godless ideas and old wives tales right? Again, don't waste time over this. Now this is a really interesting thing. You might not catch it in the English language, but if you're reading Greek, “entofamenos” jumps off the page to you if you speak Greek or understand Greek is really interesting word because it's like being I'm not going to get any justice perpetually like nourished by something like this self nourishing thing, right? So that's the word of God to Timothy. And so this is a really strong word that sets up the tone for everything else. He's going to tell Timothy about his job. It's really important like the scriptures are going to just your be bathed and I'm like, constantly, really important. Being exists
Apple to all believers in what you say, and the way you live your love your faith and your purity. And so I get their focus on reading the scriptures to the church, encouraging the believers and teaching them so we have this imitate us kind of thing number Philippians, three Second Thessalonians. Three like so he you have to lead by example, Timothy really important. And what's the big example? Well, what was one of the heavy requirements for teachers back there for elders back there, they must be able to teach, right? So that's where he's going with this. Throw yourself in your test so that everyone will see your progress. Keep a close watch on how you live and your teaching. Again, stay true to what is right for the sake of your own salvation and the salvation of those who hear you. So again, remember those requirements teaching is so important for elders if you went back to X six, deacons talk about deacons. The reason they are chosen, because those who are supposed to be teaching are taken away from the teaching to do other ministries. Right. So what do they do they appoint the deacons to take care of there was literally a food program to take care of that so that they can spend what all of their time in the Word and prayer. Will this stop me from cooking for the potluck? Absolutely not. That's not going to happen. Moving on first verse Timothy. Never speak harshly to an old man. Right? So but treat him like your father, younger men, your brothers, older women, like your mother, younger women like your sisters, do you see what's happening here? Real biblical church is family. Again, do you see the family theme going on here? Right? So you are a family. That's what's important. Real church reflects family. So now this is like, most people, maybe you've never read this, even if they're Christians. And this is funny. So I'm going to contextualize this for you. Because it is kind of funny. So there are the widows and the woman problems are going to see it again. But apparently, like there are widows here. And then there are some, like, younger women causing problems and their issues here going on. So that goes back to the beginning, why Paul might be like, kind of like, women just stop that kind of thing. I didn't say that any guy should stay that so like those stuff that gets me in a lot of trouble.
Alright, so this is funny, because, okay, if you've been in church for a long time, or you've been a leader in a church for a long time, you see a lot of this, especially in smaller churches, like ours, like no small local community type churches, you get the reputation for helping people in need, right? And so get the word gets out on the street. And so people come in, and there are there are needy people, and it is legitimate, and that's cool. It's our job to kind of look at that. But then there are professional, needy people. Right. And so they have like, they're good, like they have their own stick and the whole routine and everything. And usually what they do is they come in, and they try to make me feel guilty by saying something like Jesus said, right? So they don't read the Bible at all. But they're like Jesus said, You know, you need to give to me, like you're going to hell, right? Or you're not a real church or something like that. And I'm like, Well, you didn't read this. So here's the thing. This is really, really funny. Because the word of God clarifies. So it literally says, A widow who is put on the list for support, right? I am going to give money to woman must be at least 60 years old, is literally says this guy, I'm encouraging you to read and was faithful to her husband. So one, man woman, so it's like the same exact thing that you saw back there. Right? So it's faithful to her husband.
So imagine that, right? Like, how old are you? Like, let me see an ID.
Right? Let me see. I'm not going to knit so then they're not going to get money. Now everybody's old. So you need the ID? And also, Are you faithful to your husband? You know that you're asking people, but I could, biblically I could write and then it continues how she brought up her children. Well, like so let me you get your kids numbers, I kind of want to give him a call. Right?
Now, it is really funny. The younger women should not be on the list. Right? If they are on the list, they will learn to be lazy, and spend their time gossiping from house to house meddling and other people's business and talking about things they shouldn't
just look it up for it doesn't say are you reading along? Yes. It actually sets this. Don't give money to the younger women, because they'll be lazy, and they'll go around just gossiping everywhere.
Basically, to also if they have people who can take care of them, let them do that, so that you don't put the responsibility or the strain on the church.
It actually says that anyway, now you know, right. So don't abuse that though. It's not nice. Elders and pastors First Timothy 517. Elders who do their work well should be respected and well paid. I put double honor because that's what it actually says. Especially those who work hard at both preaching and teaching there it is good. For the scripture says you must not muzzle an ox to keep it from eating as it treads out the grain and in another place. Those who work deserve their pay. Do not listen to an accusation against an elder unless it is confirmed by two or three witnesses.
For those who sin should be reprimanded in front of the hall church come on up, Lonnie. This will serve as a strong warning to others that they may experience fear. It says I solemnly commander in the presence of God and Christ Jesus, and the highest angels to obey these instructions without taking sides or showing favoritism to anyone. Never be in a hurry about appointing a church leader, do not share in the sins of others keep yourself pure. So just a couple things to the megachurch. Pastor, it says, double honor,
not 10 times where the Bible does not say the pastor needs object, right? Approximately. Right? So double honor maybe twice? I don't know. But not necessary, in my opinion, right? Just pay him. Okay, whatever the average pay is, and that's it so you can devote his time to the word addressing sin.
That's something you don't see in the church. And here's the other thing, fear.
Bible does not say Fear not 365 times if you read the Bible, and you've seen that mean, you know that's not true. So is it about 80 Something times if you're not, and then 500, something total about 511 Because I counted. The word fear appears and most of the time, be afraid. Work out your salvation with fear and trembling. Philippians 212. Be afraid, fear of the Lord is the beginning of all knowledge, wisdom and insight. Right. So here it is, so that the person will be afraid. So anyway, don't worry, we're probably not going to start this practice in this church anytime really soon.
So in light of the prosperity gospel, like the false health and wealth gospel, not that we shouldn't pray to be healthy and wealthy, but don't push it like those pastors First Timothy 523. Don't drink only water, Timothy, you want to drink a little wine for the sake of your stomach? Because you're sick so often. So this is really interesting, because what will one of those people said? I can tell you, because I've heard it? Well, you know, the reason Timothy's sick is because he doesn't have enough faith.
Okay? Or Paul's to have no faith. If Paul doesn't have enough faith, I will never have enough faith, right. So that's not the issue. The other thing is look at the text. Paul doesn't say that. He doesn't say, hey, Timothy, you're getting a lot of stomach illnesses, you got to increase the faith. Or let me send you one of those pieces of clothing that healed people. Because I have so much faith. Right? So it's an example of people getting sick. It's not because of their faith. In this case. Yes, I read the gospels I understand. Because you don't have faith. But it's not the issue here. And there are people that just get sick and sometimes God's not healing it right. So we saw this in Second Corinthians 12 is a thorn in Paul's side.
So interesting. A note on wine for you all y'all who might have ran with that one. That means everyone is right. So y'all are going to run with that. Right? So wine, we see it in the Bible, good for Mary mints, and medicine, that's fine. But don't drink too much. Remember the requirements for the elders, they said don't get drunk is the big things. move on from that. Some language comes up regarding that like Ephesians right, so all the good and bad deeds, someday they're going to, they're going to expose by the lights. First Timothy six, a note about slaves and masters being employees employers. We've talked about that recently. Then we get to First Timothy six for anyone who teaches something different than our true teaching is arrogant and lacks understanding such a person has an unhealthy desire to quibble over the meaning of words. This stirs up arguments ending jealousy, division, slander, and evil suspicions. These people always cause trouble, their minds are corrupt, and they have turned their backs on the truth. To them. A show of godliness is just a way to become wealthy, yet true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth. You see that jealousy division, all these things? quibbling over the meaning of words, how many Christians do this kind of thing, right? Bad is false teachings bad, don't engage in it. Again, the money. Easiest way to tell a false teacher is someone who is enriching themselves off the church. Stop listening. quibbling over words, the divisions are sinful contentment is key. First Timothy six, seven. After all, we brought nothing with us when we came into the world, and we can't take anything with us when we leave it. So if we have enough food and clothing, let us be content. But people who longed to be rich fall into temptation are trapped by many foolish and harmful desires that plunge them into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is the root of all evil. We show you something and people are craving money have wandered away from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows. Let's put them up. Now. This isn't all of them. But I'm going to show you which ones get it correct compared to the Greek I left the Greek there so that you can see it. If you can read it. You'll know what I'm saying if you can't, I put in little notes where it's what it says there. Yes V. All evil incorrect. does not say that in the Greek almost NASB you almost got it right KJV points for you. Alright, so King James went up on
The board for you got it right this way, maybe this is before the prosperity movement and the industrial revolution, right? So they don't have to start making excuses for it. My favorite translations is in the Leb. And there's the originals. Closest it just says is the root of all evil
period. Now, what's going on here? Maybe it's hyperbole, right? Because you're like, wait a minute, isn't it pride, but maybe it's hyperbole but by the context, you know that Paul really means it First Timothy 611. But you Timothy are a man of God. So run from all these evil things pursue righteousness and a godly life along with faith, love, perseverance and gentleness.
Right, you are a man of God. So you ever hear someone? Like it's the same guy probably who asked for the private jet? He's like, I'm a man of God. So I need to have money just like that. I don't know. That was probably really bad. So I'm a man guy with a different voice to show that I'm not partial Tanika that was dumb. So anyway, right? So they always have this like put on voice and all this other stuff. And anyway, so he might have said that that's why he needs money because the Bible says a man of God is wealthy.
Did you see what it said about is that a man of God only needs food and clothing?
They're content with that.
So just remember that right? So no God but the Old Testament Well, let me tell you about the Old Testament because I read that to Elijah. He was called Man of God more than anybody else in the Bible. Right and so a name in the series was healed and offered him money. He refused it often stuff he refused it you know, took it is wicked servant Gehazi we then as a result of his greed inherited Naaman’s leprosy right he got the leprosy that's what it says about a man of God.
All right, so there's an interlude of praise First Timothy six, seven teach those who are rich in this world not to be proud not to trust in their money, which is so unreliable, they're trusted in God who richly gives us all we need for our enjoyment, tell them to use their money to do good, they should be rich and good works and generous to those in need, always being ready to share with others. By doing this they will be storing up their treasure as a good foundation for the future. So that they may experience true life It means eternal life here so to the rich priests.
Okay, like it's okay to have nice things generosity is the important part. He doesn't say tell the rich to get out of the church they're sitting right? No, it does not say that. Be generous member James to right. So no partiality you are not more important than anyone else. Just because you have money. Churches Should not we cannot be bought. Alright, the big thing or get the better seats, James two, right. That was the issue there again, and James doesn't say, church if you're no help the church again. Phoebe probably had some money. Lydia definitely had money helped out Paul. Good. Right.
Talks about more this foolishness, right? This foolish teaching and people wandered away from the faith avoid it right again, get off of YouTube.
All right, just kind of how he ends the letter. God's grace be with you all. Now. We get to second Timothy which is going to be faster and shorter. We made it right. Should we take a little break? No. Okay, we'll keep going. Second. We're going to look out for a theme here. Paul is in prison, and you're going to see a theme. He's toward the end of his life. He's getting a little more emotional and you're going to see a theme of suffering, suffering for the gospel. Second Timothy one. This letters Paul, chosen by the will of God to be an apostle of Christ Jesus. I've been sent out to tell others about the life he has promised through faith in Christ Jesus. I'm reading it Timothy, my dear son, may God the Father and Christ Jesus, our Lord give you grace, mercy and peace. So now he gets emotionally right. constantly remember you in my prayers, and I longed to see you again, for remember your tears as we parted, and I want to be filled with joy when we're together again. I remember your genuine faith. And for you, she had the faith that first filled your grandmother Lois, and your mother units. If there's anybody named Eunice, yeah, I'm just not going to joke about that name. So, next, we run into an another often miss translated verse, I'm going to do it again. I'm going to put a bunch of things up there real quick. Okay. So your version might say, For God is not given a spirit of fear. And that's all people say, right? You've probably just heard this right? God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and they'll leave our self discipline to right, so good, but they'll just do it right? Or this Christian. God has not given us a spouse near to fear.
No, not self discipline. Nothing's in there. Right. So now let's look at the what the King James says.
Spirit fear, same thing. ESV same thing. Again, NASB. Good try. But you had to put it in the footnote. Why did you leave it there when it really says For God has not given us a spirit of cowardice, but a spirit of love and self discipline? power, love and self discipline?
Doesn't say fear.
So, there's the original in case you don't believe me.
But again, these bad teachings on fear, right? So we don't have a spirit of it. That's not what it says. So the Bible more often than not tells us Hey, you're the Lord. Alright, so what does this lead to? Now we can do whatever we want, not so much. All right. So just really, really quick note on translations, there's no translation. There's no mainstream translation that gets the point wrong. If you all didn't get the point, you're fine. So no matter what you have in your hand, great, as long as the mainstream translation of the point and showing you this is to correct bad teaching, right? And there are Bible translations that get little things like this wrong. And believe me, look, you want to read where your Bible begins. It's not Genesis one. It's the introduction where they tell you who made it, how they made it, their translation methodology. And if they come from a certain denominational like, thing, well, they're going to make it fit like their thing. So be careful, right? That's why it's good that a teacher reads the original reads Greek is very, very important. But I put it up there because there are too many Christians. quibbling over words, as the word of God tells us not to do it taking pride in your translations or what you think, you know, I was like this before I learned how to read the Bible in Greek. And then I realized, I don't know anything. Alright, so really important, don't quibble over words. So many people do. You want to know, led my favorite translation? If you can't read Greek and you want a good English translation? Really, really good? They're usually always solid. I like it. But what do I use here? NLT. Why? Because a pastor's heart should be that their people understand it. Right? Not that you think I know everything, right? I want you to understand this. And so the NLT is just a translation that everyone can understand that speaks in his language that everybody will get, no matter how old you are. And then you know, when there's little notes that need to be taken, I put them in there. Alright, so I just want you guys to learn this clearly. I want you to understand God's word. That's my job. Second Timothy, one, eight. So never be ashamed to tell others about our Lord and don't be ashamed of me either. Even though I'm in prison for him with the strength God gives you be ready to suffer with me for the sake of the good news. So this is the context. God's given us a spirit of fear. But he's also talking about itself this way. He's encouraging the context for those verses are not so they could just get whatever I want. It's like, be ready to suffer with me. Right? So don't be afraid of that if there's fear in there, but he's telling him it's kind of interesting. Don't be a coward.
So okay, but hold on to the pattern of wholesome teaching you learn from your pattern shape by faith and love that you have in Christ Jesus. So here we have more people getting called out everyone's deserted me by jealous and homogeny is this time right? So they just made it into the history books.
Amazing Anessa for us, right so he was good though. And like say he's an ethicist. So good and bad example right? So again, endure suffering me as a good soldier of Christ. Jesus is soldier does not get entangled in the affairs of the world. What is he telling him? Don't get entangled with the worldly things, Timothy, right, like the money, stay strong. stay on course, heavenly stuff, Timothy finished draw more gospel poems. It's a beautiful one second, Timothy 211 is a trustworthy saying, if we die with him, we also live with Him. If we endure hardship, we will rain with Him. If we deny Him, He will deny us. If we aren't faithful here, he means faithful, for he cannot deny who he is. Very important. So he tells to remind everybody about these things. Command them again, he mentioned stop fighting over words, tear again, redundant. Avoid time wasters and speculation. So this is a good thing we're seeing by reading the whole email, right? thing, this comes up a lot like Paul's very serious about this. More notes about false teaching, avoid worthless, foolish talk that only leads to more godless behavior. This kind of talk spreads like cancer isn't the case with Hymenaeus and Philetus. More people mentioned, they have left the path of truth, claiming that the resurrection of the dead has already occurred. And this way, they have turned some people away from the faith. And it's kind of like today's like, you know, even though Jesus himself said he doesn't know he doesn't know when he's coming back. He doesn't know like the End Times. All these arrogant people come out and they say they do speculations, right, talking about this, that the resurrection, second coming, blah, blah, blah, the word of God says, No, you can't know that. And to try to know that is arrogant, it is sinful, you need to stop. It's actually the antithesis. The opposite of faith is speculation. It's the opposite of faith. So you can see the word of God hits really hard on this point. Run from anything that stimulates youthful us instead pursue righteousness, righteous living faithfulness, love and peace. Enjoy companion the companionship of those who call on the Lord with your hearts. Good advice. Second Timothy three one, you should know this Timothy that in the last days there will be very difficult
times for people will love only themselves and their money. Is that redundant? Yes, they will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred, they will be unloving and unforgiving. They will slander others and have no self control that comes up again. They will be cruel and hate what is good, they will betray their friends be reckless, he puffed up with pride, they use that word again, and love pleasure rather than God. They will act religious, but they will reject the power that can make them godly. Stay away from people like that. Are you hearing it? I hope so. Right? Pride Sanders, no self control, again, stay away from people like that. Now, here's where if you're reading along the he talks about vulnerable women, and these like false teachers are probably preying on them. So here's your context. If we go back to the beginning, this is what's going on. Just a quick nerd note, which is kind of cool. Paul is going to talk about Genesis and genres. And you will read nothing about them and your Old Testament. But he's talking about them, like as if they're real people who were there. And so if you go back to the Exodus account, and you might know about the plagues, well, in the first of all that two plagues, but in the one before that with the snakes, Pharaoh has these magicians that can replicate the stuff Aaron and Moses are doing, right, so they try the first couple, they try to think of the snake that works but then they're sneaky sailors think it's really cool. You should read your Bibles, some interesting stuff here. But then you get the blood, they can replicate that the frogs that can replicate that that gets like the natural lice, and they're like, Nope, this is God, right? So they can't do it. Anyway, it's in what we would call apocryphal literature. And we talked about that in this series. And this is a very interesting example of Paul taking something that is an apocryphal literature, bringing it into the Word of God.
As if it's true. Let's say he's giving us the name of the magician's and the Exodus account.
Okay, nerd hat off. Here we go. Suffering I just is sick. It's so excited about these things I wish.
Okay, suffering and fall season again, Paul is encouraged it just you know about the suffering of endured. He's warning them again, evil people, imposters are going to come in important All Scripture is inspired by God is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong, and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work. So you get her out first 16 So notice something what is it? What is it good for Hold on wait, corrects us and teaches us to do what is right.
Magic like All Scripture is inspired by God as useful to make us feel really good about all the bad stuff we're doing.
Nope, doesn't say that. Doesn't say that after disclaimer things now because whatever. So again, teachers must know the words Second Timothy four one I solemnly urge you in the presence of God and Christ Jesus will Sunday judge living in the dead when he comes to sell his kingdom. Preach the Word of God you prepared? Whether the time is favorable or not patiently correct, rebuke and encourage your people with good teaching. For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They'll follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. They will reject the truth and chase after myths that you should keep a clear mind in every situation. Don't be afraid of suffering for the Lord, work at telling others the good news and faithfully carry out the ministry God has given you again, suffering, the false teachings so we have this going on today. Nothing like we're in the End Times. Like don't get scared. But there's a lot of it going around isn't there right? So this is very true. We've been warned about this. Second Timothy four, six. As for me, my life has already been poured out as an offering to God. untimely death is near. I fought the good fight. I have finished the race and I have remained faithful. And now the prize awaits me the crown of righteousness which the Lord the righteous judge will give me on the day of His return. And the prize is not just for me but for all eagerly look forward to his appearing Paul is finishing strong. Really important. Thank you for that.
Okay, so now we have some regional people. Now here's where it really ties together with names. Demons remember him? He was doing well before we heard about him and some of the other regional editors but now he's deserted me why? He has loved things of this world. Right so DMOZ fell away. love the things of this world. Bring mark when you come home. He's helpful in reconciliation. What happened? My Paul refused to take him an X Barnabas and him split over as far as Mark now he's useful. Oh, that's great. So maybe this is a reconciliation story in here. Ticket guests remember him? He was like the mailman for the other letters here. He's in Ephesus. Alexander the Coppersmith did me much harm right. The Lord will judge him but watch out for this guy. He's dangerous. This could be the guy at the riot and Ephesus. Their consciousness their metal workers we don't know. Priscilla and Aquila x 18.
We saw them, Trophemus another person, he's sick at my Miletus doesn't say, tell him have more faith. People just get sick. It happens. Another example, he ends, may the Lord be with your spirit. Let me His Grace be with all of you.
Grace, grace and peace. Paul finished, strong.
Think about
strong. Read what this guy has been through. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I remain faithful. And now the prize awaits me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord the righteous judge will give me on the day of His return.
Finishing straw.
It is true that Florida has been called God's waiting room.
But if you're a Christian,
there's really no such thing.
There's no retirement from Christianity
It doesn't work that way.
So like, what do we do? Like you've heard like the tortoise and the hare, all these other things, these stories, like you read about all these stories where someone you know, like, I got it. I slow down, and they lose the race. See, you're going to think about races when you get towards the end of the race. That's when you really need to be sprinting.
But as Christians, are we doing that?
Are we sprinting towards the end of that race? See, the thing is, you can't get face to face with you try. If he's faced with Jesus and say, Yeah, I'm you know, 20 years ago, I really just punched that timecard I was good. So I just coasted?
No, it's not the way this works. Right?
Well done good and faithful slaves what we want to hear, but we must finish strong. We talked about resolutions right at the top of the year starting strong.
But it's worth nothing. Unless we finish strong.
There are no participation trophies here. You know, whatever, that it's nothing graded on a curve.
No, checking a box, we need to finish strong.
The truth is, as we've seen, according to God's word,
many will not.
And we see this. finishing strong means you will watch a lot of people fall away.
It's important that we learn from their good bad examples. It's important that we don't go with them. We must be able to recognize them as the word of God says and what? Stay away from people like that. In love, because what do we hope for reconciliation - I handed them over to Satan. But we hope they come back. But don't get caught up in that nonsense. People will do their words to agitate our tempers. They'll get us involved in worldly things that we shouldn't care so much about.
Know what did we begin with grace and peace? Nothing should rob us of that joy. Written from prison. Important.
You're going to have I mean, he's the Alexander the Dimas they're going to be around us. It's going to happen.
finishing strong means your former friends. Your old friends if you use live life like I did, right? They're going to slander your first Peter four three. You've had enough in the past of evil things that godless people enjoy their morality and last their feasting and drunkenness and wild parties and their terrible worship of idols. Of course, your former friends are surprised when you no longer plunge into the flood of wild and destructive things they do. So they slander you. Remember that they'll have to face God who stands ready to judge everyone both the living and the dead.
finishing strong means facing opposition.
Alexander the Coppersmith of our lives, your haters. And you don't even need to say a thing because we talked about this in the past. Your good will shine a light of their bad
and they're not going to like it. You will face opposition. You will face slander.
Trust me I know.
finishing strong needs avoiding divisive and argumentative people. What does the word command?
Avoid people like that? Don't engage, right? Meaningless discussions.
finishing strong means finding the right friends Onesiphorus, Luke, Mark, maybe keeping better company? What does it say? enjoy the companionship of those who call on the Lord Jesus with pure hearts. That's telling us to do that. Right. So family of faith. This is
The place where you find new friends, right? It's a family.
That's what this is for. finishing strong means following the right examples. This is where hopefully you find some light examples to follow. People who want to live like this. You'll have your detractors. And you also have distractions. Tony talked about distractions last week, right? So encourage you go back great message, and watch that message. But here's some of what he was getting out here. Like, it means maintaining your focus tying these two messages in on to heavenly things. Colossians three, one, since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor and God's right hand. Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth, For you died to this life and your real life is hidden with Christ and God. And when Christ who is your life is revealed to the whole world, you will share in all his glory.
That should be enough.
finishing strong, tying in here to what Tony was teaching on Peter walking on the water.
Peter has failed to walk over and I talked to some people who know about like boats, right and the sea and they've been out and we're talking about being out on the sea, you could die. Probably die, I think was the conclusion. You get out on the stormy sea in your life, and you go off the dead.
Peter has the faith to do this.
How do you shipwreck a faith like that?
You take your focus off of Jesus, and he sinks.
Finishing strong means maintaining focus on Christ. And since God word God's word says it better than I ever could. I'm going to finish today with scriptures. I'm just going to add in a prayer from scripture for all Hebrews 12:1. Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him. He endured the cross disregarding a shame. Now he has ceded the place of honor beside God's throne.
All glory and honor to him forever and ever. Amen.